TEI Members Meeting, 27-28 October 2006
The sixth annual meeting of members of the TEI Consortium was held on 27-28 October 2006 at the Hotel Grand Pacific in Victoria, Canada, and hosted by the University of Victoria. A detailed schedule and other logistical information is available from the University of Victoria's Members' Meeting site.
A partial list of presentations from the meeting, as well as reports and supporting materials, are linked below.
- Stéfan Sinclair (McMaster University), Anthony Sapp (McMaster University), and Stan Ruecker (University of Alberta): "Experimental Reading: A humanities visualization toolset for the TEI"
- Tone Merete Bruvik (University of Bergen): "TEI in a historical Geographic Information System"
- James Cummings (University of Oxford) and Dorothy Carr Porter (University of Kentucky): "Digital Medievalist: Migration of an online open access journal from TEI P4 to P5"
- Andreas Witt and Thomas Schmidt (University of Tübingen): "From Project Data to Sustainable Archiving of Linguistic Corpora"
- Lou Burnard (Oxford University): "P5 Progress Report"
- Sebastian Rahtz (Oxford University): "Report on TEI Internationalization"
- Keynote Address: Greg Crane (Tufts University): "Intellectual Life in the Age of Google"