This version of the TEI introduces new features and resolves a number of issues raised by the TEI community. As always, the majority of these changes and corrections are a consequence of feature requests or bugs reported by the TEI community using the SourceForge tracking system. If you find something you think needs to change in the TEI Guidelines, schemas, tools, or website, please submit a feature request or bug ticket at for consideration. Lists of closed bugs and closed feature requests are available on the site. The software provided by SourceForge has changed and some old URLs for tickets may eventually break (they currently forward). This new system gives much more readable URLs (e.g. and so Council has stopped using the purl URLs (e.g. created as shortcuts to SourceForge's previously long URLs. As part of this software change users who check out a copy of the TEI-C Subversion repository must update its location to that provided at
Some of the highlights of the TEI P5 2.4.0 release include:
- A new simplified index/table-of-contents page for the web version of the Guidelines was created
- A very large number of typos fixed, prose clarification, and formatting issues have been solved. Of particular note are the contributions by Martin Holmes and Jens Østergaard Petersen in finding typos
- The addition, revision, and correction of numerous examples throughout the prose and reference pages for consistency or clarity
- The
Representation of Non-standard Characters and Glyphs
chapter was renamed Non-standard Characters and Glyphs
- Element sex and attributes value and sex were changed to allow more inclusive values (per FR 425)
- Usage of app with no lem or just note explained and illustrated (per BUG 366)
- Suggested values for unit on biblScope, citedRange, and relatedUnit modified for consistency (per FR 429)
- The am element now claims membership to att.typed (per FR 449
- The pc element is now allowed inside pc (per Bugs 566)
- A clarification of the conformance requirement for order of children in publicationStmt (per Bugs 468)
- The stage element is now a member of att.ascribed (per FR 441)
- The content model of the eg element was significantly loosened to allow use for the display and formatting of modern code examples (per FR 430)
- The discussion of substJoin was clarified (per FR 448)
- A number of changes to loosen content models, mostly driven by experience of TCP EEBO project:
- Implementation of a new notation in the specifications for previously deprecated elements and attributes, which now have a ‘valid until’ date recorded:
- A number of Schematron constraints, as well as modifications to the TEI Guidelines building and testing process, were added, revised, or removed
- As part of continuing improvements to the build process, all of the source files for the TEI Guidelines now use an xml-model processing instruction to point to the last successful build of an NVDL schema
- A change to Guidelines practice in the use of type vs rend as part an ongoing discussion of consistency of terminology (Bugs 460)
- Addition of remarks in the specifications (displayed as a ‘Note’) for practices that have been deemed no longer recommended:
Since the last P5 release, several releases have also been made to the family of XSL stylesheets maintained for the TEI, largely fixing bugs in conversion to ePub, and to or from Word docx format.
A new translation of the TEI Lite tutorial into French has been completed, and is now included in the Exemplars directory. The French translations for a number of element descriptions were corrected at the same time. Unlike earlier versions, this version of the TEI Lite tutorial now uses only French language examples.