TEI Members Meeting, 28-29 October 2005
Detailed Schedule
October 28, 2005: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- 09:00
- Welcome (Anissava Miltenova, Head, Department of Old Bulgarian Literature, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; Julia Flanders, Chair, TEI Consortium)
- 09:30
- Milena Dobreva, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences: TEI in South-Eastern Europe: Experience and Prospects
- 10:45
- John Unsworth, Dean, Graduate School of Library and Information Science, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: TEI in the Context of Cyberinfrastructure
- 11:30
- 10 Minutes of Fame presentations (Gabriel Bodard, Peter Boot, Kazushi Ohya, Wendell Piez, Paul Spence and Paul Vetch)
- 14:00
- Executive Director's report: Veronika Lux
- 14:15
- Editors' report: Syd Bauman and Lou Burnard
- 14:45
- Open TEI Discussion
- 15:15
- Sebastian Rahtz, Oxford University Computing Services and George Cristian Bina, SyncRO Soft Ltd: Authoring with the TEI: creating a schema and letting oXygen loose on it (paper: teiauth.pdf)
- 16:30
- Conal Tuohy, New Zealand Electronic Text Centre: Using XML Topic Maps to present TEI
- 17:15
- Closing Remarks (Julia Flanders, Chair, TEI Consortium)
October 29, 2007: Hotel Rodina
- 09:00
- Special Interest Group Meetings:
- Libraries
- Ontologies
- Overlap
- Presentation
- 11:00
- Poster Session/Tools Demo
- Gabriel Bodard and Tom Elliott, Epidoc: recording epigraphic documents in TEI
- Andrej Bodjadziev, Repertorium Initiative: Slavic Medieval Manuscript Heritage
- Peter Boot, EDITOR: Digital Scholarship based on TEI-encoded texts.
- Lou Burnard, XAIRA: XML-Aware indexing and retrieval architecture
- Juan Garces, Mapping technology and conceptual issues in creating a digital critical edition of the Paraleipomena Jeremiou
- Ohya Kazushi, A Progress on Encoding an Old Map in Japan
- Daniel Paul O'Donnell, Using TEI as an omni-language: the case of the Digial Medievalist
- Pavlov I Pavel, XEditMan: An XML editor for Manuscript Descriptions
- Wendell Piez and John Walsh, SVG Visualization of TEI texts
- Dot Porter and Ben Withers, Using the P5 Chapter on Manuscript Description for Detailed Physical Description: A Potential Approach
- Sebastian Rahtz, A TEI-based Website
- Vesna Satev, TEI ecoding Serbian proverbs
- Paul Vetch and Paul Spence, xMod
- 14:00
Business Meeting:
- reports from SIG meetings
- TEI elections;
- presentation on internationalization
- talk on internationalization
- 17:00
- End of meeting
October 30, 2007: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- 10:00 - 15:00
- TEI Board Meeting