TEI Members Business Meeting, October 28, 2006: Minutes
TEI Consortium Members Business Meeting, October 28, 2006
Minutes taken by Chris Ruotolo
- Chair's Welcome
Matthew Zimmerman welcomed the group and described the purpose of the business meeting. He provided some background about the TEI Consortium and its organization, including the role of members and subscribers, the Board of Directors, Technical Council, and host institutions.
The meeting was certified at 14:09 PDT.
- Editor's Report
Lou Burnard gave the Editor's Report, which highlighted progress on P5 this year, including:
- major work on the TEI source and related tools, especially Roma
- progress on the internationalization project
- certification of feature structures as an international standard
- complete revision of the structure chapter
- new draft section on personography
- new draft section on dictionaries
- ongoing work on overlap
- revision of SH chapter
In May the TEI Council agreed upon preconditions for P5 release 1.0, prioritized according to three categories:- Essential: chapter review, SourceForge feature request review, conformance & modification principles
- Desirable: physical bibliography, expansion of personography, other feature requests
- Nice: usability and migration tools
The remainder of the report focused on three topics:- P5 architecture: provides a modular system for combining element and attribute classes to create customized schemas
- Personography: a new module for providing structured information about people based on three model classes (traits, states, and events)
- Conformance: subsets and customizations of the TEI can be considered conformant if they are self-documented in a way that allows others to understand and use them straightforwardly
- Election of Officers
Julia Flanders reviewed the procedures for the election of new officers, and explained the ballot form. The meeting then adjourned briefly so that ballots could be distributed.
Gautier Poupeau announced the results of the election. The following people were elected to the TEI Council:- James Cummings
- Arianna Ciula
- Tone Merete Bruvik
- John Walsh
- Ray Siemens
- John Lavagnino
- Council Report
Christian Wittern, chair of the Technical Council, gave a brief report. Because many of the Council's accomplishments were mentioned in the Editor's report earlier in the program, the report focused on providing some background about the Council. The current Council members were identified, and thanked for their hard work. The Council conducts its business via a mailing list, a bi-monthly teleconference, and a yearly face-to-face meeting. Over the past year, the Council has been focused on wrapping up P5 for the 1.0 release, and thus has been doing most of the work itself, rather than assigning it to working groups.
This year's Council meeting was held in conjunction with "TEI Day in Kyoto 2006", a new type event that will hopefully inspire similar events in other cities in the coming years. The morning featured presentations by TEI users in Japan, which demonstrated the types of projects underway there and problems they confront. This was followed by a very successful and lively poster session, including many presentations from Council members, which provided a good opportunity for attendees to interact. The afternoon featured presentations by five Council members on different aspects of the TEI (I18N, personography, topic maps, etc.) The event brought together TEI users who had never met before, creating new synergies, and provided a great model for future events.
The official 2006 Council Report is available on the website.
- Chair's Report
Matthew Zimmerman gave the Chair's Report:
- Julia Flanders was thanked for her work as Chair during the previous two years.
- Because the Chair's term on the Board ends in December, a new chair will be appointed at the Board meeting.
- The location for the 2007 Members' Meeting will be chosen at the Board meeting. Two of the bids were from outside of North America and Europe, and the Board has surveyed the TEI community to gauge interest in meeting in these locations.
- Progress has been made toward creating a TEI subset for libraries called TEI Tight. Perry Trolard, a graduate student from UIUC, will analyze the markup guidelines at Michigan, Virginia, and the CDL and create a composite schema that will be submitted for approval to the DLF-sponsored TEI in Libraries group. The Chair thanked everyone involved in the project.
- The Electronic Textual Editing volume has been published by the MLA. A name was drawn from the list of meeting attendees, and a copy of the book was awarded to Tone Merete Bruvik.
- ALLC has approved a £10,000 grant to carry out work on the internationalization project. The Chair thanked Sebastian Rahtz for all his hard work on the project, and the ALLC for their generosity.
- The TEI website is being redesigned. Chris Ruotolo is coordinating the project. No delivery date has been set, but the new site should be ready within a few months. The Chair thanked Chris, Amit Kumar, and Shayne Brandon for their work on the project.
- TEI Day in Kyoto was a big success and a great outreach opportunity. The Chair thanked Kyoto for funding five Council members to attend, and Christian Wittern for coordinating the event.
- The ISO/TEI Joint Committee on Feature Structures has signed a formal MOA, which specifies that the TEI can continue to freely distribute the feature structures work. The Chair thanked Lou Burnard and Laurent Romary for their work on this project.
- Treasurer's Report
DP gave the Treasurer's Report. The Treasurer's duties include processing membership and subscriber dues, processing reimbursements for official TEI travel, paying bills and insurance, and filing paperwork with the IRS. The rough annual budget is $100K, occasionally augmented by grant funding earmarked for specific activities. Members' fees comprise the bulk of the budget; the rest comes from subscribers' fees, host fees ($5,000 each), sales of the P4 Guidelines, and interest. Annual expenses include compensation for acccount administration, membership administration, editorial infrastructure development, and the editors' time ($60,000); insurance ($1,500); accountant's fees ($3,000); and costs for the Members' Meeting and meetings of the Council, Board, and working groups. There is currently $78,000 in the TEI account, all encumbered; we will roughly break even at the end of the year. The TEI ended last year with a budget surplus of $5,000. The Treasurer will provide more details to anyone who enquires.
The officers confirmed that they are not remunerated for their services.
There was a motion to reappoint the current auditor, KPMG, and approve the auditor's fee of $3,000 USD. The motion was carried with no opposition.
- Internationalization Report
Sebastian Rahtz gave a report on the ongoing internationalization work. The goal of this work is to make it easier for non-English speakers to use the TEI. Sebastian is working with volunteers to translate element and attribute names and descriptions into five "high priority" languages (French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Japanese), and store the translations in the ODD source of the TEI Guidelines. The ALLC has provided £10,000 to fund this work, which will produce translated <desc> and <gloss> for each element and a web application to review and update the translations. Roma's updated support for different internationalization and localization schemes was demonstrated.
- Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
Four SIGs gave brief reports on the meetings held earlier in the day:
- Presentation Tools (Kevin Hawkins)
- Training (Susan Schreibman)
- Ontologies (Øyvind Eide)
- Overlap (Syd Bauman)
- Adjournment
The Chair declared meeting adjourned at 16:26 PDT.