TEI Members Meeting 2007: Business Meeting Agenda
Proposed Agenda
Morning: Items for Information and Action
- Certification of Meeting
- Approval of Agenda
- Review of Minutes from previous meeting
Appointment of officers
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Financials (DP)
- 2007 Report
- 2008 Budget
- Brown (JF)
- Nancy (VL)
- Oxford (LB)
- Virginia (CR)
- Membership (VL)
- Secretary (CR)
- Editors (LB/SB)
- Technical Council (SR)
- Nomination (RS)
- Web site (CR)
- TEI Tight
Financials (DP)
Committee and Representative Appointments
- Board TC Representative
- TC Chair
- Editors
- Board/TC Nomination Committee
- 2009 MM Host Recruitment
- Web site
- Finance and Grants
- Membership and Recruitment
Afternoon: Items for Discussion/Referral/Possible Action
- Kazan Conference
- Lou @ LREC
- Reimbursement Rules (DP)
- Hosting: Lethbridge Offer (DO)
Organisation and Bylaws
- Technical Council and Editors (DO)
- Improving Board Effectiveness (DO)
- Printing the P5 (DO)
TEI as organisation
- Branding and TEI-C (RS)
- ‘Open Monograph Press’ (RS)
- Maintaining and improving Membership and Subscriber base (DO)