Centre for the History and Analysis of Recorded Music (CHARM )

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Aims to promote the study of music as performance through a specific focus on recordings. Its activities include a major discographic project, seminars and research projects.

Traditionally, music has been studied as a text reproduced in performance - almost as if it were an obscure kind of literature. By placing performance at the centre of musicology - by promoting a musicology based on recordings and not just scores - CHARM aims to reduce the gulf between musicology and the listener. CHARM addresses three fundamental problems:

  • the difficulty of accessing early recordings
  • the dispersal of knowledge about recordings
  • the need to develop analytical approaches to recordings
Start date
April 2004
Research project in progress
Table of Participants in the Project, giving name, role, institution and department for each person listed
Participant Role of participant Institution Department
Professor Nicholas Cook Principal Investigator Royal Holloway, University of London Department of Music
Professor John Rink Co-Investigator Royal Holloway, University of London Department of Music
Daniel Leech Wilkinson Co-Investigator King's College London Department of Music
Paul Spence Technical Research Director (for CCH work) King's College London Centre for Computing in the Humanities
Arts and Humanities Research Council
Music studies
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