Inscriptions of Aphrodisias (2007) (IAph2007 )

Project URL

The first edition of the online corpus of all the inscriptions found, on the site of Aphrodisias in Caria, or in its civic territory, up to the end of 1994. Inscriptions are marked-up using the EpiDoc electronic editorial conventions.

Start date
February 2004
Completed research project
Table of Participants in the Project, giving name, role, institution and department for each person listed
Participant Role of participant Institution Department
Professor Joyce Reynolds Co-Author Newnham College, University of Cambridge Department of Classics
Professor Charlotte Roueché Principal Investigator King's College London Department of Classics

Dr Bodard Gabriel Co-Author King's College London Centre for Computing in the Humanities
Professor Harold Short Co-Applicant King's College London Centre for Computing in the Humanities
Paul Spence Technical Research Director King's College London Centre for Computing in the Humanities
Arts and Humanities Research Council
Literary & linguistic studies
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