Language of Landscape (LangScape )

Project URL

The aim of the Langscape Project is to make accessible over the World Wide Web a rich body of material relating to the English countryside of a thousand years ago and more: detailed descriptions by those who lived in and worked the Anglo-saxon landscape. The proposed Resource - an electronic corpus of Anglo-saxon boundary clauses with extensive XML mark-up - will be a powerful research tool with applications within a broad range of academic disciplines. It will also be designed with a view to its ongoing development for public and schools use.

Start date
September 2004
Research project in progress
Table of Participants in the Project, giving name, role, institution and department for each person listed
Participant Role of participant Institution Department
Professor Dame Janet Nelson Principal Investigator King's College London Department of History
Professor Claire Lees Co-Investigator King's College London Department of English
Professor John Blair Co-Investigator University of Oxford Faculty of History
John Bradley Technical Research Director King's College London Centre for Computing in the Humanities
Arts and Humanities Research Council
Historical studies, Literary & linguistic studies
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