TEI Members Meeting 2011: Board Meeting Agenda
TEI-C Board Meeting 2011
Date: Sunday 16 October 2011,
9:00–12:00, 13:00–17:00
[place TBA, open to Board members only]
[Draft agenda: submit any suggestions for additional items to John Unsworth]
- Appoint Officers (chair, secretary (e.g., vice-chair), treasurer, council chair, membership secretary, SIG coordinator)
- Budget Discussion
- Contracting for services (taxes to be submitted by Richard Rutenberg; should we contract for other services, such as book-keeping, membership tracking, etc.)
- Membership Discussion (continue to collect membership fees? voting for subscribers? institutional membership by in-kind contribution?)
- Partner RFP (possible in-kind contributions) and documentation for partners
- Members’ Meeting (how should it be financed? should there be guidelines on location? where shall we host the abstracts?) and documentation for members’ meeting (Kevin began some of this at http://wiki.oucs.ox.ac.uk/tei/mmProtocol)
- Conference RFP for the next two years
- SIG Discussion (SIG RFP for grants? SIG coordinator?)
- Council Discussion (Licensing decision; Translation of the website). What else does the Council need from the Board? What advice does the Board have for the Council?
- Priorities for the coming year