XSLT Book Workshop

Workshop Leader:

Laura Mandell, Initiative for Digital Humanities, Media, and Culture
Texas A&M University
With Sarah Potvin, Violeta Ilik, and Matt Christy

We propose to offer a day-long workshop in XSLT transformations for TEI documents, covering a wide range of document types and outputs. We will focus on the TEI-provided XSLTs and how to modify them for particular projects.

Our goal is to bring people into the course who need to know how to transform their documents, but also bring together people who have been doing so already and who consequently have tips and tricks for particular problems.

This workshop will be the platform for presenting and getting feedback on a book to be written called “XSLT for Humanists”: collaborating authors are welcome.

Lunch, breakfasts, and coffee are included. A schedule will be posted here. You are welcome to drop in upon arrival, or to attend via Webex. Email laura – dot – mandell – at – gmail – dot – com for more information or to receive a Webex invitation to attend virtually.

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