Index of /TEI/Lite/DTD

tei-lite.dsl Experimental DSSSL stylesheet for TEI Lite
teilite.dec SGML prolog for generation of TEI Lite
teixlite.dec XML prolog for generation of TEI Lite
teilite.dtd TEI Lite dtd as output by Pizza chef (SGML version)
teixlite.dtd TEI Lite dtd as output by Pizza chef (XML version)
teilite.tag Tag description file for TEI Lite
teilitex.dtd The TEI Lite Extension DTD file (use this as a model when defining other views of the TEI dtd)
teilitex.ent The TEI Lite Extension ENT file (use this as a model when defining other views of the TEI dtd)
iso-dia.ent ISO entities used by teixlite
iso-lat1.ent ISO entities used by teixlite
iso-lat2.ent ISO entities used by teixlite
iso-num.ent ISO entities used by teixlite
iso-pub.ent ISO entities used by teixlite