Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<app> (apparatus entry) contains one entry in a critical apparatus, with an optional lemma and at least one reading.
Attributes (In addition to global attributes and those inherited from edit)
type classifies the variation contained in this element according to some convenient typology.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any convenient descriptive word or phrase, describing the extent of the variation (e.g. ‘word’, ‘phrase’, ‘punctuation’, etc.) its text-critical significance (e.g. ‘significant’, ‘accidental’, ‘unclear’), or the nature of the variation or the principles required to understand it (e.g. ‘lectio difficilior’, ‘usus auctoris’, etc.)
Default: #IMPLIED

from identifies the beginning of the lemma in the base text, if necessary.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: any valid identifier
Default: #IMPLIED


This attribute is only used when the double-end point method of apparatus markup is used.

to identifies the endpoint of the lemma in the base text, if necessary.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: any valid identifier
Default: #IMPLIED


This attribute is only used when the double-end point method of apparatus markup is used, with the encoded apparatus held in a separate file rather than being embedded in-line in the base-text file.

loc (location) indicates the location of the variation, when the location-referenced method of apparatus markup is used.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any string containing a canonical reference for the passage to which the variation applies.
Default: #IMPLIED


This attribute is used only when the location-referenced encoding method is used.


Module Declared in file teitc2; Additional tag set for Textual Criticism: enabled by TEI.textcrit
Class edit
Data Description May contain an optional lemma and one or more readings or reading groups.
May contain addSpan alt altGrp anchor cb certainty delSpan fLib fs fsLib fvLib fw gap index interp interpGrp join joinGrp lb lem link linkGrp milestone pb rdg rdgGrp respons span spanGrp timeline wit
May occur within ab abbr activity actor add addName addrLine admin affiliation author authority bibl biblScope birth bloc byline camera caption case castItem catDesc cell channel cl classCode closer colloc constitution corr country creation damage date dateRange def del derivation descrip dictScrap distance distinct distributor docAuthor docDate docEdition docImprint domain edition editor education emph entryFree etym expan extent factuality figDesc firstLang foreName foreign form funder fw gen genName gloss gram gramGrp head headItem headLabel hi hyph imprimatur interaction item itype l label lang langKnown language lbl lem locale measure meeting mentioned mood name nameLink note num number occasion occupation opener orgDivn orgName orgTitle orgType orig orth otherForm p per persName phr placeName pos preparedness principal pron pubPlace publisher purpose q quote rdg re ref reg region rendition residence resp restore role roleDesc roleName rs s salute seg sense settlement sic signed soCalled socecStatus sound speaker sponsor stage street stress subc supplied surname syll symbol tagUsage tech term time timeRange title titlePart tns tr trailer trans u unclear usg view wit witDetail witness writing xr xref
<!ELEMENT app %om.RO; ( (%m.Incl;)*, (lem, (%m.Incl;)*, (wit, 
(%m.Incl;)*)? )?, 
( (rdg, (%m.Incl;)*, (wit, (%m.Incl;)*)? ) 
| (rdgGrp, (%m.Incl;)*, (wit, (%m.Incl;)*)? ) )+)> 
<!ATTLIST app  
      type CDATA #IMPLIED
      from IDREF #IMPLIED
      loc CDATA #IMPLIED>
See further 19.1.1 The Apparatus Entry

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