Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


<bicond> (bi-conditional feature-structure constraint) defines a biconditional feature-structure constraint; both consequent and antecedent are specified as feature structures or groups of feature structures; the constraint is satisfied if both subsume a given feature structure, or if both do not.
Attributes Global attributes only

Module Declared in file teifsd2; Additional tag set for feature structures: enabled by TEI.fs
Data Description May contain two feature structures or feature-structure groups, separated by an empty <iff> element.
May contain f fAlt fs iff
May occur within fsConstraints
<!ELEMENT bicond %om.RO; ((fs | f | fAlt), iff, (fs | f | fAlt))> 
<!ATTLIST bicond  
See further 26 Feature System Declaration

Up: 35 Elements