Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


terminology (defines a set of global attributes for terminological data.) defines attributes for all elements in documents which use the base tag set for terminological data.
Member of classes (none)  
Members global
<!ENTITY % a.terminology '
      group CDATA #IMPLIED
      grpPtr IDREF #IMPLIED
      depend CDATA #IMPLIED
      depPtr IDREF #IMPLIED'> 
Attributes (In addition to global attributes)
group indicates the group (term and related elements) to which this element should be associated by specifying a string matching the n attribute value on an appropriate element.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: any string matching the n attribute value on the <term> element to which the group is attached.
Default: #IMPLIED


The group attribute provides a specialized pointing mechanism for use within <termEntry> elements.

grpPtr indicates the group (term and related elements) to which this element should be associated by specifying its unique identifier, where this is available.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: the value specified must match a value supplied as the value for an id attribute on some <term> element in the current document.
Default: #IMPLIED


The group attribute provides a specialized pointing mechanism for use within <termEntry> elements.

depend indicates the parent element to which this element should be associated by specifying a string matching the n attribute value on an appropriate element.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: any string matching the n attribute value on the element to which the dependent element is attached.
Default: #IMPLIED

depPtr indicates the parent element to which this element should be associated by specifying its unique identifier, where this is available.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: the value specified must match a value supplied as the value for an id attribute on some <term> element in the current SGML or XML document.
Default: #IMPLIED


The attributes shared by this element class are used for linking elements, possibly not adjacent in the record, which are related (e.g. a grammatical annotation and the term it describes). If no attribute is specified, the element is assumed to relate to the most recently specified <term> or <otherForm> element.

Module Declared in file teiterm2.ent; Base tag sets for Terminological Data: enabled by TEI.terminology
See further 13.2 Tags for Terminological Data; 13.3.3 Flat Term Entries Using Group and Depend Attributes; 13.4 Overall Structure of Terminological Documents

Up: 33 Element Classes