Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


divn defines a set of attributes common to all elements which behave in the same way as divisions.
Member of classes metrical  
Members div div0 div1 div2 div3 div4 div5 div6 div7 lg lg1 lg2 lg3 lg4 lg5
<!ENTITY % a.divn '
      type CDATA #IMPLIED
      org (composite | uniform) "uniform"
sample (initial | medial | final | unknown | complete) "complete" 
      part (Y | N | I | M | F) "N"'> 
Attributes (In addition to global attributes and those inherited from metrical)
type specifies a name conventionally used for this level of subdivision, e.g. ‘act’, ‘volume’, ‘book’, ‘section’, ‘canto’, etc.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: any string of characters
Default: #IMPLIED
org specifies how the content of the division is organized.
Datatype: (composite | uniform)
Legal values are:
composite composite content: i.e. no claim is made about the sequence in which the immediate contents of this division are to be processed, or their inter-relationships.
uniform uniform content: i.e. the immediate contents of this element are regarded as forming a logical unit, to be processed in sequence.
Default: uniform
sample indicates whether this division is a sample of the original source and if so, from which part.
Datatype: (initial | medial | final | unknown | complete)
Legal values are:
initial division lacks material present at end in source.
medial division lacks material at start and end.
final division lacks material at start.
unknown position of sampled material within original unknown.
complete division is not a sample.
Default: complete
part specifies whether or not the division is fragmented by some other structural element, for example a speech which is divided between two or more verse stanzas.
Datatype: (Y | N | I | M | F)
Legal values are:
Y the division is incomplete in some respect
N either the division is complete, or no claim is made as to its completeness.
I the initial part of an incomplete division
M a medial part of an incomplete division
F the final part of an incomplete division
Default: N

The values I, M, or F should be used only where it is clear how the division is to be reconstituted.

Module Declared in file teiclas2.ent; Core tag sets: enabled when any TEI base is enabled
Class metrical
See further 7 Default Text Structure

Up: 33 Element Classes