Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


sgmlKeywords (SGML keywords) groups elements whose content is an SGML or XML identifier or tag of some sort (generic identifier of an element type, name of an attribute, etc.).
Member of classes phrase  
Members att gi tag val
<!ENTITY % x.sgmlKeywords "" >
<!ENTITY % m.sgmlKeywords "%x.sgmlKeywords; %n.att; | %n.gi; | %n.tag; | 
Attributes Global attributes and those inherited from phrase

These elements are defined in the auxiliary tag set for tag set documentation; they may be useful in writing SGML and XML documentation as well.

Module Declared in file teiclas2.ent; Auxiliary DTD for Tag Set documentation
Class phrase
See further 27 Tag Set Documentation

Up: 33 Element Classes