Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


temporalExpr (temporal expression) groups component elements of temporal expressions involving dates and time, and defines an additional set of attributes common to them.
Member of classes (none)  
Members dateStruct day distance hour minute month occasion offset second timeStruct week year
<!ENTITY % x.temporalExpr "" >
<!ENTITY % m.temporalExpr "%x.temporalExpr; %n.dateStruct; | %n.day; | 
%n.distance; | %n.hour; | %n.minute; | %n.month; | %n.occasion; | %n.offset; | 
%n.second; | %n.timeStruct; | %n.week; | %n.year;"> 
Attributes (In addition to global attributes)
value supplies the value of a date or time in a standard form.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any string representing a date in standard format; recommended form is ISO 8601 extended format (yyyy-mm-dd for dates, hh:mm:ss.sss for times).
Default: #IMPLIED

The standard form used should be described in the <stdVals> element in the TEI header. If a decimal point is used (e.g., to indicate fractions of a second), the character used to indicate a decimal point (typically a full stop or comma) should be documented in the <stdVals> elment in the TEI header.

Encoders may follow ISO 8601:2000(E), Data elements and interchange formats — Information interchange — Representation of dates and times perhaps as limited by the W3C's profile Date and Time Formats. However, standard forms may be defined from scratch, or borrowed from existing practice.

key provides an alternative identifier for the object being named, such as a database record key.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: any string
Default: #IMPLIED


For example and discussion, see the description of the names class.

reg (regularization) gives a normalized or regularized form of the name used.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: Any string of characters.
Default: #IMPLIED

type characterizes the element in some sense, using any convenient classification scheme or typology.
Datatype: CDATA
Values: any string of characters. The range of permissible values is application dependent.
Default: #IMPLIED
full indicates whether the date element is given in full, as an abbreviation or simply as an initial
Datatype: (yes | abb | init)
Legal values are:
yes the temporal expression is spelled out in full.
abb the temporal expression is given in an abbreviated form.
init the temporal expression is abbreviated.
Default: yes

In providing a `regularized' form, no claim is made that the form in the source text is incorrect; the regularized form is simply that chosen as the main form for purposes of unifying variant forms under a single heading.

Module Declared in file teiclas2.ent; Declared in file teind2.ent; Declared in file teind2.ent; Additional tag set for Names and Dates: enabled by TEI.names.dates
See further 20.4 Dates and Time

Up: 33 Element Classes