TEI: P4 Guidelines (PDF)

Below are links to PDF versions of each chapter of the TEI P4 Guidelines.

  1. About These Guidelines
  2. A Gentle introduction to SGML
  3. Structure of the TEI Document Type Definition
  4. Characters and Character Sets
  5. The TEI Header
  6. Elements Available in All TEI Documents
  7. Default Text Structure
  8. Base Tag Set for Prose
  9. Base Tag Set for Verse
  10. Base Tag Set for Drama
  11. Transcriptions of Speech
  12. Print Dictionaries
  13. Terminological Databases
  14. Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment
  15. Simple Analytic Mechanisms
  16. Feature Structures
  17. Certainty and Responsibility
  18. Transcription of Primary Sources
  19. Critical Apparatus
  20. Names and Dates
  21. Graphs, Networks, and Trees
  22. Tables, Formulae, and Graphics
  23. Language Corpora
  24. The Independent Header
  25. Writing System Declaration
  26. Feature System Declaration
  27. Tag Set Documentation
  28. Conformance
  29. Modifying the TEI DTD
  30. Rules for Interchange
  31. Multiple Hierarchies
  32. Algorithm for Recognizing Canonical References
  33. Element Classes
  34. Entities
  35. Elements
  36. Obtaining the TEI DTD
  37. Obtaining TEI WSDs
  38. Sample Tag Set Documentation
  39. Formal Grammar for the TEI-Interchange-Format Subset of SGML