
<refState> (reference state) specifies one component of a canonical reference defined by the milestone method. Milestone Method 2.3.5 The Reference System Declaration
Moduleheader — 2 The TEI Header
AttributesIn addition to global attributes
ed(edition) indicates which edition or version the milestone applies to.
Status Optional
Values Any string of characters; usually a siglum conventionally used for the edition.
If ed is not specified, then any milestone tag with an appropriate unit attribute will be selected.
unitindicates what kind of state is changing at this milestone.
Status Required
Suggested values include:
pagepage breaks in the reference edition.
columncolumn breaks.
lineline breaks.
bookany units termed book, liber, etc.
poemindividual poems in a collection.
cantocantos or other major sections of a poem.
stanzastanzas within a poem, book, or canto.
actacts within a play.
scenescenes within a play or act.
sectionsections of any kind.
absentpassages not present in the reference edition.
lengthspecifies the fixed length of the reference component.
Status Optional
Values Should be a positive integer; if no value is provided, the length is unlimited and goes to the next delimiter or to the end of the value.
When constructing a reference, if the reference component found is of numeric type, the length is made up by inserting leading zeros; if it is not, by inserting trailing blanks. In either case, reference components are truncated if necessary at the right hand side.
When seeking a reference, the length indicates the number of characters which should be compared. Values longer than this will be regarded as matching, if they start correctly.
delim(delimiter) supplies a delimiting string following the reference component.
Status Optional
Values If a single space is used it is interpreted as whitespace.
element refState
   attribute ed { data.code }?,
   attribute unit
    | "column"
    | "line"
    | "book"
    | "poem"
    | "canto"
    | "stanza"
    | "act"
    | "scene"
    | "section"
    | "absent"
    | xsd:Name
   attribute length { data.count }?,
   attribute delim { text }?,
<refState unit="bookdelim=":"/>
<refState unit="linelength="4"/>
Contained byrefsDecl
May containEmpty element