Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


dictionaryTopLevel (dictionary high-level elements) groups related parts of a dictionary entry forming a coherent subdivision, for example a particular sense, homonym, etc.
Member of classes (none)  
Members def dictScrap eg etym form gramGrp note re trans usg xr
<!ENTITY % x.dictionaryTopLevel "" >
<!ENTITY % m.dictionaryTopLevel "%x.dictionaryTopLevel; %n.def; | 
%n.dictScrap; | %n.eg; | %n.etym; | %n.form; | %n.gramGrp; | %n.note; | %n.re; | 
%n.trans; | %n.usg; | %n.xr;"> 
Attributes Global attributes only
Module Declared in file teidict2.ent; Base tag set for dictionaries: enabled by TEI.dictionary
See further 12.2 The Structure of Dictionary Entries

Up: 33 Element Classes