Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


edit defines a group of attributes common to the phrase-level elements used for simple editorial correction and transcription.
Member of classes (none)  
Members add app corr damage del orig reg restore sic space supplied unclear
<!ENTITY % a.edit '
      resp IDREF %INHERITED;
      cert CDATA #IMPLIED'> 
Attributes (In addition to global attributes)
resp (responsible) signifies the editor or transcriber responsible for the salient information conveyed by a particular tag: the hand of an addition or deletion, the expansion of an abbreviation, the correction of an apparent error, the regularization of a non-standard form, the transcription of unclear material, or the decision not to transcribe some portion of the text.
Datatype: IDREF
Values: must be one of the identifiers declared in the document header, associated with a person asserted as responsible for some aspect of the text's creation, transcription, editing, or encoding (see chapter 17 Certainty and Responsibility).
Default: %INHERITED;


As noted, the precise type of responsibility exercised by the individual named in the attribute varies with the particular element type. Responsibility for other aspects of the markup may be recorded using the methods described in chapter 17 Certainty and Responsibility.

cert (certainty) signifies the degree of certainty ascribed to some specific aspect of the markup: the identification of the hand of an addition or deletion, the correctness of the expansion of an abbreviation, the correction of an error, or the regularization of a non-standard form; or the correctness of the transcription of unclear material.
Datatype: CDATA
Default: #IMPLIED


This version of this class is used only when the additional tag set for transcription of primary sources is used.

Module Declared in file teitran2.ent; Core tag sets: enabled when any TEI base is enabled
See further 18.1.1 Use of Core Tags for Transcriptional Work

Up: 33 Element Classes