Text Encoding Initiative

The XML Version of the TEI Guidelines


inter groups elements of the intermediate (inter-level) class: these elements can occur both within and and between paragraphs or other chunk-level elements.
Member of classes (none)  
Members bibl [bibl biblFull biblStruct] castList hqinter [cit q quote] lists [label list listBibl] notes [note witDetail] stage stageDirection [camera caption move sound tech view] table text
<!ENTITY % x.inter "" >
<!ENTITY % m.inter "%x.inter; %m.bibl; | %n.castList; | %m.hqinter; | 
%m.lists; | %m.notes; | %n.stage; | %m.stageDirection; | %n.table; | 
Attributes Global attributes only

This element class contains a subset of those elements which can appear in the unstructured `soup' with which paragraph and other elements at the lowest level of crystal structures are filled: specifically all the elements which can also occur as structural elements in their own right. In prose, this means the elements in this class can appear both within and between paragraphs. This class is thus distinct from the purely phrase-level elements which can appear only within soup, and not on their own; the latter class, in keeping with this metaphor, is called `broth'; it is represented by the class phrase. Cf. also the class chunks.

Module Declared in file teiclas2.ent; Core tag sets: enabled when any TEI base is enabled
See further 3.7 Element Classes

Up: 33 Element Classes