
<content> (content model) contains the text of a declaration for the schema documented. 22.4.4 Element Specifications
Moduletagdocs — 22 Documentation Elements
AttributesGlobal attributes only
Used byelementSpec macroSpec moduleRef
May contain
tagdocs: valList
element content { att.global.attributes, ( macro.schemaPattern | valList )* }

This content model allows either a sequence of paragraphs or a series of msItem elements optionally preceded by a summary:

   <rng:ref name="model.pLike"/>
    <rng:ref name="summary"/>
    <rng:ref name="msItem"/>
As the example shows, content models in P5 may be expressed using the RelaxNG syntax directly. More exactly, they are defined using the pattern macro.schemaPattern. Alternatively, a content model may be expressed using the TEI <valList> element.