
<arc> (arc) encode un arc, la connexion entre deux noeuds dans un graphe. 19.1 Graphs and Digraphs
Modulenets — 19 Graphs, Networks, and Trees
fromdonne l'identifiant du noeud qui précède immédiatement cet arc.
Statut Requis
Type de données
Valeurs The identifier of a node.
todonne l'identifiant du noeud qui suit immédiatement cet arc.
Statut Requis
Type de données
Valeurs The identifier of a node.
Utilisé pargraph
Peut contenir
core: label
element arc
   attribute from { data.pointer },
   attribute to { data.pointer },
   ( label, label? )?
<arc from="#T3to="#T3">
The <arc> element must be used if the arcs are labeled. Otherwise, arcs can be encoded using the adj, adjTo and adjFrom attributes on the <node> tags in the graph. Both <arc> tags and adjacency attributes can be used, but the resulting encoding would be highly redundant.
Zero, one, or two children <label> elements may be present. The first occurence of <label> provides a label for the arc; the second provides a second label for the arc, and should be used if a transducer is being encoded.