<creation> (Création) contient des informations concernant la création d’un texte. 2.4.1 Creation 2.4 The Profile Description | |
Module | header — 2 The TEI Header |
Attributs | |
Utilisé par | profileDesc |
Peut contenir | core: abbr address cb choice date distinct email emph expan foreign gap gloss index lb measure measureGrp mentioned milestone name note num pb ptr ref rs soCalled term time title dictionaries: lang msdescription: catchwords depth dimensions height heraldry locus material origDate origPlace secFol signatures stamp watermark width namesdates: addName affiliation bloc country district forename genName geo geogFeat geogName nameLink offset orgName persName placeName region roleName settlement state surname textcrit: witDetail |
Declaration | element creation { att.global.attributes, macro.phraseSeq.limited } |
Exemple | <creation> <date>Before 1987</date> </creation> |
Exemple | <creation> <date when="1988-07-10">10 July 1988</date> </creation> |
Note | Character data and phrase-level elements. The <creation> element may be used to record details
of a text's creation, e.g. the date and place it was composed, if these
are of interest; it should not be confused with the
<publicationStmt> element, which records date and place of
publication. |