
<damageSpan> (porzione di testo danneggiata) segnala l'inizio di una sequenza più estesa di testo danneggiata ma ancora leggibile 11.5.1 Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text
Modulotranscr — 11 Representation of Primary Sources
Attributi att.damaged (@extent, @hand, @agent, @degree, @group) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.spanning (@spanTo)
Usato da model.global.edit
Può contenereElemento vuoto
element damageSpan

<sch:pattern name="spanTo_required_for_damageSpan">
<sch:rule context="tei:damageSpan">
 <sch:assert test="@spanTo">The spanTo= attribute of <sch:name/> is required.</sch:assert>
<p>Paragraph partially damaged. This is the undamaged
portion <damageSpan spanTo="#a34"/>and this the damaged
portion of the paragraph.</p>
<p>This paragraph is entirely damaged.</p>
<p>Paragraph partially damaged; in the middle of this
paragraph the damage ends and the anchor point marks
the start of the <anchor xml:id="a34"/> undamaged part of the text. ...</p>
Both the beginning and ending of the damaged sequence must be marked: the beginning by the <delSpan> element, the ending by the target of the spanTo attribute: if no other element available, the <anchor> element may be used for this purpose.
The damaged text must be at least partially legible, in order for the encoder to be able to transcribe it. If it is not legible at all, the <damageSpan> element should not be used. Rather, the <gap> or <unclear> element should be employed, with the value of the reason attribute giving the cause. See further sections 11.5.1 Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text and 11.5.2 Use of the <gap>, <del>, <damage>, <unclear>, and <supplied> Elements in Combination.