(dimensione) indica se lo spazio è orizzontale o verticale
I valori legali sono:
spazio orizzontale
spazio verticale
For irregular shapes in two dimensions, the value for
this attribute should reflect the more important of the two dimensions.
In conventional left-right scripts, a space with both vertical and
horizontal components should be classed as vertical.
(responsabile) indica il responsabile dell'identificazione e misurazione dello spazio
a pointer to one of the identifiers declared in the
document header, associated with a person asserted as
responsible for some aspect of the text's creation,
transcription, editing, or encoding
By god if wommen had writen storyes As <spacequantity="7" unit="minims"/> han within her oratoryes
This element should be used wherever it is desired to record
an unusual space in the source text, e.g. space left for a word to be
filled in later, for later rubrication, etc. It is not intended to be
used to mark normal inter-word space or the like.