<timeline> (scala temporale) indica una serie di punti ordinati temporalmente i quali possono essere collegati agli elementi di un testo parlato al fine di ottenere un allineamento temporale del testo stesso 16.5.2 Placing Synchronous Events in TimeModulo linking — 16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment Attributi origin indica l'origine della scala temporale, cioè il momento in cui ha inizioStato Richiesto Tipo di dati Valori must point either to one of the <when> elements in
its content, or to another <timeline> element. Nota If the absolute value for the time of origin is not known,
an arbitrary time (such as 00:00) should be used.
unit specifica l'unità temporale corrispondente al valore dell'attributo interval della scala temporale o dei suoi punti costitutiviStato Richiesto se applicabile Tipo di dati I valori suggeriti includono: d (giorni) h (ore) min (minuti) s (secondi) ms (millesimi di secondo)
interval indica la componente numerica di un intervallo temporaleStato Opzionale Tipo di dati Compatta in formato XML <rng: choice > <rng: data type ="float "> <rng: param name ="minExclusive "> 0</rng: param > </rng: data > <rng: value > regular</rng: value > <rng: value > irregular</rng: value > </rng: choice >
xsd:float { minExclusive = "0" } | "regular" | "irregular" Valori a positive number, or one of the two special values
irregular or regular . Nota The value irregular indicates uncertainty about
all the intervals in the timeline; the value
regular indicates that all the intervals are evenly
spaced, but the size of the intervals is not known; numeric
values indicate evenly spaced values of the size specified. If
individual points in time in the timeline are given different
values for the interval attribute, those values
locally override the value given in the timeline.
Usato da model.global.meta Può contenere Dichiarazione Compatta in formato XML <rng: element name ="timeline "> <rng: ref name ="att.global.attributes "/> <rng: attribute name ="origin "> <rng: ref name ="data.pointer "/> </rng: attribute > <rng: optional > <rng: attribute name ="unit "> <rng: choice > <rng: value > d</rng: value > <rng: value > h</rng: value > <rng: value > min</rng: value > <rng: value > s</rng: value > <rng: value > ms</rng: value > <rng: data type ="Name "/> </rng: choice > </rng: attribute > </rng: optional > <rng: optional > <rng: attribute name ="interval "> <rng: choice > <rng: data type ="float "> <rng: param name ="minExclusive "> 0</rng: param > </rng: data > <rng: value > regular</rng: value > <rng: value > irregular</rng: value > </rng: choice > </rng: attribute > </rng: optional > <rng: oneOrMore > <rng: ref name ="when "/> </rng: oneOrMore > </rng: element >
element timeline
att.global.attributes ,
attribute origin { data.pointer },
attribute unit { "d" | "h" | "min" | "s" | "ms" | xsd:Name }?,
attribute interval
xsd:float { minExclusive = "0" } | "regular" | "irregular"
when +
} Esempio <timeline xml:id ="TL01 " origin ="#TL-w0 " unit ="ms "> <when xml:id ="TL-w0 " absolute ="11:30:00 "/> <when xml:id ="TL-w1 " interval ="unknown " since ="#TL-w0 "/> <when xml:id ="TL-w2 " interval ="100 " since ="#TL-w1 "/> <when xml:id ="TL-w3 " interval ="200 " since ="#TL-w2 "/> <when xml:id ="TL-w4 " interval ="150 " since ="#TL-w3 "/> <when xml:id ="TL-w5 " interval ="250 " since ="#TL-w4 "/> <when xml:id ="TL-w6 " interval ="100 " since ="#TL-w5 "/> </timeline >
Nota one or more points in time, one of which is its origin