附錄 B Attribute Classes


[analysis] 簡易分析機制


[dictionaries] 紙本字典

att.entryLike att.lexicographic att.ptrLike.form

[linking] Linking, segmentation and alignment連結、分割與隊列

att.global.linking att.pointing att.pointing.group

[msdescription] 寫本描述


[namesdates] 名稱與日期

att.datable.iso att.duration.iso

[spoken] 轉錄的言詞


[tagdocs] TEI模組說明


[tei] 所有TEI模組可用的元素集、資料類型、巨集指令之宣告

att.ascribed att.canonical att.ranging att.dimensions att.damaged att.datable.w3c att.datable att.declarable att.declaring att.divLike att.duration.w3c att.editLike att.global att.handFeatures att.internetMedia att.interpLike att.measurement att.naming att.placement att.segLike att.sourced att.spanning att.tableDecoration att.timed att.transcriptional att.translatable att.typed att.xmlspace att.personal

[textcrit] 學術編輯註解

att.rdgPart att.textCritical

[transcr] 原文轉錄

att.global.facs att.coordinated

[verse] 韻文結構

att.metrical att.enjamb

內容 « 附錄 A Model Classes » 附錄 C Elements

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Version 1.4.1. Last updated on July 1st 2009.This page generated on 2009-07-01T19:07:30Z