附錄 D Attributes

absolute when 
active interaction  relation 
adj node 
adjFrom node 
adjTo node 
age person  personGrp 
agent att.damaged gap  unclear 
aloud said 
ana att.global.analytic
anchored note 
arity tree 
assertedValue certainty 
atLeast att.ranging
atMost att.ranging
atts specDesc 
baseForm m 
baseTypes fsDecl 
cRef gloss  ptr  ref  term 
calendar date 
cause att.textCritical
cert att.responsibility
children iNode  root 
class msContents  msItem  msItemStruct 
code occupation  socecStatus 
cols att.tableDecoration table 
columns layout 
commodity att.measurement
contemporary binding  seal 
copyOf att.global.linking
corresp att.global.linking
datum geoDecl 
decls att.declaring
default att.declarable
defective att.msExcerpt
degree att.damaged certainty  node  precision  purpose 
delim refState 
dim space 
direct said 
discrete sound 
docLang schemaSpec 
domains att.pointing.group
dur att.duration.w3c
dur-iso att.duration.iso
ed att.sourced
encoding binaryObject 
end att.timed
enjamb att.enjamb
eol hyphenation 
evaluate att.pointing
evidence att.editLike
exclude att.global.linking
expand att.lexicographic
extent att.dimensions orth  pron 
fVal f 
facs att.global.facs
feats fs 
feature shift 
filter equiv 
follow iNode  leaf 
force pc 
form objectDesc  quotation 
from att.datable.w3c app  arc  biblScope  locus  span 
from-iso att.datable.iso
full att.personal
function att.segLike
generate classSpec 
gi tagUsage 
given certainty 
gradual writing 
group att.damaged
hand att.damaged att.textCritical att.transcriptional gap  unclear 
hands handDesc 
height binaryObject  graphic 
ident att.identified application  language 
inDegree node 
indexName index 
inst att.interpLike
interval timeline  when 
iterated kinesic  vocal 
key att.canonical memberOf  moduleRef  specDesc 
label rhyme 
lang code 
lemma w 
lemmaRef w 
length refState 
level langKnown  sense  title 
loc app 
location att.lexicographic variantEncoding 
locus certainty  respons 
lrx att.coordinated
lry att.coordinated
mainLang textLang 
marks quotation 
match certainty  precision 
matchPattern cRefPattern 
material supportDesc 
max att.ranging numeric 
maxOccurs datatype 
medium att.handFeatures
mergedIn att.lexicographic
met att.metrical
method correction  normalization  variantEncoding 
mimeType att.internetMedia
min att.ranging
minOccurs datatype 
mode att.identified alt  altGrp  channel  classes  memberOf  valDesc  valList 
module att.identified
mutual relation 
n att.global
name attRef  equiv  f  fDecl  namespace  relation  vLabel 
new handShift  shift 
next att.global.linking
norm att.lexicographic
notAfter att.datable.w3c
notAfter-iso att.datable.iso
notBefore att.datable.w3c
notBefore-iso att.datable.iso
notation formula  pron 
ns attDef  elementSpec  schemaSpec 
nymRef att.naming
occurs tagUsage 
opt att.lexicographic
optional fDecl 
ord iNode  root  tree 
order graph  tree 
org att.divLike attList  vColl  vMerge 
orig att.lexicographic
origin timeline 
otherLangs textLang 
outDegree iNode  node  root 
parent iNode  leaf 
part att.divLike att.segLike ab  l 
parts nym 
passive interaction  relation 
pattern metDecl  respons 
perf move  tech 
period att.datable.w3c
place att.placement
pre pc 
precision att.dimensions
predeclare att.identified
prefix schemaSpec 
prev att.global.linking
quantity att.dimensions att.measurement
real att.metrical
reason gap  supplied  surplus  unclear 
ref att.canonical g 
rend att.global
render tagUsage 
rendition att.global
replacementPattern cRefPattern 
resp att.responsibility respons  space 
result join  joinGrp 
rhyme att.metrical
role att.naming att.tableDecoration editor  org  person  personGrp 
rows att.tableDecoration table 
ruledLines layout 
sameAs att.global.linking
sample att.divLike
scale binaryObject  graphic 
scheme att  catRef  classCode  constraintSpec  gi  keywords  locus  locusGrp  occupation  rendition  socecStatus  tag 
scope att.dimensions att.handFeatures join  rendition 
scribe att.handFeatures
script att.handFeatures
select att.global.linking
seq att.transcriptional
sex person  personGrp 
since when 
size graph  personGrp 
social distinct 
sort att.personal
sortKey att.entryLike term 
source att.editLike normalization  writing 
space distinct 
spanTo att.spanning
split att.lexicographic
start att.coordinated att.timed schemaSpec 
status att.transcriptional availability  correction 
stdDeviation precision 
subtype att.typed
synch att.global.linking
tag langKnown 
tags langKnowledge 
targFunc att.pointing.group
target att.ptrLike.form catRef  certainty  fsdLink  gloss  locus  note  precision  ptr  ref  relatedItem  respons  specGrpRef  term  witDetail 
targetEnd note 
targetLang schemaSpec 
targets alt  join  link 
terminal metSym 
time distinct 
to att.datable.w3c app  arc  biblScope  locus  span 
to-iso att.datable.iso
trans u 
trunc numeric 
type att.entryLike att.interpLike att.pointing att.textCritical att.typed abbr  app  biblScope  castItem  classSpec  constitution  derivation  dimensions  distinct  divGen  domain  factuality  forest  forestGrp  form  fs  fsDecl  fsdLink  fw  geogName  gram  graph  iType  idno  interaction  lbl  list  macroSpec  measure  metDecl  moduleSpec  move  node  note  num  oRef  oVar  orth  preparedness  purpose  q  recording  relation  rs  sound  stage  tag  tech  teiHeader  title  titlePage  titlePart  usg  valList  witDetail  xr 
ulx att.coordinated
uly att.coordinated
unit att.dimensions att.measurement milestone  pc  refState  timeline  when 
uri equiv 
url graphic  moduleRef 
usage attDef  language 
value att.lexicographic age  binary  eLeaf  eTree  iNode  leaf  metSym  node  num  numeric  root  sex  symbol  triangle 
varSeq att.textCritical
version att.translatable TEI  application  teiCorpus  unicodeName 
weights alt 
when att.datable.w3c docDate 
when-iso att.datable.iso
where event  move 
who att.ascribed
width binaryObject  graphic 
wit att.rdgPart att.textCritical witDetail 
withId tagUsage 
writtenLines layout 
xml:base att.global
xml:id att.global
xml:lang att.global
xml:space att.xmlspace

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