iii. Preface and Acknowledgments

This publication constitutes the fifth distinct version of the Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange, and the first complete revision since the appearance of P3 in 1994. It includes substantial amounts of new material and a major revision of the underlying technical infrastructure. With this version, the Guidelines enter a new stage in their development as a community-maintained open source project. This edition is the first version to have benefitted from the close overview and oversight of an elected TEI Technical Council. The editors are therefore particularly pleased to acknowledge with gratitude the hard work and dedication put into this project by the Council over the last five years.

The Chair of the TEI Board sits on the Technical Council, and the Board also nominates one other member to the Council. The other Council members are all elected by the Consortium membership, and serve periods of up to two years at a time. The Board nominates the Chair of the Technical Council from among its members. The names and affiliations of all Council members who served during the production of this edition of the Guidelines are listed below.
  • 2002-3: John Unsworth (University of Virginia)
  • 2003-7: Christian Wittern (Kyoto University)
Board Members
  • 2002-7: Sebastian Rahtz (University of Oxford)
  • 2004-5: Julia Flanders (Brown University)
  • 2006: Matthew Zimmerman (New York University)
  • 2007: Daniel O'Donnell (University of Lethbridge)
Elected Members
  • 2003-6: Alejandro Bia (University of Alicante)
  • 2004-6; 2006-7: David Birnbaum (University of Pittsburgh)
  • 2007: Tone Merete Bruvik (University of Bergen)
  • 2007: Arianna Ciula (King's College London)
  • 2005-7: James Cummings (University of Oxford)
  • 2002-7: Matthew Driscoll (University of Copenhagen)
  • 2002-4: David Durand (Ingenta plc)
  • 2002-4: Tomas Erjavec (Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana)
  • 2002: Fotis Jannidis (University of Munich)
  • 2006: Amit Kumar (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
  • 2002: Martin Mueller (Northwestern University)
  • 2006-7: Dorothy Porter (University of Kentucky)
  • 2002-3: Merillee Proffitt (Research Libraries Group)
  • 2002: Peter Robinson (De Montfort University)
  • 2002: Geoffrey Rockwell (Macmaster University)
  • 2002-7: Laurent Romary (University of Nancy; Max Planck Digital Library)
  • 2003-7: Susan Schreibman (University of Maryland)
  • 2004-5: Natasha Smith (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
  • 2006-7: Conal Tuohy (Victoria University of Wellington)
  • 2004-5: Edward Vanhoutte (Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature)
  • 2005-7: John Walsh (Indiana University)
  • 2002-5: Perry Willett (Indiana University)
The bulk of the Council's work has been carried out by email and by regular telephone conference. In addition, the Council has held six two-day face-to-face meetings. During production of P5, these meetings were generously hosted by the following institutions:
King's College, London (2002)
Oxford University Computing Services (2003)
Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature, Ghent (2004)
AFNOR: Association française de normalisation, Paris (2005)
Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University (2006)
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin (2007)
During the production of TEI P5, the Council chartered a number of smaller workgroups and similar activities, each of which made significant contribution to the intellectual content of the work. Active members of these are listed below:
Character Set Workgroup

Active between July 2001 and January 2005, this group revised and developed the recommendations now forming chapters vi. Languages and Character Sets and 5 Representation of Non-standard Characters and Glyphs. It was chaired by Christian Wittern, and its membership included: Deborah Anderson (Berkeley); Michael Beddow (independent scholar); David Birnbaum (Pittsburgh University); Martin Duerst (W3C/Keio University); Patrick Durusau (Society of Biblical Literature); Tomohiko Morioka (Kyoto University); and Espen Ore (National Library of Norway).

Meta Taskforce

Active between February 2003 and February 2005, this group developed the material now forming 22 Documentation Elements. It was chaired by Sebastian Rahtz, and its membership included: Alejandro Bia; David G. Durand; Laurent Romary; Norman Walsh (Sun Microsystems); and Christian Wittern.

Workgroup on Stand-Off Markup, XLink and XPointer

Active between February 2002 and January 2006, this group reviewed and expanded the material now largely forming part of 16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment. It was chaired by David G. Durand, and its membership included: Jean Carletta (Edinburgh University); Chris Caton (University of Oxford); Jessica P. Hekman (Ingenta plc); Nancy M. Ide (Vassar College); and Fabio Vitali (University of Bologna).

Manuscript Description Task Force

Active between February 2003 and December 2005, this group reviewed and finalised the material now forming 10 Manuscript Description. It was chaired by Matthew Driscoll and comprised David Birnbaum and Merrillee Proffitt, in addition to the TEI Editors.

Names and Places Activity

Active between January 2006 and May 2007, this group formulated the new material now forming part of 13 Names, Dates, People, and Places. It was chaired by Matthew Driscoll. and its membership included Gabriel Bodard (King's College London); Arianna Ciula; James Cummings; Tom Elliott (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill); Øyvind Eide (University of Oslo); Leif Isaksen (Oxford Archaeology plc); Richard Light (private consultant); Tadeusz Piotrowski (Opole University); Sebastian Rahtz; and Tatiana Timcenko (Vilnius University).

Joint TEI/ISO Activity on Feature Structures

Active between January 2003 and August 2007, this group reviewed the material now presented in 18 Feature Structures and revised it for inclusion in ISO Standard 24610. It was chaired by Kiyong Lee (Korea University), and its active membership included the following: Harry Bunt (Tilburg); Lionel Clément (INRIA); Eric de la Clergerie (INRIA); Thierry Declerck (Saarbrücken); Patrick Drouin (University of Montréal); Lee Gillam (Surrey University); and Kōiti Hasida (ICOT).

The TEI Editors, Lou Burnard (University of Oxford) and Syd Bauman (Brown University) serve ex officio on the Council and, as far as possible, on all Council workgroups.

The council also oversees an Internationalization and Localization project, led by Sebastian Rahtz and with funding from the ALLC. This activity, ongoing since October 2005, is engaged in translating key parts of the P5 source into a variety of languages.

Production of the translations currently included in P5 has been co-ordinated by the following:
Marcus Bingenheimer (Chung-hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, Taipei) and Weining Hwang (Würzburg University)
Pierre-Yves Duchemin (ENSSIB); Jean-Luc Benoit (ATILF); Anila Angjeli (BnF); Joëlle Bellec Martini (BnF); Marie-France Claerebout (Aldine); Magali Le Coënt (BIUSJ); Florence Clavaud (EnC); Cécile Pierre (BIUSJ).
Werner Wegstein (Würzburg University)
Ohya Kazushi (Tsurumi University)
Carmen Arronis Llopis (University of Alicante) and Alejandro Bia (Miguel Hernández University)
Marco Venuti (University of Venice) and Letizia Cirillo (University of Bologna)

Any one who works closely with the TEI Guidelines, whether as translator, editor, or reader is constantly reminded of the ambitious scope and exceptionally high editorial standards set by the original project, now approaching twenty years ago. It is appropriate therefore to retain a sense of the history of this document, as it has evolved since its first appearance in 1990, and to acknowledge with gratitude the contributions made to that evolution by very many individuals and institutions around the world. The original prefatory notes to each major edition of the Guidelines recording these names are therefore preserved in an appendix to the current edition (see Prefatory Notes).

Argomenti « ii. Dedication » iv. About These Guidelines

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