<div1> ( Textgliederungsebene -1 ) enthält die erste Gliederungsebene von Vorspann (front), Kerntext oder Nachspann (back) eines Textes, (gilt als die größte Ebene, sofern div0 nicht benutzt wird. Wird div0 benutzt, ist es die zweitgrößte). 4.1.2 Numbered Divisions | |
Modul | textstructure — 4 Default Text Structure |
Attribute | att.global (@xml:id, @n, @xml:lang, @rend, @rendition, @xml:base, @xml:space) (att.global.linking (@corresp, @synch, @sameAs, @copyOf, @next, @prev, @exclude, @select)) (att.global.analytic (@ana)) (att.global.facs (@facs)) (att.global.change (@change)) att.divLike (@org, @sample, @part) (att.metrical (@met, @real, @rhyme)) att.typed (@type, @subtype) att.declaring (@decls) |
Verwendet von | |
Enthalten in | |
Kann enthalten | core: bibl biblStruct cb cit desc divGen gap gb head index l label lb lg list listBibl meeting milestone note p pb q quote said sp stage dictionaries: entry entryFree superEntry figures: figure notatedMusic table header: biblFull msdescription: msDesc namesdates: listEvent listNym listOrg listPerson listPlace listRelation relationGrp nets: eTree forest graph listForest tree textstructure: argument byline closer dateline div2 docAuthor docDate epigraph floatingText opener postscript salute signed trailer transcr: addSpan damageSpan delSpan fw listTranspose metamark space substJoin |
Deklaration |
element div1 { att.global.attributes, att.global.linking.attributes, att.global.analytic.attributes, att.global.facs.attributes, att.global.change.attributes, att.divLike.attributes, att.metrical.attributes, att.typed.attributes, att.declaring.attributes, ( ( model.divTop | model.global )*, ( ( ( ( model.div2Like | model.divGenLike ), model.global* )+ | ( ( ( model.common ), model.global* )+, ( ( model.div2Like | model.divGenLike ), model.global* )* ) ), ( ( model.divBottom ), model.global* )* )? ) } |
Beispiel |
<div1 xml:id="levi" n="I" type="part">
<head>Part I: Of Man </head> <div2 xml:id="levi1" n="1" type="chapter"> <head>Chap. I. Of Sense </head> <p>Concerning the Thoughts of man... </p> </div2> </div1> <div1 xml:id="levii" n="II" type="part"> <head>Part II: Of Common-Wealth</head> </div1> |