Example: <lb> (line break)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <lb> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <lb> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents


<date when="1654-11-23">L'an de grâce 1654,<lb/> Lundi, 23 novembre, jour de saint Clément,
pape et martyr et autres au martyrologe, <lb/>Veille de saint Chrysogone, martyr, et
autres, <lb/> Depuis environ dix heures et demie du soir jusques environ minuit et


  <hi>Tentative d'inventaire de quelques-unes des<lb/> choses qui ont été trouvées dans
     les escaliers au fil des ans</hi>.</p>
 <list type="unordered">
  <item> Plusieurs photos, dont celle d'une jeune fille de quinze<lb/> ans vêtue d'un slip
     de bain noir et d'un chandail blanc, agenouillée sur une plage,</item>
  <item>un réveil radio de toute évidence destiné à un réparateur, dans un sac plastique
     des établissements Nicolas,</item>
  <item> un soulier noir orné de brillants,</item>
  <item>une mule en chevreau doré,</item>
  <item> une boîte de pastilles Géraudel contre la toux,</item>


<lb/>&amp; n’entrer en mauuais &amp; mal-heu-
<lb/>ré meſnage. Or des que le conſente-
<lb/>ment des parties y eſt le mariage eſt
<lb/> arreſté, quoy que de faict il ne ſoit
<label rend="right">Puiſſance maritale
   entre les Romains.</label>
 <lb/> conſommé. Depuis la conſomma-
<lb/>tion du mariage la femme eſt ſoubs
<lb/> la puiſſance du mary, s’il n’eſt eſcla-
<lb/>ue ou enfant de famille : car en ce
<lb/> cas, la femme, qui a eſpouſé vn en-
<lb/>fant de famille, eſt ſous la puiſſance
<p>In this example the text of the label appears in the right hand
margin of the original source, next to the paragraph it describes, but
approximately in the middle of it.

<!-- graphic url="Images/marginal-label.png"/-->


<div type="chapitre">
 <head>Les Mille et une Nuits</head>
 <p>LES chroniques des Sassaniens, anciens rois de Perse, qui avaient étendu leur empire
   dans les Indes, [...]</p>
 <div type="histoire">
  <head>Histoire du Vizir puni</head>
  <p>IL était autrefois un roi, poursuivit-il, qui avait un<lb/> fils qui aimait
     passionnément la chasse. Il lui permettait<lb/> de prendre souvent ce divertissement ;
     [...] </p>
 <hi rend="majuscule">fin du tome premier.</hi>


<p>J'écris dans la<lb/> marge...<lb/> Je vais<lb/> à la ligne.<lb/> Je renvoie à une
note<note type="gloss" place="foot"> J'aime beaucoup les renvois en bas de page, même si
   je n'ai rien de particulier à y préciser.</note>en bas de page.</p>

3.10.3 Milestone Elements

...sed imp<lb/>erator dixit...

3.10.3 Milestone Elements

...sed imp<lb break="no"/>erator dixit...


<l>Of Mans First Disobedience,<lb ed="1674"/> and<lb ed="1667"/> the Fruit</l>
<l>Of that Forbidden Tree, whose<lb ed="1667 1674"/> mortal tast</l>
<l>Brought Death into the World,<lb ed="1667"/> and all<lb ed="1674"/> our woe,</l>


<titlePart rend="italic">
 <lb/>L'auteur susdict supplie les Lecteurs
<lb/>benevoles, soy reserver à rire au
soi-<lb break="no"/>xante &amp; dixhuytiesme livre.


3.12.1 Core Tags for Verse

<l>Of Mans First Disobedience, and<lb/> the Fruit</l>
<l>Of that Forbidden Tree, whose<lb/> mortal tast</l>
<l>Brought Death into the World,<lb/> and all our woe,</l>
<l>With loss of Eden, till one greater Man</l>
<l>Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat...</l>

1 The TEI Infrastructure


<ab> ...eƿesa tome iu icƿæs ȝeƿorden ƿita heardoſt . leodum la<lb break="no"/>
ðost ærþan ichim lifes ƿeȝ rihtne ȝerymde reord be<lb break="no"/>
rendum hƿæt me þaȝeƿeorðode ƿuldres ealdor ofer...


<head rend="align(center) case(allcaps)">
 <lb/>To The <lb/>Duchesse <lb/>of <lb/>Newcastle,
<lb/>On Her <lb/>
 <hi rend="case(mixed)">New Blazing-World</hi>.


<head rend="align(center) case(allcaps)">épître dédicatoire<lb/>à <lb/>Monsieur de Coucy <lb/>


  style="text-align: center; font-variant: small-caps">

 <lb/>To The <lb/>Duchesse <lb/>of <lb/>Newcastle, <lb/>On Her
 <hi style="font-variant: normal">New Blazing-World</hi>.


<head rendition="#ac #sc">
 <lb/>To The <lb/>Duchesse <lb/>of <lb/>Newcastle, <lb/>On Her
 <hi rendition="#no">New Blazing-World</hi>.
<!-- elsewhere... -->
<rendition xml:id="sc" scheme="css">font-variant: small-caps</rendition>
<rendition xml:id="no" scheme="css">font-variant: normal</rendition>
<rendition xml:id="ac" scheme="css">text-align: center</rendition>


<head rendition="#ac #sc">
 <lb/>épître dédicatoire <lb/>à <lb/>Monsieur de Coucy <lb/>
<rendition xml:id="fr_sc" scheme="css">font-variant: uppercase</rendition>
<rendition xml:id="fr_ac" scheme="css">text-align: center</rendition>


<l>Of Mans First Disobedience,<lb ed="1674"/> and<lb ed="1667"/> the Fruit</l>
<l>Of that Forbidden Tree, whose<lb ed="1667 1674"/> mortal tast</l>
<l>Brought Death into the World,<lb ed="1667"/> and all<lb ed="1674"/> our woe,</l>

2 The TEI Header Rendition

 <docTitle rendition="#center #x-space">
   <hi rendition="#x-large">THE POEMS</hi>
   <hi rendition="#small">OF</hi>
   <hi rendition="#red #xx-large">ALGERNON CHARLES SWINBURNE</hi>
   <hi rendition="#large #xx-space">IN SIX VOLUMES</hi>
  <titlePart rendition="#xx-space">
   <lb/> VOLUME I.
   <hi rendition="#red #x-large">POEMS AND BALLADS</hi>
   <hi rendition="#x-space">FIRST SERIES</hi>
 <docImprint rendition="#center">
  <pubPlace rendition="#xx-space">LONDON</pubPlace>
  <publisher rendition="#red #expanded">CHATTO &amp; WINDUS</publisher>
  <docDate when="1904" rendition="#small">1904</docDate>

4 Default Text Structure

4.2.3 Arguments, Epigraphs, and Postscripts

<div type="letter">
   <date when="1761-05-27">May ye 27th 1761</date>
 <p>Capt Stoddard's Business
 <lb/>calling him to Providence, have
 <lb/>got him to look at Hopkins brigantine
 <lb/>&amp; if can agree to Purchase her, shall
 <lb/>be much oblig'd for your further
 <lb/>assistance herein, &amp; will acquiesce with
 <lb/>whatever you &amp; he shall Contract
 <lb/>for — I Thank you for your
  <unclear>Line</unclear> respecting the brigantine &amp; Beg
 <lb/>leave to Recommend the Bearer
 <lb/>to you for your advice &amp; Friendship
 <lb/>in this matter</p>
  <salute>I am your most humble servant</salute>
  <signed>Joseph Wanton Jr</signed>
  <p>I have Mollases, Sugar,
  <lb/>Coffee &amp; Rum, which
  <lb/>will Exchange with you
  <lb/>for Candles or Oyl</p>

4.6 Title Pages

  <titlePart type="main">THE
  <lb/>Pilgrim's Progress
  <lb/>THIS WORLD,
  <lb/>That which is to come:</titlePart>
  <titlePart type="sub">Delivered under the Similitude of a
  <titlePart type="desc">Wherein is Discovered,
  <lb/>The manner of his setting out,
  <lb/>His Dangerous Journey; And safe
  <lb/>Arrival at the Desired Countrey.</titlePart>
   <quote>I have used Similitudes,</quote>
   <bibl>Hos. 12.10</bibl>
 <byline>By <docAuthor>John Bunyan</docAuthor>.</byline>
 <imprimatur>Licensed and Entred according to Order.</imprimatur>
   Printed for <name>Nath. Ponder</name>
  <lb/>at the <name>Peacock</name> in the <name>Poultrey</name>
  <lb/>near <name>Cornhil</name>, <docDate>1678</docDate>.


 <div n="1" type="appendice">
  <head>APPENDICE I <lb/>CHAPITRE XV bis <lb/>Des cruautez exercées par les Turcs, et
     autres peuples : et nommément par les Espagnols, beaucoup plus barbares que les
     Sauvages mesmes </head>
  <p>Premierement Chalcondile en son histoire de la decadence de l'Empire des Grecs,
 <div n="2" type="appendice">
  <head> Appendice2 <lb/> Advertissement de l'autheur, (1699) </head>
  <p>Outre les augmentations bien amples, et la revision beaucoup plus exacte que je
     n'avoye fait és precedentes Editions, j'ai pour le contentement des Lecteurs,
     plusieurs endroits de ceste quatrieme et derniere monstré ...</p>

10 Manuscript Description

10.3.3 Watermarks and Stamps

 <lb/>Apologyticu TTVLLIANI AC IGNORATIA IN XPO IHV<lb/>SI NON LICET<lb/>NOBIS RO<lb/>manii imperii <stamp>Bodleian stamp</stamp>

10.3.5 References to Locations within a Manuscript

<msItem n="1">
 <locus target="#f1r #f1v #f2r">ff. 1r-2r</locus>
 <author>Ben Jonson</author>
 <title>Ode to himself</title>
 <rubric rend="italics">
   An Ode<lb/> to him selfe.</rubric>
 <incipit>Com leaue the loathed stage</incipit>
 <explicit>And see his chariot triumph ore his wayne.</explicit>
  <name>Beal</name>, <title>Index 1450-1625</title>, JnB 380</bibl>
<!-- within transcription ... -->
<pb xml:id="f1r"/>
<!-- ... -->
<pb xml:id="f1v"/>
<!-- ... -->
<pb xml:id="f2r"/>
<!-- ... -->


<!-- within ms description --><msItem n="1">
 <locus target="#F1r #F1v #F2r" from="1r" to="2r">ff. 1r-2r</locus>
 <author>Ben Jonson</author>
 <title>Ode to himself</title>
 <rubric rend="italics"> An Ode<lb/> to him selfe.</rubric>
 <incipit>Com leaue the loathed stage</incipit>
 <explicit>And see his chariot triumph ore his wayne.</explicit>
  <name>Beal</name>, <title>Index 1450-1625</title>, JnB 380</bibl>
<!-- within transcription ... -->
<pb xml:id="F1r"/>
<!-- ... -->
<pb xml:id="F1v"/>
<!-- ... -->
<pb xml:id="F2r"/>
<!-- ... -->


<msItem n="1">
 <locus target="#fr_F1r #fr_F1v #fr_F2r">ff. 1r-2r</locus>
 <author>Ben Jonson</author>
 <title>Ode to himself</title>
 <rubric rend="italics"> An Ode<lb/> to him selfe.</rubric>
 <incipit>Com leaue the loathed stage</incipit>
 <explicit>And see his chariot triumph ore his wayne.</explicit>
  <name>Beal</name>, <title>Index 1450-1625</title>, JnB 380</bibl>
<pb xml:id="fr_F1r"/>
<pb xml:id="fr_F1v"/>
<pb xml:id="fr_F2r"/>


<rubric>Apologyticu TTVLLIANI AC IGNORATIA IN XPO IHV<lb/>
manii imperii <stamp>Bodleian stamp</stamp>


manii imperii <stamp>Bodleian stamp</stamp>



10.6.3 Rubrics, Incipits, Explicits, and Other Quotations from the Text

<msItem defective="true">
 <locus>ff. 1r-24v</locus>
 <title type="uniform">Ágrip af Noregs konunga sǫgum</title>
 <incipit defective="true">
  <lb/>regi oc h<ex>ann</ex> seti
   ho<gap reason="illegible" quantity="7" unit="mm"/>
  <lb/>sc heim se<ex>m</ex> þio</incipit>
 <explicit defective="true">h<ex>on</ex> hev<ex>er</ex>
  <ex>oc</ex> þa buit hesta .ij. <lb/>annan viþ fé en
   h<ex>on</ex>o<ex>m</ex> annan til reiþ<ex>ar</ex>


<msItemStruct n="2" defective="false" class="biblComm">
 <locus from="24v" to="97v">24v-97v</locus>
 <author>Apringius de Beja</author>
 <title type="uniform" xml:lang="la">Tractatus in Apocalypsin</title>
 <rubric>Incipit Trac<supplied reason="omitted">ta</supplied>tus
   in apoka<lb/>lipsin eruditissimi uiri <lb/> Apringi ep<expan>iscop</expan>i
   Pacensis eccl<expan>esi</expan>e</rubric>
 <finalRubric>EXPLIC<expan>IT</expan> EXPO<lb/>SITIO APOCALIPSIS
   QVA<expan>M</expan> EXPOSVIT DOM<lb/>NVS APRINGIUS EP<expan>ISCOPU</expan>S.
   DEO GR<expan>ACI</expan>AS AGO. FI<lb/>NITO LABORE ISTO.</finalRubric>
  <ref target="http://amiBibl.xml#Apringius1900">Apringius</ref>, ed. Férotin</bibl>
 <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>


<msItemStruct n="2" defective="false" class="biblComm">
 <locus from="24v" to="97v">24v-97v</locus>
 <author>Apringius de Beja</author>
 <title type="uniform" xml:lang="la">Tractatus in Apocalypsin</title>
 <rubric>Incipit Trac<supplied reason="omitted">ta</supplied>tus in apoka<lb/>lipsin
   eruditissimi uiri <lb/> Apringi ep<expan>iscop</expan>i Pacensis eccl<expan>esi</expan>e</rubric>
 <finalRubric>EXPLIC<expan>IT</expan> EXPO<lb/>SITIO APOCALIPSIS QVA<expan>M</expan>
   EXPOSVIT DOM<lb/>NVS APRINGIUS EP<expan>ISCOPU</expan>S. DEO GR<expan>ACI</expan>AS AGO.
   FI<lb/>NITO LABORE ISTO.</finalRubric>
  <ref target="http://amiBibl.xml#Apringius1900">Apringius</ref>, ed. Férotin</bibl>
 <textLang mainLang="la">Latin</textLang>
</msItemStruct> Additions and Marginalia

 <p>Doodles on most leaves, possibly by children, and often quite amusing.</p>
 <p xml:lang="fr">Quelques annotations marginales des XVIe et XVIIe s.</p>
 <p>The text of this manuscript is not interpolated with sentences from
   Royal decrees promulgated in 1294, 1305 and 1314. In the margins, however,
   another somewhat later scribe has added the relevant paragraphs of these
   decrees, see pp. 8, 24, 44, 47 etc.</p>
 <p>As a humorous gesture the scribe in one opening of the manuscript, pp. 36
   and 37, has prolonged the lower stems of one letter f and five letters þ
   and has them drizzle down the margin.</p>
 <p>Spaces for initials and chapter headings were left by the scribe but not filled in.
   A later, probably fifteenth-century, hand has added initials and chapter headings in
   greenish-coloured ink on fols <locus>8r</locus>, <locus>8v</locus>, <locus>9r</locus>,
 <locus>10r</locus> and <locus>11r</locus>. Although a few of these chapter headings are
   now rather difficult to read, most can be made out, e.g. fol. <locus>8rb</locus>
  <quote xml:lang="is">floti ast<ex>ri</ex>d<ex>ar</ex>
  </quote>; fol. <locus>9rb</locus>
  <quote xml:lang="is">v<ex>m</ex> olaf conung</quote>, and fol. <locus>10ra</locus>
  <quote xml:lang="is">Gipti<ex>n</ex>g ol<ex>a</ex>fs k<ex>onun</ex>gs</quote>.</p>
 <p>The manuscript contains the following marginalia:
   <item>Fol. <locus>4v</locus>, left margin: <quote xml:lang="is">hialmadr <ex>ok</ex>
       in a fifteenth-cenury hand, imitating an addition made to the text by the scribe at this point.</item>
   <item>Fol. <locus>5r</locus>, lower margin: <quote xml:lang="is">þ<ex>e</ex>tta þiki
         m<ex>er</ex> v<ex>er</ex>a gott blek en<ex>n</ex>da kan<ex>n</ex> ek icki
         betr sia</quote>, in a fifteenth-century hand, probably the same as that on the previous page.</item>
   <item>Fol. <locus>9v</locus>, bottom margin: <quote xml:lang="is">þessa bok uilda eg <sic>gæt</sic>
         lært med <lb/>an Gud gefe myer Gott ad <lb/>læra</quote>; seventeenth-century hand.</item>
 <p>There are in addition a number of illegible scribbles in a later hand (or hands) on fols
 <locus>2r</locus>, <locus>3r</locus>, <locus>5v</locus> and <locus>19r</locus>.</p>

11 Representation of Primary Sources

11.2.1 Parallel Transcription

<pb facs="#B49r"/>
<fw>De Geometrie 49</fw>
<head facs="#B49rHead"> DU SON ET ACCORD DES CLOCHES ET <lb/> des alleures des
chevaulx, chariotz &amp; charges, des fontaines:&amp; <lb/> encyclie du monde,
&amp; de la dimension du corps humain.<lb/> Chapitre septiesme</head>
<div n="1">
 <p>Le son &amp; accord des cloches pendans en ung mesme <lb/> axe, est faict en
   contraires parties.</p>
 <p rend="it" facs="#B49rPara2">LEs cloches ont quasi fi<lb/>gures de rondes
   pyra<lb/>mides imperfaictes &amp; <lb/> irregulieres: &amp; leur accord se
 <lb/> fait par reigle geometrique. Com<lb/>me si les deux cloches C &amp; D
 <lb/> sont <w facs="#B49rW457">pendans</w> à ung mesme axe <lb/> ou essieu A B:
   je dis que leur ac<lb/>cord se fera en co<ex>n</ex>traires parties<lb/>
   co<ex>m</ex>me voyez icy figuré. Car qua<ex>n</ex>d <lb/> lune sera en
   hault, laultre declinera embas. Aultrement si elles decli<lb/>nent toutes deux
   ensembles en une mesme partie, elles seront discord, <lb/> &amp; sera leur
   sonnerie mal plaisante à oyr.<figure facs="#B49rFig1">
   <graphic url="Bovelles49r-detail.png"/>


that he and his Sister Miſs D — <lb/>who always lived with him, wd. be <subst>
</subst> remembered in her Will.

20 Non-hierarchical Structures

20.2 Boundary Marking with Empty Elements

  <lb n="1"/>Scorn not the sonnet;</seg>; <seg>critic, you have
   frowned, <lb n="2"/>Mindless of its just honours;</seg>
 <seg>with this
   key <lb n="3"/>Shakespeare unlocked his heart;</seg>
 <seg>the melody
 <lb n="4"/>Of this small lute gave ease to Petrarch's