Example: <person>

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <person> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <person> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

13 Names, Dates, People, and Places

13.3.2 The Person Element

  <listPerson type="historical">
   <person xml:id="ART1">
   <person xml:id="BERT1">
<!-- ... -->
  <listPerson type="mythological">
   <person xml:id="ART2">
   <person xml:id="BERT2">
<!-- ... -->
</profileDesc> Personal Characteristics

<person xml:id="ArnMag">
 <persName xml:lang="is">Árni Magnússon</persName>
 <persName xml:lang="da">Arne Magnusson</persName>
 <persName xml:lang="la">Arnas Magnæus</persName>
</person> Personal Characteristics

<person xml:id="simon_son_of_richard2">
 <persName>Simon, son of Richard</persName>
 <floruit notBefore="1219" notAfter="1223">1219-1223</floruit>
</person> Personal Events

<person xml:id="WM">
<!-- ... -->
 <event type="marriage" when="1859-04-26">
   <name type="person" ref="#WM">William Morris</name> and <name
Jane Burden</name> were
     married at <name type="place">St Michael's Church, Ship Street, Oxford</name> on
  <date when="1859-04-26">26 April 1859</date>. The wedding was
     conducted by Morris's friend <name type="person" ref="#RWD">R. W.
       Dixon</name> with <name type="person" ref="#CBF">Charles
       Faulkner</name> as
     the best man. The bride was given away by her father,
  <name type="person" ref="#RB">Robert Burden</name>.
     According to the account that <name
     gave <name type="person" ref="#JWM">Mackail</name>
   <quote>M. said to Dixon beforehand <said>Mind
         you don't call her Mary</said> but he did</quote>. The entry in the
     Register reads: <quote>William Morris, 25, Bachelor Gentleman, 13
       George Street, son of William Morris decd. Gentleman. Jane Burden,
       minor, spinster, 65 Holywell Street, d. of Robert Burden,
       Groom.</quote> The witnesses were Jane's parents and Faulkner. None of
     Morris's family attended the ceremony. Morris presented Jane with a
     plain gold ring bearing the London hallmark for 1858. She gave her
     husband a double-handled antique silver cup.</desc>
  <bibl>J. W. Mackail, <title>The Life of William Morris</title>, 1899.</bibl>
<person xml:id="RB">
 <persName>Robert Burden</persName>
<person xml:id="RWD">
 <persName>R.W. Dixon</persName>
<person xml:id="CBF">
 <persName>Charles Faulkner</persName>
<person xml:id="EBJ">
<person xml:id="JWM">
 <persName>J.W. Mackail</persName>
</person> Personal Events

<person xml:id="DB">
 <persName notAfter="1966">David Jones</persName>
 <persName notBefore="1966">David Bowie</persName>


 <event type="mat" when="1972-10-12">
 <event type="grad" when="1975-06-23">


 <event type="mat" when="1972-10-12">
 <event type="grad" when="1975-06-23">


 <event type="mat" when="1972-10-12">
 <event type="grad" when="1975-06-23">


 <persName>François Villon</persName>
 <floruit notBefore="1457" notAfter="1463"/>


<listPerson type="respondents">
 <personGrp xml:id="PXXX"/>
 <person xml:id="P1234" sex="2" age="mid"/>
 <person xml:id="P4332" sex="1" age="mid"/>
  <relation type="personal" name="spouse" mutual="#P1234 #P4332"/>


<listPerson type="respondents">
 <personGrp xml:id="fr_PXXX"/>
 <person xml:id="fr_P1234" sex="2" age="mid"/>
 <person xml:id="fr_P4332" sex="1" age="mid"/>
  <relation type="personal" name="spouse" mutual="#fr_P1234 #fr_P4332"/>


 <person xml:id="pp1">
<!-- data about person pp1 -->
 <person xml:id="pp2">
<!-- data about person pp1 -->
<!-- more person (pp3, pp4) elements here -->
<listRelation type="personal">
 <relation name="parent" active="#pp1 #pp2" passive="#pp3 #pp4"/>
 <relation name="spouse" mutual="#pp1 #pp2"/>
<listRelation type="social">
 <relation name="employer" active="#pp1" passive="#pp3 #pp5 #pp6 #pp7"/>


 <person xml:id="zh-tw_pp1">
<!-- 第一人的資料 -->
<!-- 更多關於此人的元素 -->
<listRelation type="personal">
 <relation name="parent" active="#zh-tw_pp1 #zh-tw_pp2" passive="#p3 #p4"/>
 <relation name="spouse" mutual="#zh-tw_pp1 #zh-tw_pp2"/>
<listRelation type="social">
 <relation name="employer" active="#zh-tw_pp1" passive="#p3 #p5 #p6 #p7"/>


 <person xml:id="p1">
<!-- data about person p1 -->
<!-- more person elements here -->
<relationGrp type="personal">
 <relation name="parent" active="#p1 #p2" passive="#p3 #p4"/>
 <relation name="spouse" mutual="#p1 #p2"/>
<relationGrp type="social">
 <relation name="employer" active="#p1" passive="#p3 #p5 #p6 #p7"/>


 <person xml:id="fr_p1"/>
<relationGrp type="personal">
 <relation name="parent" active="#fr_p1 #fr_p2" passive="#p3 #p4"/>
 <relation name="spouse" mutual="#fr_p1 #fr_p2"/>
<relationGrp type="social">
 <relation name="employer" active="#fr_p1" passive="#p3 #p5 #p6 #p7"/>


 <person xml:id="zh-tw_p1">
<!-- 第一人的資料 -->
<!-- 更多關於此人的元素 -->
<relationGrp type="personal">
 <relation name="parent" active="#zh-tw_p1 #zh-tw_p2" passive="#p3 #p4"/>
 <relation name="spouse" mutual="#zh-tw_p1 #zh-tw_p2"/>
<relationGrp type="social">
 <relation name="employer" active="#zh-tw_p1" passive="#p3 #p5 #p6 #p7"/>


<person sex="2" age="adult">
 <p>Female respondent, well-educated, born in Shropshire UK, 12 Jan 1950, of unknown occupation. Speaks French fluently. Socio-Economic
   status B2.</p>


<person sex="2" age="adult">
 <p>Personne interrogée, de sexe féminin, instruite, née à Shropshire, au ROYAUME-UNI le 12
   Janvier 1950, d'occupation inconnue. Parle le français couramment. Statut
   socio-économique B2.</p>


<person xml:id="fr_Ovi01" sex="1" role="poet">
 <persName xml:lang="en">Ovid</persName>
 <persName xml:lang="la">Publius Ovidius Naso</persName>
 <birth when="-0044-03-20"> 20 March 43 BC<placeName>
   <settlement type="city">Sulmona</settlement>
   <country key="IT">Italie</country>
 <death notBefore="0017" notAfter="0018">17 or 18 AD<placeName>
   <settlement type="city">Tomis (Constanta)</settlement>
   <country key="RO">Roumanie</country>


<person sex="2" age="adult">


<person xml:id="zh-tw_Ovi01" sex="1" role="poet">
 <persName xml:lang="en">Ovid</persName>
 <persName xml:lang="zh-TW">奧維德</persName>
 <birth when="-0044-03-20"> 西元前43年3月20日<placeName>
   <settlement type="city">Sulmona</settlement>
   <country key="IT">義大利</country>
 <death notBefore="0017" notAfter="0018">西元後17或18年<placeName>
   <settlement type="city">Tomis (Constanta)</settlement>
   <country key="RO">羅馬尼亞</country>


<person xml:id="Ovi01" sex="1" role="poet">
 <persName xml:lang="en">Ovid</persName>
 <persName xml:lang="la">Publius Ovidius Naso</persName>
 <birth when="-0044-03-20"> 20 March 43 BC <placeName>
   <settlement type="city">Sulmona</settlement>
   <country key="IT">Italy</country>
 <death notBefore="0017" notAfter="0018">17 or 18 AD <placeName>
   <settlement type="city">Tomis (Constanta)</settlement>
   <country key="RO">Romania</country>


 <state ref="#SCHOL" type="status">


 <state ref="#fr_SCHOL" type="status">


 <state ref="#zh-tw_SCHOL" type="status">

13.3.5 Names and Nyms

<forename nymRef="#N123" ref="#BLT">Tony</forename>

<person xml:id="BLT">
 <persName>Tony Blair</persName>

8 Transcriptions of Speech

8.3 Elements Unique to Spoken Texts

<u who="#mar">you
never <pause/> take this cat for show and tell
<pause/> meow meow</u>
<u who="#ros">yeah well I dont want to</u>
 <desc>toy cat has bell in tail which continues to make a tinkling sound</desc>
<vocal who="#mar">
<u who="#ros">because it is so old</u>
<u who="#mar">how <choice>
 <emph>your</emph> cat <pause/>yours is <emph>new</emph>
  <desc>shows Father the cat</desc>
<u trans="pause" who="#fat">thats <pause/> darling</u>
<u who="#mar">
 <seg>no <emph>mine</emph> isnt old</seg>
 <seg>mine is just um a little dirty</seg>
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="mar">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="ros">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="fat">
<!-- ... -->

8.3.3 Vocal, Kinesic, Incident

<u who="#jan">This is just delicious</u>
 <desc>telephone rings</desc>
<u who="#ann">I'll get it</u>
<u who="#tom">I used to <vocal>
 </vocal> smoke a lot</u>
<u who="#bob">
 </vocal>He thinks he's tough
<vocal who="#ann">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="ann">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="bob">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="jan">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="kim">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="tom">
<!-- ... -->


<u who="#LB">
 <shift feature="loud" new="f"/>Elizabeth
<u who="#EB">Yes</u>
<u who="#LB">
 <shift feature="loud"/>Come and try this
 <shift feature="loud" new="ff"/>come on
<!-- ... -->
<listPerson type="speakers">
 <person xml:id="LB"/>
 <person xml:id="EB"/>


<u who="#fr_FL">
 <shift feature="voice" new="f"/>Non ! ... Ne bougez pas. N'allumez pas !
<u who="#fr_KL">Florence ?</u>
<u who="#fr_FL">
 <shift feature="loud"/>Oui, ... n'allumez pas surtout ! <pause/>
 <shift feature="voice" new="ff"/>Ma lettre, ... ça vous ennuie de me la restituer ?
<listPerson type="speakers">
 <person xml:id="fr_FL"/>
 <person xml:id="fr_KL"/>


<u who="#zh-tw_LB">
 <shift feature="loud" new="f"/>伊莉莎白
<u who="#zh-tw_EB">是的</u>
<u who="#zh-tw_LB">
 <shift feature="loud"/>來把這穿上<pause/>
 <shift feature="loud" new="ff"/>好嘛
<!-- ... -->
<listPerson type="speakers">
 <person xml:id="zh-tw_LB"/>
 <person xml:id="zh-tw_EB"/>

8.4.2 Synchronization and Overlap

 <person xml:id="stig">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="lou">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="jane">
<!-- ... -->

8.4.4 Prosody

<div n="Lod E-03" type="exchange">
 <note>C is with a friend</note>
 <u who="#cwn">
  <unclear>Excuse me<g ref="#lf"/>
  <pause/> You dont have some
   aesthetic<g ref="#short"/>
  <unclear>specially on early</unclear>
   aesthetics terminology <g ref="#lr"/>
 <u who="#aj"> No<g ref="#lf"/>
  <pause/>No<g ref="#lf"/>
  <gap extent="2 beats"/> I'm
   afraid<g ref="#lf"/>
 <u trans="latching" who="#cwn"> No<g ref="#lr"/>
  <unclear>Well</unclear> thanks<g ref="#lr"/>
  <pause/> Oh<g ref="#short"/>
  <unclear>you couldnt<g ref="#short"/> can we</unclear> kind of<g ref="#long"/>
  <pause/>I mean ask you to order it for us<g ref="#long"/>
  <g ref="#fr"/>
 <u trans="latching" who="#aj"> Yes<g ref="#fr"/> if you know the title<g ref="#lf"/> Yeah<g ref="#lf"/>
 <u who="#cwn">
  <gap extent="4 beats"/>
 <u who="#aj"> Yes thats fine. <unclear>just as soon as it comes in we'll send
     you a postcard<g ref="#lf"/>
  <person xml:id="cwn">
   <p>Customer WN</p>
  <person xml:id="aj">
   <p>Assistant K</p>

10 Manuscript Description

10.3.6 Names of Persons, Places, and Organizations

<person xml:id="HOC001">
 <birth notBefore="1368"/>
<!-- other personal data -->


<person role="ancien possesseur">
<!-- Indication à utiliser pour les ateliers des relieurs connus sous le nom du relieur : le relieur est le propriétaire, dirige l'atelier -->


 <person role="relieur">
   <addName>Le Gascon</addName>
 <person role="ancien possesseur"/>

11 Representation of Primary Sources Additions and Deletions

 <person xml:id="RG">
<!-- information about Robert Graves here -->

15 Language Corpora


  <person xml:id="P-1234" sex="2" age="mid">
   <p>Female informant, well-educated, born in Shropshire
       UK, 12 Jan 1950, of unknown occupation.
       Speaks French fluently. Socio-Economic status B2.</p>
  <person xml:id="P-4332" sex="1">
    <forename>St John</forename>
   <residence notAfter="1959">
     <street>Railway Cuttings</street>
     <settlement>East Cheam</settlement>
   <relation type="personal" name="spouse" mutual="#P-1234 #P-4332"/>


  <person xml:id="fr_P-1234" sex="2" age="mid">
   <p>informateur, sexe féminin, bonne éducation, née à Shropshire UK, 12 Jan 1950,
       commerçante parle français couramment., Statut socio-économique (SSE) :
  <person xml:id="fr_P-4332" sex="1">
   <residence notAfter="1959">
     <street>rue de Falaise</street>
     <settlement>la Guérinière, Caen</settlement>
   <relation type="personal" name="spouse" mutual="#fr_P-1234 #fr_P-4332"/>


  <person xml:id="zh-tw_P-1234" sex="2" age="mid">
  <person xml:id="zh-tw_P-4332" sex="1">
   <residence notAfter="1970">
     mutual="#zh-tw_P-1234 #zh-tw_P-4332"/>


15.2.2 The Participant Description

<person sex="2" age="mid">
 <birth when="1950-01-12">
  <date>12 Jan 1950</date>
  <name type="place">Shropshire, UK</name>
 <langKnowledge tags="en fr">
  <langKnown level="first" tag="en">English</langKnown>
  <langKnown tag="fr">French</langKnown>
 <residence>Long term resident of Hull</residence>
 <education>University postgraduate</education>
 <socecStatus scheme="#pep" code="#b2"/>