Example: <u> (utterance)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <u> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <u> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

8 Transcriptions of Speech

8.3 Elements Unique to Spoken Texts

<u who="#mar">you
never <pause/> take this cat for show and tell
<pause/> meow meow</u>
<u who="#ros">yeah well I dont want to</u>
 <desc>toy cat has bell in tail which continues to make a tinkling sound</desc>
<vocal who="#mar">
<u who="#ros">because it is so old</u>
<u who="#mar">how <choice>
 <emph>your</emph> cat <pause/>yours is <emph>new</emph>
  <desc>shows Father the cat</desc>
<u trans="pause" who="#fat">thats <pause/> darling</u>
<u who="#mar">
 <seg>no <emph>mine</emph> isnt old</seg>
 <seg>mine is just um a little dirty</seg>
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="mar">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="ros">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="fat">
<!-- ... -->

8.3.1 Utterances

<u xml:id="ts_a1" who="#a">Have you heard the</u>
<u xml:id="ts_b1" trans="latching" who="#b">the election results? yes</u>
<u xml:id="ts_a2" trans="pause" who="#a">it's a disaster</u>
<u xml:id="ts_b2" trans="overlap" who="#b">it's a miracle</u>

8.3.1 Utterances

<u who="#a">Listen to this <shift new="reading"/>The government is
confident, he said, that the current economic problems will be
completely overcome by June<shift/> what nonsense</u>

8.3.1 Utterances

<u who="#a">Listen to this
  <desc>reads aloud from newspaper</desc>
 </incident> what

8.3.1 Utterances

<u who="#a">So what could I have done <vocal who="#b">
 </vocal> about it anyway?</u>

8.3.2 Pausing

<u>Okay <pause dur="PT2M"/>U-m<pause dur="PT75S"/>the scene opens up
<pause dur="PT50S"/> with <pause dur="PT20S"/> um <pause dur="PT145S"/> you see
a tree okay?</u>

8.3.3 Vocal, Kinesic, Incident

<u who="#jan">This is just delicious</u>
 <desc>telephone rings</desc>
<u who="#ann">I'll get it</u>
<u who="#tom">I used to <vocal>
 </vocal> smoke a lot</u>
<u who="#bob">
 </vocal>He thinks he's tough
<vocal who="#ann">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="ann">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="bob">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="jan">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="kim">
<!-- ... -->
 <person xml:id="tom">
<!-- ... -->

8.3.3 Vocal, Kinesic, Incident

<u who="#ann">

8.3.4 Writing

<u who="#a">look at this</u>
<writing who="#a" type="newspaper" gradual="false">Government claims economic problems
<soCalled>over by June</soCalled>
<u who="#a">what nonsense!</u>

8.3.4 Writing

<!-- ...-->
 <bibl xml:id="FOL1">Shakespeare First Folio text</bibl>
 <bibl xml:id="FOL2">Shakespeare Second Folio text</bibl>
<!-- ...-->
<!-- ...-->
<u>.... now compare the punctuation of lines 12 and 14 in these two
versions of page 42...
<writing source="#FOL1">....</writing>
 <writing source="#FOL2">....</writing>

8.3.6 Shifts

 <shift feature="loud" new="f"/>Elizabeth
 <shift feature="loud" new="normal"/>Come and try this <pause/>
 <shift feature="loud" new="ff"/>come on


<u who="#spkr1">if did you set</u>
<u trans="latching" who="#spkr2">well Joe and I set it between us</u>
<list type="speakers">
 <item xml:id="spkr1"/>
 <item xml:id="spkr2"/>


<u who="#fr_spkr1">si tu te déplaçais</u>
<u trans="latching" who="#fr_spkr2">Joe et moi l'aurions mis entre nous</u>
<list type="speakers">
 <item xml:id="fr_spkr1"/>
 <item xml:id="fr_spkr2"/>


<u who="#zh-tw_spkr1">假如你真的決定</u>
<u trans="latching" who="#zh-tw_spkr2">...我和小文會在我們之間做個決定</u>
<list type="speakers">
 <item xml:id="zh-tw_spkr1"/>
 <item xml:id="zh-tw_spkr2"/>


<u who="#LB">
 <shift feature="loud" new="f"/>Elizabeth
<u who="#EB">Yes</u>
<u who="#LB">
 <shift feature="loud"/>Come and try this
 <shift feature="loud" new="ff"/>come on
<!-- ... -->
<listPerson type="speakers">
 <person xml:id="LB"/>
 <person xml:id="EB"/>


<u who="#fr_FL">
 <shift feature="voice" new="f"/>Non ! ... Ne bougez pas. N'allumez pas !
<u who="#fr_KL">Florence ?</u>
<u who="#fr_FL">
 <shift feature="loud"/>Oui, ... n'allumez pas surtout ! <pause/>
 <shift feature="voice" new="ff"/>Ma lettre, ... ça vous ennuie de me la restituer ?
<listPerson type="speakers">
 <person xml:id="fr_FL"/>
 <person xml:id="fr_KL"/>


<u who="#zh-tw_LB">
 <shift feature="loud" new="f"/>伊莉莎白
<u who="#zh-tw_EB">是的</u>
<u who="#zh-tw_LB">
 <shift feature="loud"/>來把這穿上<pause/>
 <shift feature="loud" new="ff"/>好嘛
<!-- ... -->
<listPerson type="speakers">
 <person xml:id="zh-tw_LB"/>
 <person xml:id="zh-tw_EB"/>

8.4.1 Segmentation

 <seg>we went to the pub yesterday</seg>
 <seg>there was no one there</seg>
 <seg>although its an old ide´a</seg>
 <seg>it hasnt been on the mar´ket very long</seg>

8.4.1 Segmentation

<u who="#T1">
 <seg type="C">I think </seg>
 <seg type="C">this chap was writing </seg>
 <seg type="C">and he <del type="repeated">said hello</del> said </seg>
 <seg type="M">hello </seg>
 <seg type="C">and he said </seg>
 <seg type="C">I'm going to a
   at twenty past seven </seg>
 <seg type="C">he said </seg>
 <seg type="M">ok </seg>
 <seg type="M">right away </seg>
 <seg type="C">and so <gap extent="1 syll"/> on they went </seg>
 <seg type="C">and they were <gap extent="3 sylls"/>
   writing there </seg>

8.4.2 Synchronization and Overlap

<u who="#jane">have you read Vanity Fair</u>
<u trans="overlap" who="#stig">yes</u>

8.4.2 Synchronization and Overlap

<u xml:id="utt1" who="#jane">have you read Vanity <anchor synch="#utt2 #k1" xml:id="a1"/> Fair</u>
<u xml:id="utt2" who="#stig">yes</u>
<kinesic xml:id="k1" who="#lou" iterated="true">
 <desc>nods head vertically</desc>

8.4.2 Synchronization and Overlap

<u xml:id="TS-U1" start="#TS-P2" end="#TS-P3">This is my <anchor synch="#TS-P6" xml:id="TS-P6A"/> turn</u>

8.4.2 Synchronization and Overlap

<timeline origin="#ts-p1" unit="s">
 <when xml:id="ts-p1" absolute="12:20:01"/>

 <when synch="#ts-x1" xml:id="ts-p6"/>

<u xml:id="ts-u1">This is my <anchor xml:id="ts-x1"/> turn</u>

8.4.2 Synchronization and Overlap

<timeline origin="#TS-p1" unit="s">
 <when xml:id="TS-p1" absolute="12:20:01"/>
 <when xml:id="TS-p2" interval="4.5" since="#TS-p1"/>
 <when xml:id="TS-p6"/>
 <when xml:id="TS-p3" interval="1.5" since="#TS-p6"/>
<u xml:id="TS-u1">
 <anchor xml:id="TS-u1start"/>
This is my <anchor xml:id="TS-x1"/> turn
<anchor xml:id="TS-u1end"/>
<linkGrp type="synchronous">
 <link target="#TS-u1start #TS-p1"/>
 <link target="#TS-u1end #TS-p2"/>
 <link target="#TS-x1 #TS-p6"/>

8.4.2 Synchronization and Overlap

<u who="#tom">I used to smoke <anchor xml:id="TS-p10"/> a lot more than this
<anchor xml:id="TS-p20"/>but I never inhaled the smoke</u>
<u start="#TS-p10" end="#TS-p20" who="#bob">You used to smoke</u>

8.4.2 Synchronization and Overlap

<u who="#bob">
 <anchor synch="#TS-p10"/>You used to smoke<anchor synch="#TS-p20"/>

8.4.2 Synchronization and Overlap

<timeline origin="#TS-t01">
 <when xml:id="TS-t01"/>
 <when xml:id="TS-t02"/>
<u who="#tom">I used to smoke
<anchor synch="#TS-t01"/>a lot more than this
<anchor synch="#TS-t02"/>but I never inhaled the smoke</u>
<u who="#bob">
 <anchor synch="#TS-t01"/>You used to smoke<anchor synch="#TS-t02"/>

8.4.2 Synchronization and Overlap

<u start="#TS-t01" end="#TS-t02" who="#bob">You used to smoke</u>

8.4.2 Synchronization and Overlap

<timeline origin="#TS-T01">
 <when synch="#TS-nm1 #bob-u2" xml:id="TS-T01"/>
 <when synch="#TS-nm2 #bob-u2" xml:id="TS-T02"/>
<u who="#tom">I used to smoke
<anchor xml:id="TS-nm1"/>a lot more than this
<anchor xml:id="TS-nm2"/>but I never inhaled the smoke</u>
<u xml:id="bob-u2" who="#bob">You used to smoke</u>

8.4.2 Synchronization and Overlap

 <timeline origin="#T001">
  <when xml:id="T001"/>
  <when xml:id="T002"/>
 <u who="#tom">I used to smoke
 <anchor xml:id="NM01"/>a lot more than this
 <anchor xml:id="NM02"/>but I never inhaled the smoke</u>
 <u xml:id="bob-U2" who="#bob">You used to smoke</u>
 <linkGrp type="synchronize">
  <link target="#T001 #NM01 #bob-U2"/>
  <link target="#T002 #NM02 #bob-U2"/>

8.4.2 Synchronization and Overlap

<timeline origin="#TSp1">
 <when synch="#TSa1 #TSb1 #TSc1" xml:id="TSp1"/>
 <when synch="#TSa2 #TSc2" xml:id="TSp2"/>
<!-- ... -->
<u who="#stig">this is <anchor xml:id="TSa1"/> my <anchor xml:id="TSa2"/> turn</u>
<u who="#jane" xml:id="TSb1">balderdash</u>
<u who="#lou" xml:id="TSc1"> no <anchor xml:id="TSc2"/> it's mine</u>

8.4.4 Prosody

<div n="Lod E-03" type="exchange">
 <note>C is with a friend</note>
 <u who="#cwn">
  <unclear>Excuse me<g ref="#lf"/>
  <pause/> You dont have some
   aesthetic<g ref="#short"/>
  <unclear>specially on early</unclear>
   aesthetics terminology <g ref="#lr"/>
 <u who="#aj"> No<g ref="#lf"/>
  <pause/>No<g ref="#lf"/>
  <gap extent="2 beats"/> I'm
   afraid<g ref="#lf"/>
 <u trans="latching" who="#cwn"> No<g ref="#lr"/>
  <unclear>Well</unclear> thanks<g ref="#lr"/>
  <pause/> Oh<g ref="#short"/>
  <unclear>you couldnt<g ref="#short"/> can we</unclear> kind of<g ref="#long"/>
  <pause/>I mean ask you to order it for us<g ref="#long"/>
  <g ref="#fr"/>
 <u trans="latching" who="#aj"> Yes<g ref="#fr"/> if you know the title<g ref="#lf"/> Yeah<g ref="#lf"/>
 <u who="#cwn">
  <gap extent="4 beats"/>
 <u who="#aj"> Yes thats fine. <unclear>just as soon as it comes in we'll send
     you a postcard<g ref="#lf"/>
  <person xml:id="cwn">
   <p>Customer WN</p>
  <person xml:id="aj">
   <p>Assistant K</p>

8.4.5 Speech Management

 <del type="truncation">s</del>see
<del type="repetition">you you</del> you know
<del type="falseStart">it's</del> he's crazy

8.4.5 Speech Management

<u>...and then <unclear reason="passing-truck">marbled queen</unclear>

8.4.5 Speech Management

<u who="#P1">I proposed that <foreign xml:lang="de"> wir können
 <pause dur="PT1S"/> vielleicht </foreign> go to warsaw
and <emph>vienna</emph>

3 Elements Available in All TEI Documents


<u> ...and then <unclear reason="background-noise">Nathalie</unclear> said ... </u>

16 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment

16.5.1 Aligning Synchronous Events

<div xml:id="BNC-d1" type="convers">
 <u xml:id="u2b" who="#b"> The first time in twenty five years,
   we've cooked Christmas <unclear> for a blooming great
     load of people.</unclear>
 <u xml:id="u3a" who="#a">So you're
 <anchor synch="#t1b" xml:id="t1a"/>
   <anchor synch="#t2b" xml:id="t2a"/>
 <u xml:id="u3b" who="#b">
  <anchor xml:id="t1b"/>It will be <anchor xml:id="t2b"/>
   nice in a way, but, <anchor xml:id="t3b"/>
   be strange.<anchor xml:id="t4b"/>
 <u xml:id="u4a" who="#a">
  <anchor synch="#t3b" xml:id="t3a"/>Yeah
 <anchor synch="#t4b" xml:id="t4a"/>, yeah, cos it, its
 <anchor synch="#t5b" xml:id="t5a"/>the
 <anchor synch="#t6b" xml:id="t6a"/>
 <u xml:id="u4b" who="#b">
  <anchor xml:id="t5b"/>not<anchor xml:id="t6b"/>
<!-- ... -->

16.5.1 Aligning Synchronous Events

<u synch="#u02" xml:id="u01" who="#a">What?</u>
<u xml:id="u02" who="#b">No!</u>

16.5.1 Aligning Synchronous Events

<u who="#a"> So you're <unclear synch="#u-b1"/>
<u who="#b">
 <seg xml:id="u-b1"> It will be </seg> nice in a way, but,
<seg synch="#u-a3"> be strange. </seg>
<u who="#a">
 <seg xml:id="u-a3"> Yeah </seg>, yeah, cos it,
its <seg synch="#u-b2"> the </seg>
<u xml:id="u-b2" who="#b"> not </u>

16.8 Alternation

<div type="interview">
 <u exclude="#we.sun1" xml:id="we.fun1">We had fun at the beach today.</u>
 <u exclude="#we.fun1" xml:id="we.sun1">We had sun at the beach today.</u>

16.8 Alternation

<div select="#we.fun2" type="interview">
 <u exclude="#we.sun2" xml:id="we.fun2">We had fun at the beach
 <u exclude="#we.fun2" xml:id="we.sun2">We had sun at the beach today.</u>

16.8 Alternation

<div type="interview">
 <u select="#fun3">We had
 <seg exclude="#sun3" xml:id="fun3" type="word">fun</seg>
  <seg exclude="#fun3" xml:id="sun3" type="word">sun</seg>
   at the beach today.</u>

16.8 Alternation

<div type="interview">
 <u>We had
 <seg select="#id-f" type="word">
   <seg exclude="#id-s" xml:id="id-f" type="character">f</seg>
   <seg exclude="#id-f" xml:id="id-s" type="character">s</seg>
   at the beach today.</u>

16.8 Alternation

<div type="interview">
<!-- ... -->
 <u exclude="#we.sun4 #lee.fun4" xml:id="we.fun4">We had fun at the beach today.</u>
 <u exclude="#we.fun4 #lee.fun4" xml:id="we.sun4">We had sun at the beach today.</u>
 <u exclude="#we.fun4 #we.sun4" xml:id="lee.fun4">Lee had fun at the beach today.</u>
<!-- ... -->

16.8 Alternation

 <seg exclude="#lee" xml:id="we" type="word">We</seg>
 <seg exclude="#we #sun" xml:id="lee" type="word">Lee</seg>
<seg exclude="#sun" xml:id="fun" type="word">fun</seg>
 <seg exclude="#fun #lee" xml:id="sun" type="word">sun</seg>
at the beach today.

16.8 Alternation

<div select="#we.fun5 #lee.fun5" type="interview">
 <u exclude="#we.sun5 #lee.fun5" xml:id="we.fun5">We had fun at the beach today.</u>
 <u exclude="#we.fun5 #lee.fun5" xml:id="we.sun5">We had sun at the beach today.</u>
 <u exclude="#we.fun5 #we.sun5" xml:id="lee.fun5">Lee had fun at the beach today.</u>

16.8 Alternation

<div type="interview">
 <u exclude="#lee.fun6" xml:id="we.fun6">We had fun at the beach
 <u exclude="#we.fun6" xml:id="lee.fun6">Lee had fun at the beach today.</u>

16.8 Alternation

<div type="interview">
 <u xml:id="we.had.fun">We had fun at the beach today.</u>
 <u xml:id="we.had.sun">We had sun at the beach today.</u>
   target="#we.had.fun #we.had.sun"/>


16.8 Alternation

<u xml:id="we.fun">We had fun at the beach today.</u>
<u xml:id="we.sun">We had sun at the beach today.</u>
<alt target="#we.fun #we.sun" mode="excl" weights="1 0"/>

16.8 Alternation

 <seg exclude="#lee2" xml:id="we2" type="word">We</seg>
 <seg exclude="#we2" xml:id="lee2" type="word">Lee</seg>
<seg exclude="#sun2" xml:id="fun2" type="word">fun</seg>
 <seg exclude="#fun2" xml:id="sun2" type="word">sun</seg>
at the beach today.
 <alt target="#we2 #lee2"/>
 <alt target="#fun2 #sun2"/>
 <alt target="#we2 #fun2" mode="incl" weights="0.5 0.5"/>
 <alt target="#lee2 #fun2" mode="incl" weights="1.0 0.6"/>

17 Simple Analytic Mechanisms


<u xml:id="UU1">Can I have ten oranges and a kilo of bananas please?</u>
<u xml:id="UU2">Yes, anything else?</u>
<u xml:id="UU3">No thanks.</u>
<u xml:id="UU4">That'll be dollar forty.</u>
<u xml:id="UU5">Two dollars</u>
<u xml:id="UU6">Sixty, eighty, two dollars.
<anchor xml:id="UU6e"/>Thank you.<anchor xml:id="UU6f"/>
<spanGrp type="transactions">
 <span from="#UU1">sale request</span>
 <span from="#UU2" to="#UU3">sale compliance</span>
 <span from="#UU4">sale</span>
 <span from="#UU5" to="#UU6">purchase</span>
 <span from="#UU6e" to="#UU6f">purchase closure</span>

17.4 Linguistic Annotation

<u xml:id="u1">Can I have ten oranges and a kilo of bananas please?</u>
<u xml:id="u2">Yes, anything else?</u>
<u xml:id="u3">No thanks.</u>
<u xml:id="u4">That'll be dollar forty.</u>
<u xml:id="u5">Two dollars</u>
<u xml:id="u6">Sixty, eighty, two dollars. Thank you.</u>
<spanGrp type="transactions">
 <span from="#u1">sale request</span>
 <span from="#u2" to="#u3">sale compliance</span>
 <span from="#u4">sale</span>
 <span from="#u5">purchase</span>
 <span from="#u6">purchase closure</span>

21 Certainty, Precision, and Responsibility

21.1.2 Structured Indications of Uncertainty

<u xml:id="CE-u1" who="#A">Have you heard the election results?</u>

21.1.2 Structured Indications of Uncertainty

<u who="#A">Have you heard the election results?<certainty match="@who" locus="value" degree="0.5"/>