: <schemaSpec> (schema specification)

These search results reproduce every example of the use of <schemaSpec> in the Guidelines, including all localised and translated versions. In some cases, the examples have been drawn from discussion of other elements in the Guidelines and illustrating the use of <schemaSpec> is not the main focus of the passage in question. In other cases, examples may be direct translations of each other, and hence identical from the perspective of their encoding.

22 Documentation Elements


<schemaSpec prefix="TEI_" ident="testsvg" start="TEI svg">
 <moduleRef source="tei:current" key="header"/>
 <moduleRef key="core"/>
 <moduleRef key="drama"/>
 <moduleRef url="svg11.rng"/>

22.5 Building a Schema

<schemaSpec ident="example">
 <moduleRef key="core"/>
 <moduleRef key="linking"/>

22.5 Building a Schema

<schemaSpec ident="example">
 <moduleRef key="core" except="add del orig reg"/>
 <moduleRef key="linking" include="linkGroup link"/>

22.5 Building a Schema

<schemaSpec ident="example">
 <moduleRef key="core" except="add del orig reg"/>
 <elementRef key="linkGroup"/>
 <elementRef key="link"/>

22.5 Building a Schema

<schemaSpec ident="example">
 <moduleRef key="teiheader"/>
 <moduleRef key="verse"/>
 <elementSpec ident="soundClip">
   <memberOf key="model.pPart.data"/>

22.5 Building a Schema

<schemaSpec ident="example">
 <moduleRef key="teiheader"/>
 <moduleRef key="teistructure"/>
 <elementSpec ident="head" mode="change">
   <rng:ref name="macro.xtext"/>

22.6 Combining TEI and Non-TEI Modules

<schemaSpec prefix="TEI_" ident="testsvg" start="TEI svg">
 <moduleRef key="header"/>
 <moduleRef key="core"/>
 <moduleRef key="tei"/>
 <moduleRef key="textstructure"/>
 <moduleRef url="svg11.rng"/>

1 The TEI Infrastructure

1.2.1 A Simple Customization

<schemaSpec ident="TEI-minimal" start="TEI">
 <moduleRef key="tei"/>
 <moduleRef key="header"/>
 <moduleRef key="core"/>
 <moduleRef key="textstructure"/>

1.2.2 A Larger Customization

<schemaSpec ident="TEI-PROJECT" start="TEI">
 <moduleRef key="tei"/>
 <moduleRef key="header"/>
 <moduleRef key="core"/>
 <moduleRef key="textstructure"/>
 <moduleRef key="msdescription"/>
<!-- manuscript description -->
 <moduleRef key="transcr"/>
<!-- transcription of primary sources -->
 <moduleRef key="figures"/>
<!-- figures and tables -->
 <moduleRef key="namesdates"/>
<!-- names, dates, people, and places -->

1.2.2 A Larger Customization

<schemaSpec ident="TEI-TRANSCR" start="TEI">
 <moduleRef key="tei"/>
 <moduleRef key="core"/>
 <moduleRef key="textstructure"/>
 <moduleRef key="transcr"/>

2 The TEI Header

2.3.9 The Schema Specification

<!-- Other encoding description elements... -->

  <moduleRef key="core"/>
  <moduleRef key="tei"/>
  <moduleRef key="header"/>
  <moduleRef key="textstructure"/>

7 Performance Texts

7.2.4 Stage Directions

<schemaSpec ident="myDrama">
 <moduleRef key="core"/>
 <moduleRef key="tei"/>
 <moduleRef key="structure"/>
 <moduleRef key="header"/>
 <moduleRef key="drama"/>
 <elementSpec ident="stage" mode="change">
   <attDef ident="type" mode="replace">
    <valList type="closed">
     <valItem ident="setting">
      <desc>describes the set</desc>
     <valItem ident="blocking">
      <desc>describes movement across stage, position, etc.</desc>
     <valItem ident="business">
      <desc>describes movement other than blocking</desc>
     <valItem ident="delivery">
      <desc>describes how the line is said</desc>
     <valItem ident="motivation">
      <desc>describes character's emotional state or through line</desc>

23 Using the TEI Deletion of Elements

<schemaSpec ident="mySchema">
 <moduleRef key="core"/>
<!-- other modules used by this schema -->
 <elementSpec ident="note" module="core" mode="delete"/>

23.3.2 Modification and Namespaces

<schemaSpec ns="" ident="noName">
 <moduleRef key="header"/>
<!-- ... -->

23.5.3 Names and Documentation in Generated Schemas

<schemaSpec ident="test" prefix="tei_">
 <elementSpec ident="sp">