TEI Consortium

TEI P5 version 2.2.0 release notes

Table of contents

This version of the TEI introduces new features and resolves a number of issues raised by the TEI community. As always, the majority of these changes and corrections are a consequence of feature requests or bugs reported by the TEI community, using the SourceForge tracking system. If you find something you think needs to change in the TEI Guidelines, schemas, tools, or website, please submit a ticket a http://tei.sf.net/ for consideration.

Since the last release (16 June 2012), the Council has closed at least 82 tickets entered in the SourceForge tracking system, from 25 different members of the TEI community (10 more than in the previous release!). Full details may be found at http://tei.sf.net/ and an active list sorted by ticket number is also available. Ticket numbers are also referenced in the subversion ChangeLog, as usual, which records around 490 commits during this period.

1. Schema Changes

Some of the important or interesting schema-related changes include:

2. Textual Changes

Some of important textual changes in the Guidelines include:

3. Environment Changes

The TEI Technical Council continually strives to improve the underlying infrastructure used to edit, store, test, and publish the outputs it creates. During this release cycle some of these infrastructure changes include:

4. New release of TEI Lite

An updated version of the ever-popular TEI Lite tutorial has been included with this release in the Exemplars directory. This new version has been updated to take advantage of the many new features introduced in the TEI since its first appearance in 1996, but has not changed in its original design goal, of aiming to specify the 50 or so TEI elements likely to be useful to 90% of TEI projects. There are no plans to update this tutorial, but we will continue to check that it remains compatible with future releases.

Date: 2012-10-25
released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 license