This release (code name: Telstar) is the first in some time not to introduce any major new changes to the TEI Guidelines. The Council has focused mainly on fixing bugs and on tidying up parts of the Guidelines that needed attention.
Highlights of this release include:
- As part of this release, the TEI Debian packages will once more be available (#1441); see the TEI Debian Package page for instructions and pointers to both the .deb files themselves and to the new public PGP key.
- <listRelation> can now be used directly inside <body> (#1552), as well as anywhere else a <list> is permitted.
- <lb>, <pb>, and <cb> are now properly glossed as beginnings rather than as breaks (#1529).
- <name> and <rs> are now permitted in the content model of <msName> (#1597).
- The defective attribute may now be used on <rubric>, <finalRubric>, or <colophon> (#1642).
- <msDesc> can now take the status attribute (#1583).
- A new <persona> element has been added, to capture information about multiple personalities of a <person> (#498).
- A new element, <annotationBlock>, has been added for linguistic annotation of transcribed speech (#539).
- The Guidelines can once again be built while not online (#1602).
- <note> is now permitted in <respStmt> (#1557).
- Many improvements were made to Chapter 23
Using the TEI
(#1587, #1589, #1590, #1591 and #1595). - The place attribute can now appear on <head> (#1466).
- The <affiliation>, <age>, <birth>, <death>, <education>, <faith>, <langKnowledge>, <nationality>, <occupation>, <residence>, <sex>, and <socecStatus> elements are now members of att.typed, and thus now have type and subtype attributes (#1600)
- Some information about outdated XML processors has been removed from Chapter vi
Languages and Character Sets
(#1290); and other portions of that chapter have been removed or updated. - The hand attribute can now appear on <postscript> (#1530).
- Improved guidance on using xml:base (#1639).
- Continuing the efforts started at the TEI2German Translatathon from 2016, additional German translations have been added to the TEI specifications.
In addition, dozens of wording improvements and corrections of typographic errors have been made to the Guidelines.
Many improvements have been made to the XSLT stylesheets (which provide processing of TEI ODD files for Roma and OxGarage as well as other TEI conversions). The Stylesheets are maintained separately from the Guidelines and are at