Notable changes since the last packaged release (0.2.1) are listed briefly below (please refer to the ChangeLog on Sourceforge for the full list).
- A major revision of the TEI class system has been initiated to complement the work on datatypes in the previous release. Details of the specific changes made so far are listed in
- The chapter formerly known as Structure of the TEI DTD has been renamed TEI Infrastructure and almost entirely rewritten.
- A number of further minor corrections have been made to the MS chapter. A new listPerson element has been introduced to facilitate encoding of data about real or imaginary people: this still forms part of the Corpora module, but will probably move elsewhere.
- New draft material on xinclude and on standoff markup has been added to the chapter on Segmentation and Analysis.
- The test suite continues to be expanded.
- Several stylesheet bugs were fixed and a new CSS style is now used to present the HTML version of the Guidelines.
Amongst minor changes made at this release:
- the change element now has a much simpler content model and two new attributes
- the more antiquated parts of the discussion on graphics systems in chapter FT have been removed or updated
- in the Verse module, a new phrase level element rhyme has been added and numbered linegroups removed
- in the Manuscript Description module, several elements now have simpler content models using macro.specialPara rather than a sequence of paragraphs
- the new person element can now record death as well as birth and nationality as well as occupation
- the P5 source itself has been improved. Class names and other identifiers are now tagged more consistently; consistent wording has been introduced to describe how modules are combined.
- the measure element is redefined and given extra normalizing attributes
- the naming of modules, classes, macros, datatypes is now more consistent
- the TEI and teiCorpus elements are now provided by the default Structure module rather than by the Infrastructure module
- the macro schemapattern was changed so that valid DTD content models can be generated
- the Names and Dates module now has a new district element, and the discussion of place names in ND has been improved a little
- all resp and who attributes are now consistently pointers rather than only occasionally so