Technical Review Committee Meeting, 27 June, 1996

The Technical Review Committee (TRC) of the Text Encoding Initiative will have its inaugural meeting on Thursday, 27 June 1996, in Bergen, Norway.


The planned agenda items are the following:

  1. Choosing chair and secretary
  2. Status and funding of the TEI
  3. Terms of reference of the Technical Review Committee (documents TEI ED W48 and TEI ED W57)
  4. Revising the Guidelines: Status, work required
  5. Form for drafts produced by work groups (document TEI ED W55
  6. Procedures for work groups (document TEI ED W54)
  7. New work items (document TEI ED W53)
  8. Next meeting and other business


The documents mentioned in the agenda are available through the TEI's WWW and FTP servers at the locations indicated below. Interested members of the public are encouraged to read them and comment on them if they wish; comments may be sent to the editors of the TEI or to Terry Langendoen, the head of the TRC.

ED W48 Procedures for Maintenance and Extension of the TEI Guidelines

For the information of the TRC; has been approved by EC.

ED W53 Editors' List of Potential Work Items

Proposals for action by the TRC. Other proposals may also be received from other interested parties. At the moment, we are expecting documents describing new work items in the encoding of legal documents and in the cataloguing of manuscript material.

ED W54 Rules and Recommendations for TEI Work Group Procedures

For adoption by TRC (as per ED W48).

ED W55 Form for Draft Chapters of the TEI Guidelines

For adoption by TRC (as per ED W48). This document describes the content, style, and SGML markup to be used in draft sections of the Guidelines.

The DTD described (version 2 of the ODD DTD) is at (single-file version) (extensions file) (extensions file) We believe the single-file version is suitable for compilation with RulesBuilder, but we haven't tried it yet.

ED W57 Procedures for Correcting Errors in the TEI Guidelines

For the information of the TRC; summarizes current editorial policy.

ED W67 DTD Errors and Typographic Errors Reported in TEI P3: A Preliminary Report

For the information of the TRC.

Location and Attendance

The location of the room has not yet been determined. Details will be sent to members of the committee as soon as possible.

Members of the public who will be in Bergen for the ALLC/ACH 96 joint conference may, if they wish, attend the meeting as observers.

For Further Information

For further information, contact the head of the TRC or the editors of the TEI: