Alphabetical List of Element Types

The ds2/ds3 tag set will be familiar to users of the TEIXLITE DTD but contains, in addition, the following non-TEIXLITE elements: <addSpan/>, <altName>, <cb/>, <collection>, <correction>, <country>, <damage>, <dateRange>, <delSpan/>, <expan>, <fw>, <hand/>, <handList>, <handShift/>, <hyphenation>, <interpretation>, <msIdentifier>, <normalization>, <quotation>, <region>, <repository>, <restore>, <segmentation>, <series>, <settlement>, <space/>, <stdVals>, <supplied>, and <w>.

The brief descriptions given below rely heavily upon those in the TEI Guidelines, which should be consulted for more complete explanations and for additional examples. Cross-references to appropriate sections are provided to facilitate this. Note that not all elements are available in all contexts and that many attributes mentioned are optional.

Whenever possible, examples are drawn from Digital Scriptorium sample texts. See the UCB 152 sample for an example of a full <teiHeader>. We are grateful to Hoyt Duggan's Piers Plowman edition for supplying examples for the following elements: <biblFull> ; <damage> ; <gap/> ; <seg> ; <trailer> ; <table> ; <row> ; and <cell>.

Jump to the beginning of one of these ranges--G-L, M-R, S-Z--or go back to the table of contents.

<abbr> Contains an abbreviation; the original text is transcribed as the tag's content and the expansion (optional) as an attribute value. (<abbr expan=""> and <expan abbr=""> are thus editorial mirrors of one another.)
Selected Attributes expan: Records the abbreviation's full expansion.
type: Classifies the abbreviation, such as "suspension" or "organization."
Example <abbr expan="Anno">Ano</abbr> <abbr expan="domini">doii</abbr> [UCB 152, top of f. 1r]
See also <expan>; TEI Guidelines 6.4.5 Abbreviations and Their Expansions.
<add> Contains an addition or insertion, normally scribal. Additions made by editors or encoders should use <corr> or <supplied> instead.
Selected Attributes place: Indicates where the addition was written relative to the main text, such as inline, supralinear, infralinear, left [margin], and so on.
hand: Signifies the hand of the person who wrote the addition; the value must be one defined in <handList>.
Example <add rend="pencil" place="bottom" hand="C19">See what is wanting here in my other MS. <lb/>Chronicles </add> [UCB 152, bottom of f. 1r]
<add rend="head" place="left">ca<expan>pitulu</expan><hi rend="sup">m</hi>
<num value="15">xv<hi rend="sl">m</hi>.</num></add> [UCB 152, f. 3v]
See also TEI Guidelines 6.5.3 Additions, Deletions, and Omissions; 18.2.1 Document Hands.
<address> Contains an address, for example of a publisher, an organization, or an individual.
Example <address>
<addrLine>The Bancroft Library</addrLine>
<addrLine>Berkeley, CA 94720</addrLine>
See also TEI Guidelines 6.4.2 Addresses; 5.2.4 Publication, Distribution, etc.; Imprint, Pagination, and Other Details.
<addrLine> One line of a postal or other address.
See also <address>; TEI Guidelines 6.4.2 Addresses; 5.2.4 Publication, Distribution, etc.; Imprint, Pagination, and Other Details.
<addSpan/> An empty tag. Marks the beginning of a long textual sequence added by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector. Differs from <add> chiefly by where it can occur; <addSpan/> can appear directly within a <div>, e.g.
Selected Attributes place: Indicates where the addition was written relative to the main text, such as inline, supralinear, infralinear, left [margin], and so on. If the addition spills over from one location to another, more than one value may be specified.
to: Marks the added passage's endpoint by supplying the id attribute value of an <anchor/> or other empty element placed there.
hand: Signifies the hand of the person who wrote the addition; the value must be one defined in <handList>.
type: Classifies the addition.
See also <add>; <anchor/>; TEI Guidelines 18.1.4 Additions and Deletions; 18.2.1 Document Hands; 14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment.
<altName> Gives an alternative shelf mark or common name for a manuscript.
Selected Attributes type: Specifies the kind of identifier.
Example <msIdentifier><idno id="HM62">HM 62</idno>
"Gundulf Bible"</altName></msIdentifier>
See also <msIdentifier>.
<anchor/> An empty tag. An identifier one can attach to a point within a text, whether or not it corresponds with a textual element.
Selected Attributes The id attribute must be supplied to specify the point at which this tag occurs. The value used may be chosen freely provided that it is unique within the document and is syntactically valid. Values containing numbers need not be in sequence.
Example <hi rend="b"> &para;</hi> But fo&rround;to &longs;uffre what det&hstrok; &yacute;e cou&thorn;e o&rround;de&yacute;ne wee <anchor id="f56v18"/> [UCB 152, f. 56v; specifies line 18]
See also TEI Guidelines 11.3.2 Synchronization and Overlap; 14.4 Correspondence and Alignment.
<argument> Formal list or prose description of topics addressed by a subdivision of a text, such as in a table of contents.
See also <epigraph>; TEI Guidelines 7.2 Elements Common to All Divisions; 7.5 Title Pages.
<author> Within bibliographic citations, contains the name of a work's author(s) (primary statement of responsibility).
Example <author>Chaucer, Geoffrey</author>
<author>Lister M. Matheson</author>
See also TEI Guidelines Authors, Titles, and Editors; 5.2.1 The Title Statement.
<authority> Name of person or other agent responsible for making an electronic file available, other than a publisher or distributor.
Example <authority>The Bancroft Library, Univ. of California</authority>
See also <publicationStmt>; TEI Guidelines 5.2.4 Publication, Distribution, etc.
<availability> Information about a text's availability (e.g., restrictions on its use or distribution, its copyright status).
Selected Attributes status: Identifies the text's current availability; legal values are free, unknown [default], restricted.
Example <availability status="unknown"><p>Contact The Bancroft Library for more information.</p></availability>
See also <publicationStmt>; TEI Guidelines 5.2.4 Publication, Distribution, etc.
<back> Contains appendices and such that follow a text's body.
See also TEI Guidelines 7.6 Back Matter; 7 Default Text Structure.
<bibl> Contains a loosely-structured bibliographic citation whose components may or may not be explicitly tagged.
Example <bibl>
<author>Lister M. Matheson</author>. <title>The Prose Brut: The development of a Middle English chronicle</title>. <pubPlace>Tempe, AZ</pubPlace>:
<publisher>Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies</publisher>, <date>1998</date>
See also <biblFull>; <listBibl>; <sourceDesc>; TEI Guidelines 6.10.1 Elements of Bibliographic References.
<biblFull> Contains a fully-structured bibliographic citation, with <author>, <title>, <publisher>, etc.
Example <biblFull>
<titleStmt><title>Oxford, Corpus Christi College, MS 201 </title></titleStmt>
<date>First quarter, 15th century</date>
<idno type="callNo">Source copy consulted: Corpus Christi College, Oxford, MS 201</idno>
See also Title page sample; <bibl>; <publicationStmt>; <sourceDesc>; TEI Guidelines 6.10.1 Elements of Bibliographic References.
<biblScope> Defines the scope of a bibliographic reference, e.g. as a list of page numbers, or a named subdivision of a larger work.
Selected Attributes type: Identifies the type of information conveyed.
See also <bibl>; TEI Guidelines Imprint, Pagination, and Other Details.
<body> Contains the whole body of a single unitary text, excluding any front or back matter. Any valid transcription must include this element.
See also TEI Guidelines 7 Default Text Structure.
<byline> Contains the primary statement of responsibility given for a work on its title page or at the head or end of the work; may include either a name or a description of the document's author.
See also Title page sample; <opener>; <closer>; TEI Guidelines 7.4 Front Matter.
<catDesc> Describes some category within a taxonomy or text typology, in the form of a brief prose description.
See also <classDecl>; TEI Guidelines 5.3.6 The Classification Declaration.
<category> Contains an individual descriptive category, possibly nested within a superordinate category, within a user-defined taxonomy.
See also <classDecl>; <taxonomy>; TEI Guidelines 5.3.6 The Classification Declaration.
<catRef/> An empty tag. Specifies one or more defined categories within some taxonomy or text typology.
Selected Attributes target: Identifies the categories concerned.
scheme: Identifies the classification scheme.
See also <textClass>; TEI Guidelines 5.4.3 The Text Classification.
<cb/> An empty tag. Column-boundary: marks beginning of a new column; placed conventionally at the head of the column to which it refers.
Selected Attributes n: Global attribute that records a number or other value associated with the column which follows this tag's point of insertion.
Example <cb n="1/2"/> [indicates column #1 of 2]
See also TEI Guidelines 6.9.3 Milestone Tags.
<cell> A cell in a table row.
See also <table>; TEI Guidelines 22.1 Tables.
<change> Summarizes a particular change or correction made to a particular version of an electronic text.
Example <revisionDesc>
<name>John Smith</name>
<item>New metadata header created</item>
See also UCB 152 sample under revisionDesc for an alternative example; TEI Guidelines 5.5 The Revision Description.
<cit> A quotation from some other document, together with a bibliographic reference to its source.
See also TEI Guidelines 6.3.3 Quotation.
<classCode> Contains the classification code used for this text in some standard classification system.
Selected Attributes scheme: Identifies the classification system or taxonomy in use; the value must identify a taxonomy tag.
See also <textClass>; TEI Guidelines 5.4.3 The Text Classification.
<classDecl> Contains one or more taxonomies defining any classificatory codes used elsewhere in the text.
See also TEI Guidelines 5.3.6 The Classification Declaration.
<closer> Groups together dateline, byline, salutation, and similar phrases that appear as a final group at the end of a division, esp. of a letter.
See also Plimpton 099 sample; <opener>; TEI Guidelines 7.2 Elements Common to All Divisions.
<collection> Identifies the collection within which a manuscript resides.
See also <msIdentifier>.
<corr> Contains the editorially determined correct form of a passage apparently erroneous in the text; the corrected text is transcribed as the tag's content and the original form (optional) as an attribute value.
Selected Attributes sic: Records the text's original form.
Example <corr sic="&longs;">f</corr>le&yacute; as fa&longs;te as he myg&hstrok;t [UCB 152, f. 6v]
he<corr sic=""> </corr>regned [UCB 152, f. 2r]
See also <sic>; TEI Guidelines 6.5.1 Correction of Apparent Errors.
<correction> Describes how and under what circumstances corrections have been made to the electronic text; may be used to note the results of collating the transcription with its original.
Selected Attributes status: Indicates the degree of correction applied; legal values are high (thoroughly checked and proofread), medium (checked at least once), low (unchecked), unknown [default].
method: Indicates how corrections are indicated within the text; legal values are silent (made silently) and tags (tagged editorially).
See also UCB 152 sample under <editorialDecl>; TEI Guidelines 5.3.3 The Editorial Practices Declaration.
<country> Name of a nation, country, colony, or commonwealth; administratively larger than a <region>.
See also <msIdentifier>; TEI Guidelines 20.2 Place Names.
<creation> Notes information about a text's creation (e.g., date), distinct from its publication.
Example <creation><dateRange from="1450" to="1480" exact="none">third quarter of fifteenth century</dateRange></creation>
See also <publicationStmt>; TEI Guidelines 5.4 The Profile Description.
<damage> Marks a damaged portion of manuscript; may contain unclear passages (tagged <unclear>) or lacunae (marked with <gap/>), as well as damaged-but-legible text.
Selected Attributes type: Classifies the damage.
extent: In appropriate units of measurement, indicates approximately how much text is within the damaged area where the tag's content does not make this clear (e.g., if it is empty).
hand: Where known, signifies the hand responsible; the value must be one defined in <handList>.
Example <damage type="hole" extent="11mm"></damage>
See also <unclear>; <gap/>; TEI Guidelines 18.2.3 Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text; 18.2.4 Use of the Gap, Del, Damage, Unclear and Supplied Tags in Combination; 18.2.1 Document Hands.
<date> A date in any format. More complicated dates or special applications should be documented in <stdVals>.
Selected Attributes calendar: Indicates the system or calendar to which the date belongs.
value: Gives the date in a standard form, usually yyyy-mm-dd.
certainty: Notes the degree of precision; values might include, e.g., ca. or after.
Example <date>1998</date>
See also <docDate>; <dateRange>; <stdVals>; TEI Guidelines 6.4.4 Dates and Times; 5.5 The Revision Description; Imprint, Pagination, and Other Details.
<dateline> Brief description of the place, date, and time when a letter, newspaper story, or similar work was produced.
See also Plimpton 099 sample; TEI Guidelines 7.2.2 Openers and Closers.
<dateRange> Contains two dates or a phrase delimiting a time period. More complicated dates or special applications should be documented in <stdVals>.
Selected Attributes calendar: Indicates the system or calendar to which the date belongs.
from: Starting point of the period, usually yyyy-mm-dd.
to: Ending point of the period, usually yyyy-mm-dd.
exact: Indicates the degree of precision; legal values are to (the to date is exact), from (the from date is exact), both, none (both dates are approximate or unspecified).
Example <dateRange from="1450" to="1480" exact="none">third quarter of fifteenth century</dateRange>
See also <date>; <stdVals>; TEI Guidelines 6.4.4 Dates and Times.
<del> Deletion or cancellation, normally scribal.
Selected Attributes type: Classifies the type of deletion; should not be used to specify how the manuscript signals deletion.
rend: Global attribute that specifies the manuscript rendering, e.g. subpunction, overstrike.
hand: Where known, signifies the hand responsible; the value must be one defined in <handList>.
Example mochel <del rend="dot">good</del> gold [UCB 152, f. 1v]
See also <corr>; <gap/>; <delSpan/>; TEI Guidelines 6.5.3 Additions, Deletions, and Omissions; 18.2.4 Use of the Gap, Del, Damage, Unclear and Supplied Tags in Combination; 18.2.1 Document Hands.
<delSpan/> An empty tag. Marks the beginning of a long textual sequence marked for deletion by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector. Differs from <del> chiefly by where it can occur; <delSpan/> can appear directly within a <div>, e.g.
Selected Attributes type: Classifies the type of deletion, using values such as erasure or subpunction.
to: Marks the deleted passage's endpoint by supplying the id attribute value of an <anchor/> or other empty element placed there.
hand: Where known, signifies the hand responsible; the value must be one defined in <handList>.
Example <delSpan type="X" to="f56v18"/> [UCB 152, f. 56v]
See also <corr>; <gap/>; <del>; <anchor/>; TEI Guidelines 18.1.4 Additions and Deletions; 18.2.4 Use of the Gap, Del, Damage, Unclear and Supplied Tags in Combination; 18.2.1 Document Hands; 14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment.
<distributor> Name of person or other agent responsible for distributing a text.
See also <publicationStmt>; TEI Guidelines 5.2.4 Publication, Distribution, etc.
<div0> through <div7> Formal division of text (book, canto, section, chapter) larger than a paragraph. <div0> marks the largest possible subdivision, <div7> the smallest. Divisions can optionally be numbered, assigned unique identifiers, and classified using the global n, id, and type attributes, respectively.
Example <div1 type="section">
<head>Aqui se compie&ccedil;a el prologo del libro del relogio dell argent uiuo.</head>
See also TEI Guidelines 7.1 Divisions of the Body.
<divGen/> An empty tag. Indicates the location at which a textual division generated automatically by a text-processing application is to appear; one use is to allow document preparation software to generate an index and insert it in the output.
Selected Attributes type: Specifies what type of generated text division (e.g., index, table of contents) is to appear.
See also <index>; TEI Guidelines 6.8.2 Index Entries.
<docAuthor> Names the document's author, as given on MS or printed title page.
See also <titlePage>; TEI Guidelines 7.5 Title Pages.
<docDate> Contains the date of a document, (usually) as given on MS or printed title page.
Selected Attributes value: Gives the date in a standard form, usually yyyy-mm-dd.
See also <titlePage>; <date>; <stdVals>; TEI Guidelines 7.5 Title Pages.
<docEdition> Edition statement on MS or printed title page.
See also <titlePage>; TEI Guidelines 7.5 Title Pages.
<docImprint> Imprint statement as given on a printed title page.
See also <titlePage>; TEI Guidelines 7.5 Title Pages.
<docTitle> Title on MS or printed title page, including all of its constituents.
See also <titlePage>; <titlePart>; TEI Guidelines 7.5 Title Pages.
<edition> Notes particularities of one edition of a text.
See also UCB 152 sample under <editionStmt>; TEI Guidelines 5.2.2 The Edition Statement.
<editionStmt> Groups information relating to one edition of a text.
See also UCB 152 sample, <editionStmt>; TEI Guidelines 5.2.2 The Edition Statement; 5.2 The File Description.
<editor> Secondary statement of responsibility for a bibliographic item.
Selected Attributes role: Specifies the nature of the intellectual responsibility [default value: editor].
See also <principal>; TEI Guidelines Authors, Titles, and Editors.
<editorialDecl> Editorial principles and practices applied during the encoding of a text.
See also UCB 152 sample under <encodingDesc>; TEI Guidelines 5.3.3 The Editorial Practices Declaration; 5.3 The Encoding Description.
<emph> Marks words or phrases which are stressed or emphasized for linguistic or rhetorical effect.
See also TEI Guidelines 6.3.2 Emphasis, Foreign Words, and Unusual Language.
<encodingDesc> Documents relationship between an electronic text and its source(s).
See also UCB 152 sample, <encodingDesc>; TEI Guidelines 5.3 The Encoding Description; 5 The TEI Header.
<epigraph> Quotation, anonymous or attributed, that appears at the start of a section or chapter or on a title page.
See also <argument>; <titlePage>; TEI Guidelines 7.2 Elements Common to All Divisions.
<expan> Expands an abbreviation; editorially supplied letters are enclosed by the tag, and the original text is given optionally as an attribute value. (<abbr expan=""> and <expan abbr=""> are thus editorial mirrors of one another.) Typically, <expan> marks only characters not written as part of the abbreviation.
Selected Attributes abbr: Records the abbreviation in unexpanded form.
type: Classifies the abbreviation, such as "suspension" or "organization."
Example L<expan>IBRO</expan>
a lambe out of wynche&longs;tr<expan type="er">e</expan> [UCB 152, f. 21r]
See also <abbr>; TEI Guidelines 6.4.5 Abbreviations and Their Expansions.
<extent> Approximate size of the electronic text as stored, specified in any convenient units (e.g., sentences, Mb).
Example <extent>160K</extent>
See also TEI Guidelines 5.2.3 Type and Extent of File.
<figDesc> Description of a figure; useful for searching purposes, or for display when the image cannot be presented in graphic form, e.g. in a text-only interface.
See also <figure>; TEI Guidelines 22.3 Specific Elements for Graphic Images.
<figure> Indicates the location of a figure or graphic image, whether illumination, miniature, or diagram. May be empty (but the end-tag </figure> must be supplied).
Selected Attributes entity: Names the external entity (here, pointer to a file's location) within which the figure's image is stored.
Example <l><ref target="fig1"><hi rend="red">Et esta es su figura</hi></ref></l>
<figure id="fig1"><figDesc>An astrological diagram <seg>el cerco do son las cauaduras</seg>
See also <figDesc>; TEI Guidelines 22.3 Specific Elements for Graphic Images.
<fileDesc> Full bibliographic description of an electronic file.
See also UCB 152 sample, <fileDesc>; TEI Guidelines 5.2 The File Description; 5 The TEI Header.
<foreign> Word, phrase, or passage in a language other than the surrounding language. Whole elements (whether paragraphs, text divisions, or glosses) in a foreign language need not be tagged <foreign>: instead, the lang attribute should be used on the element (<div1>, <p>, <gloss>, etc.).
Selected Attributes lang: Global attribute whose value identifies the material's language using standard codes, such as those associated with a writing system declaration or with ISO 639; it is strongly recommended that lang be specified consistently on all instances of <foreign>.
Example <foreign lang="lat">quam bonus deus</foreign>
See also TEI Guidelines 6.3.2 Emphasis, Foreign Words, and Unusual Language.
<formula> Contains a mathematical or other formula.
See also TEI Guidelines 22.2 Formulae and Mathematical Expressions.
<front> Prefatory matter (e.g. header, title page, preface, dedication) found before the start of a text proper.
See also Title page sample; TEI Guidelines 7.5 Title Pages; 7 Default Text Structure.
<funder> Name of individual, institution, or organization responsible for funding a project or text.
See also <sponsor>; TEI Guidelines 5.2.1 The Title Statement.
<fw> ("forme work") Used to transcribe material not part of the running text; intended for catchwords, cases where the running head changes from page to page, and instances where layout details are significant.
Selected Attributes type: Classifies the material encoded, using values such as footer, runfoot (running footer), fol (foliation number or symbol), sig (signature or gathering symbol), and so on.
place: Indicates where on the page the material appears.
Example <fw type="cw">hardư and</fw> [UCB 152, catchwords on f. 3v]
<fw type="head" place="top"><hi rend="red">L</hi><hi rend="blue">V</hi></fw> [Plimpton 030, heading on verso]
See also TEI Guidelines 18.3 Headers, Footers, and Similar Matter.
<gap/> An empty tag. Marks a gap in the MS or in the transcription where material has been omitted (due to illegibility, e.g.).
Selected Attributes desc: Describes the omitted text.
reason: Gives the reason for omission, such as sampling, illegible, cancelled,
cancelled and illegible.
hand: Where known, signifies the hand responsible; the value must be one defined in <handList>.
extent: Indicates how much text is omitted in suitable units (letters, minims, inches), either because of editorial policy or because damage or other cause has rendered transcription impossible.
Example <gap extent="0.5 inch" hand="HAND1" reason="erased"/>
See also <space/>; TEI Guidelines 18.1.7 Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription; 18.2.4 Use of the Gap, Del, Damage, Unclear and Supplied Tags in Combination; 18.2.1 Document Hands.
<gloss> A gloss in the text. Can be used with term to indicate the word or phrase glossed.
Selected Attributes target: Identifies the associated <term>.
Example See <ref>
See also Plimpton 030 sample; <term>; <add>; TEI Guidelines 6.3.4 Terms, Glosses, and Cited Words.
<group> Contains the body of a composite text, grouping together a sequence of distinct texts (or groups of such texts) which are regarded as a unit for some purpose, for example the collected works of an author, a sequence of prose essays, etc.
See also UCB 092 sample; TEI Guidelines 7.3 Groups of Texts.
<hand/> An empty tag. In the <teiHeader>, describes one or more hands in the MS; each instance of <hand/> denotes a single hand, and each hand that the transcription distinguishes must be identified using this tag. It is recommended either that all hands other than that of the main scribe of the page be grouped together under the code ma (manu altera) or else that all hands be distinguished and given keys like m2, m3, etc.
Selected Attributes id: Global attribute that specifies a unique identifier for the hand; note that the hand attribute, though required in P3 and extant in P4 (current version), will be withdrawn from the next release of the TEI Guidelines and should no longer be used.
scribe: Gives the name of, or other identifier for, the scribe.
Example <hand id="tl" scribe="Thomas London"/> [UCB 152]
See also <handList>; TEI Guidelines 18.2.1 Document Hands.
<handList> In the <teiHeader>, groups hands distinguished in the transcription.
See also <hand/>; UCB 152 sample under <profileDesc>; TEI Guidelines 18.2.1 Document Hands.
<handShift/> An empty tag. In a transcription, marks point at which running text changes hands. Do not use <handShift/> for additions and deletions in later hands; specify the hand attribute on the relevant element instead.
Selected Attributes new: Identifies the hand that begins writing at this location; the value must be one defined in <handList>.
old: Identifies the hand that leaves off writing at this location; the value must be one defined in <handList>.
See also TEI Guidelines 18.2.1 Document Hands.
<head> Any heading, e.g. a section title, the heading of a list or a glossary. Within a top-level division, one <head> precedes other content such as <p>.
Selected Attributes type: Specifies the type of heading; the significance of values used should be documented in the <teiHeader>.
Example See <div0-div7>
See also <list>; UCB 092 sample; UCB 152 sample; TEI Guidelines 7.2 Elements Common to All Divisions; 6.7 Lists.
<hi> Text graphically highlighted in some way (e.g., rubrication, special ductus).
Selected Attributes rend: Global attribute that records visual difference without suggesting a reason for the difference (e.g., a three-line initial, rubricated text, fainter or darker ink in the same hand).
Example <hi rend="b">&para;</hi> [a blue paraph]
<hi rend="initb">W</hi>henne Madhan had regned [UCB 152, f. 1r]
See also TEI Guidelines Emphatic Words and Phrases.
<hyphenation> Describes how an encoded text treats its source's hyphenation.
Selected Attributes eol: Specifies whether end-of-line hyphenation has been retained; legal values include all (all such has, though original lineation may not have been), some (some such has) [default], hard (all soft end-of-line hyphenation has been removed), none (all has been removed, remaining hyphenation occurred mid-line).
See also UCB 152 sample under <editorialDecl>; TEI Guidelines 5.3.3 The Editorial Practices Declaration.
<idno> Identifying number in bibliographic citations. When used with <msIdentifier>, gives a manuscript's current shelf mark.
Selected Attributes type: Categorizes the number, e.g. as an ISBN or Library of Congress call number.
See also Title page sample; <msIdentifier>; <biblFull>; TEI Guidelines 5.2.4 Publication, Distribution, etc.; 5.2.5 The Series Statement; Imprint, Pagination, and Other Details.
<index/> An empty tag. Marks a location to be indexed for whatever purpose.
Selected Attributes index: Indicates to which index of several the entry belongs; this allows creation of multiple indices for a text.
level1: Required attribute that gives the index entry's form. (Optional attributes allow second- to fourth-level entries.)
See also TEI Guidelines 6.8.2 Index Entries.
<institution> Identifies the institution that holds a manuscript.
See also <msIdentifier>.
<interp/> An empty tag. Provides for an interpretative annotation which can be linked to a span of text.
Selected Attributes value: Identifies specifically what is annotated.
See also <interpGrp>; TEI Guidelines 15.3 Spans and Interpretations.
<interpGrp> Collects together <interp> tags.
See also <interp>; TEI Guidelines 15.3 Spans and Interpretations.
<interpretation> Scope of any analytic or interpretative information added to the text aside from the transcription.
Example <interpretation><p>Because of restrictions on which elements it can contain, the w element was deemed too difficult to use consistently. It cannot, for example, enclose the expan element, which means that it cannot be used to tag abbreviated words that feature unusual spacing.</p></interpretation>
See also TEI Guidelines 5.3.3 The Editorial Practices Declaration.
<item> One component of a list.
See also <list>; UCB 152 sample under <revisionDesc>; TEI Guidelines 6.7 Lists; 5.5 The Revision Description.
<keywords> Contains a list of keywords or phrases identifying the topic or nature of a text.
Selected Attributes scheme: Identifies the vocabulary within which the set of keywords is defined; the value must be the identifier of the associated <taxonomy> element.
See also <taxonomy>; TEI Guidelines 5.4.3 The Text Classification.
<l> Line of verse (i.e., the metrical line, not the physical line).
Selected Attributes n: Global attribute that allows association of a line number.
Example See <lg>
See also <lb/>; TEI Guidelines 6.11 Passages of Verse or Drama; 10.2.4 Speech Contents.
<label> Label associated with a list item; used most commonly for the headwords in glossary lists.
See also <list>; TEI Guidelines 6.7 Lists.
<language> Characterizes a single (sub)language used within a text.
Selected Attributes wsd: Specifies the entity containing the writing system declaration (WSD) used for representing texts in this language.
id: Global attribute that specifies the WSD's identifier, such as eng; usually this identifier is from ISO 639.
See also <langUsage>; TEI Guidelines 5.4.2 Language Usage.
<langUsage> Groups information about languages, sublanguages, registers, and dialects represented within a text.
See also Plimpton 133 sample; <language>; TEI Guidelines 5.4.2 Language Usage; 5.4 The Profile Description.
<lb/> An empty tag. Line-boundary: marks beginning of a new physical line when a transcription is line-for-line.
Selected Attributes n: Global attribute that allows a line number to be associated with text following the point of insertion.
See also <l>; TEI Guidelines 6.9.3 Milestone Tags; 10.2.4 Speech Contents.
<lg> Group of verse lines: stanza, strophe, verse paragraph, or any metrical unit larger than a line and smaller than a <div1>.
Example <lg type="verse">
<l>bueno a<sic corr=" "></sic>dios /. &amp; bueno al mu<expan>n</expan>do</l>
<l>esto yo /. Lo Jurare/.</l></lg>
See also <l>; TEI Guidelines 6.11 Passages of Verse or Drama; 10.2.4 Speech Contents.
<list> Any sequence of items organized as a list.
Selected Attributes type: Describes the list's form; suggested values include ordered (items are numbered or lettered), bulleted, simple (items are unmarked) [default], gloss (each item glosses a term or concept, given by a <label> preceding the list item).
See also <label>; UCB 152 sample under <revisionDesc>; TEI Guidelines 6.7 Lists.
<listBibl> Contains a list of bibliographic citations of any kind.
See also <bibl>; TEI Guidelines 6.10.1 Elements of Bibliographic References.
<mentioned> Marks words or phrases mentioned, not used.
See also TEI Guidelines 6.3.4 Terms, Glosses, and Cited Words.
<milestone/> An empty tag. Indicates a boundary between sections of text. Where relevant, the specific tags <pb/>, <lb/>, and <cb/> are preferred.
See also <pb/>; <lb/>; <cb/>; TEI Guidelines 6.9.3 Milestone Tags.
<msIdentifier> Contains information that identifies a particular manuscript, such as its shelf mark, owner, and location. Can appear wherever phrase-level elements are valid (such as within <p>, <bibl>).
Selected Attributes type: Specifies the type of identifier; legal values are primary [default], former, cited (e.g., a reference in a description), and msPart (the identifier of one discrete unit).
Example <msIdentifier type="cited"><altName>Hengwrt Chaucer, </altName>
Aberystwyth, </settlement>
National Library of Wales, </repository>
Peniarth MS 392</idno></msIdentifier>
See also <idno>.
<name> Proper noun or noun phrase. Can be used synonymously with <rs> or nested within it as necessary.
Selected Attributes type: Indicates the type of object being named, such as person, place, or organization.
See also <rs>; TEI Guidelines 6.4.1 Referring Strings.
<normalization> Indicates the extent that the original source has been regularized in being converted to electronic form.
Selected Attributes method: Can signal the method adopted; legal values are silent (normalization made silently) and tags (normalization represented using editorial tags).
See also UCB 152 sample under <editorialDecl>; TEI Guidelines 5.3.3 The Editorial Practices Declaration.
<note> Contains a note or annotation; can be used to mark up a note in the source text or to annotate the text with an editorial comment.
Selected Attributes n: Global attribute that specifies the note's number.
type: Describes the type of note.
place: Signals where the note appears in the source text [default value: unspecified].
target: Indicates the note's point of attachment to the electronic text; the value must correspond to the id of a tag at that location.
Example <note id="n1">This word has been underlined in the manuscript.</note>
See also <notesStmt>; TEI Guidelines 6.8.1 Notes and Simple Annotation; 14 Linking, Segmentation, and Alignment.
<notesStmt> Groups any notes providing information about a text additional to that recorded in other parts of the bibliographic description.
See also UCB 152 sample, <notesStmt>; TEI Guidelines 5.2.6 The Notes Statement.
<num> Contains a number in any form.
Selected Attributes value: Supplies the number's value in a standard form.
Example <num value="22">xxij</num>
See also <stdVals>; TEI Guidelines 6.4.3 Numbers and Measures.
<opener> Groups together dateline, byline, saluation, and similar phrases that appear as a preliminary group at the start of a division, esp. of a letter.
See also Plimpton 099 sample; <closer>; TEI Guidelines 7.2 Elements Common to All Divisions.
<orig> Original form of a reading; the original text is transcribed as the tag's content and the regularized form (optional) as an attribute value.
Selected Attributes reg: Records the normalized or regularized form.
See also <reg>; TEI Guidelines 6.5.2 Regularization and Normalization.
<p> Marks paragraphs in prose and generally contains the bulk of text within a division (<div1>, etc.).
See also Appendix; TEI Guidelines 6.1 Paragraphs.
<pb/> An empty tag. Page-boundary: marks beginning of a new page.
Selected Attributes n: Global attribute that records a folio number or other value associated with the page which follows this tag's point of insertion.
Example <pb n="185r"/>
See also <fw>; TEI Guidelines 6.9.3 Milestone Tags.
<principal> Name of the principal researcher responsible for creating an electronic text.
See also TEI Guidelines 5.2.1 The Title Statement.
<profileDesc> Detailed description of a text's non-bibliographic aspects, specifically the languages and sublanguages used, the situation in which it was produced, and the participants and their setting.
See also UCB 152 sample, <profileDesc>; TEI Guidelines 5.4 The Profile Description; 5 The TEI Header.
<projectDesc> Aim or purpose for which an electronic file was encoded.
See also UCB 152 sample, <projectDesc>; TEI Guidelines 5.3.1 The Project Description.
<ptr/> An empty tag. A pointer to another location in the current document in terms of one or more identifiable elements.
Selected Attributes target: Indicates the pointer's destination; the value must correspond to the id of a tag in the current document.
Example <hi rend="underline">noster</hi><ptr target="n1"/>
<note id="n1">This word has been underlined in the manuscript.</note> [UCB 092, f. 3r]
See also <ref>; <xptr/>; TEI Guidelines 6.6 Simple Links and Cross References; 14.1 Pointers.
<publicationStmt> Groups information concerning publication or distribution of an electronic or other text. Though the DTD does not enforce it, TEI conformance requires that information about publication place, address, identifier, availability, and date be given in that order, following the name of the publisher, distributor, or authority concerned.
See also UCB 152 sample under <fileDesc>; TEI Guidelines 5.2.4 Publication, Distribution, etc.
<publisher> Name of the organization responsible for publication or distribution of a bibliographic item.
Example <publisher>Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies</publisher>
<publisher>The Bancroft Library</publisher>
See also TEI Guidelines Imprint, Pagination, and Other Details; 5.2.4 Publication, Distribution, etc.
<pubPlace> Name of the place where a bibliographic item was published.
Example <pubPlace>Tempe, AZ</pubPlace>
See also TEI Guidelines Imprint, Pagination, and Other Details.
<q> Representation of speech or thought marked as quoted from someone else (whether in fact quoted). In narrative, the words are usually those of a character or speaker.
See also TEI Guidelines 6.3.3 Quotation.
<quotation> Records editorial practice with respect to the original text's quotation marks.
Selected Attributes marks: Indicates whether quotation marks have been retained as content within the text; legal values are none, some, and all [default].
form: Specifies how the marks are indicated; legal values are data (retained as data), rend (the rend attribute is used consistently to indicate the marks' form), std (use of marks has been standardized), nonstd (marks are represented inconsistently), and unknown [default].
See also TEI Guidelines 5.3.3 The Editorial Practices Declaration.
<quote> Phrase or passage attributed by the editor to an external agency (e.g., a proverb).
See also TEI Guidelines 6.3.3 Quotation; 7.3 Groups of Texts.
<ref> Reference to another location in the current document in terms of one or more identifiable elements, possibly modified by additional text, e.g. for "see also" notes.
Selected Attributes target: Indicates the pointer's destination; the value must correspond to the id of a tag in the current document.
Example <lg type="verse">
<l>&para;<ref target="gloss2"><hi rend="underline">frondinodio</hi></ref>/
por seuar</l></lg>
<p><add><gloss id="gloss2">&para; <term rend="underline">frondinodio</term>. c'idbadano de rroma asy co
<lb/>m<expan>m</expan>o valerio rrecue&ntilde;ta en<expan>e</expan>l sesto libro 7 ioh<expan>a</expan>n
See also <ptr/>; <xref>; TEI Guidelines 6.6 Simple Links and Cross References.
<refsDecl> Specifies how canonical references are constructed for this text.
See also TEI Guidelines 5.3.5 The Reference System Declaration.
<reg> Reading which has been regularized or normalized in some way; the normalized text is transcribed as the tag's content and the original form (optional) as an attribute value.
Selected Attributes orig: Records the original form.
Example <reg orig="Sz">Sed</reg> [Plimpton 099, f. iv verso]
See also <orig>; TEI Guidelines 6.5.2 Regularization and Normalization.
<region> State, province, county or region name; administratively larger than a <settlement> but smaller than a <country>.
See also <msIdentifier>; TEI Guidelines 20.2 Place Names.
<rendition> Supplies information about the intended rendition of one or more elements. The P4 release of the TEI Guidelines does not specify this element's content in any detail.
See also TEI Guidelines 5.3.4 The Tagging Declaration.
<repository> Identifies the repository (archive or library) where a manuscript resides.
See also <msIdentifier>.
<resp> In statements of responsibility in header, phrase identifying the function of the individual(s) named.
See also UCB 152 sample under <fileDesc>; TEI Guidelines Authors, Titles, and Editors; 5.2.1 The Title Statement.
<respStmt> In bibliographic citations in header, statement of responsibility in cases where more specialized elements do not fit (such as <author>, <editor>).
See also UCB 152 sample under <fileDesc>; TEI Guidelines Authors, Titles, and Editors; 5.2.1 The Title Statement.
<restore> Cancelled deletion (or portion of a deletion); i.e., a passage marked first as deleted, then later as not to be deleted after all.
Selected Attributes desc: Gives a prose description of the means of restoration.
hand: Indicates the agent who made the restoration; the value must be one defined in <handList>.
See also TEI Guidelines 18.1.6 Cancellation of Deletions and Other Markings; 18.2.1 Document Hands.
<revisionDesc> Summary of file's revision history.
See also <change>; UCB 152 sample, <revisionDesc>; TEI Guidelines 5.5 The Revision Description; 5 The TEI Header.
<row> A row in a table, containing cells.
See also <table>; TEI Guidelines 22.1 Tables.
<rs> Contains a general purpose name or referring string.
Selected Attributes type: Indicates the type of object being named, such as person, place, or organization.
See also <name>; TEI Guidelines 6.4.1 Referring Strings.
<s> Sentence-like division of a text; can mark orthographic sentences or other segmentation, as long as the segmentation is end-to-end, complete, and non-nesting.
See also <seg>; TEI Guidelines 15.1 Linguistic Segment Categories; 11.3.1 Segmentation.
<salute> Greeting prefixed to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text, or the salutation in the closing of a letter, preface, etc.
See also <signed>; <opener>; TEI Guidelines 7.2.2 Openers and Closers.
<samplingDecl> Prose description of the rationale and methods used in sampling texts when creating a corpus or collection.
See also UCB 152 sample under <encodingDesc>; Lodge 02 sample; TEI Guidelines 5.3.2 The Sampling Declaration.
<seg> Any segment not otherwise covered by a tag. In transcriptions of text within diagrams, marks distinct segments of the text, for example. Or, commonly used to insert an element within another where the rules do not allow the desired element to go. In the example below, a <seg> element is used to insert a <note> in a <trailer>.
Example <trailer>
<foreign lang="lat"><hi rend="tx"><hi rend="rb">Expl<expan>icit</expan> Passus <abbr>.xi<hi rend="sup">us</hi>.</abbr></hi></hi></foreign>
<note type="codicological">"<hi rend="rb">XII</hi>" with red flourishes appears in the top right margin to indicate the passus number.</note></seg>
See also TEI Guidelines 14.3 Blocks, Segments and Anchors; 9.3 Components of the Verse Line.
<segmentation> Principles according to which the text has been segmented (e.g., sentences, tone-units, graphemic strata).
See also UCB 152 sample under <editorialDecl>; TEI Guidelines 5.3.3 The Editorial Practices Declaration.
<series> Information about the series in which a book or other bibliographic item has appeared.
See also <bibl>; TEI Guidelines Analytic, Monographic, and Series Levels.
<seriesStmt> Information about the series, if any, to which a publication belongs.
See also TEI Guidelines 5.2.5 The Series Statement.
<settlement> Contains the name of the smallest component of a place name expressed as a hierarchy of geo-political or administrative units, such as "Berkeley," California.
See also <msIdentifier>; TEI Guidelines 20.2 Place Names.
<sic> Reproduces text as it appears in the source, although apparently incorrect or inaccurate; the original text is transcribed as the tag's content and the corrected form (optional) as an attribute value.
Selected Attributes corr: Records the editorially determined correct form.
Example <sic corr="f">&longs;</sic>le&yacute; as fa&longs;te as he myg&hstrok;t [UCB 152, f. 6v]
he<sic corr=" "></sic>regned [UCB 152, f. 2r]
See also <corr>; TEI Guidelines 6.5.1 Correction of Apparent Errors.
<signed> Closing salutation appended to a foreword, dedicatory epistle, or other division of a text.
See also <salute>; <opener>; TEI Guidelines 7.2.2 Openers and Closers.
<soCalled> Contains a word or phrase for which the author or narrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility, for example by the use of quotation marks or italics.
See also TEI Guidelines 6.3.3 Quotation.
<sourceDesc> Bibliographic description of the text(s) from which an electronic text was derived or generated.
See also UCB 152 sample, <sourceDesc>; TEI Guidelines 5.2.7 The Source Description.
<sp> A speech in a drama.
See also Lodge 02 sample; TEI Guidelines 6.11.2 Core Tags for Drama; 6.11 Passages of Verse or Drama; 10.2.2 Speeches and Speakers.
<space/> An empty tag. Marks abnormal white space which one would expect to contain material; e.g., blank left for word not filled in, space left for image not drawn.
Selected Attributes extent: In appropriate units of measurement, indicates how large the space is.
See also <gap/>; TEI Guidelines 18.2.5 Space.
<speaker> A speaker in a drama.
See also <sp>; TEI Guidelines 6.11.2 Core Tags for Drama.
<sponsor> Gives the name of sponsoring organization or institution that provides intellectual responsibility.
See also <funder>; TEI Guidelines 5.2.1 The Title Statement.
<stage> A stage direction in a drama.
Selected Attributes type: Indicates the type of direction.
See also <sp>; TEI Guidelines 6.11.2 Core Tags for Drama; 6.11 Passages of Verse or Drama; 10.2.3 Stage Directions.
<stdVals> Format used when standardized date or number values are supplied.
See also UCB 152 sample under <editorialDecl>; TEI Guidelines 5.3.3 The Editorial Practices Declaration.
<supplied> Text supplied by the editor in place of wholly illegible text.
Selected Attributes reason: Indicates why the text has had to be supplied, such as overbinding or omitted in original.
hand: Specifies an agent if the presumed loss can be assigned to an identifiable hand; the value must be one defined in <handList>.
See also TEI Guidelines 18.1.7 Text Omitted from or Supplied in the Transcription; 18.2.3 Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text; 18.2.4 Use of the Gap, Del, Damage, Unclear and Supplied Tags in Combination; 18.2.1 Document Hands.
<table> Contains a table made up of rows and cells.
Selected Attributes rows: Indicates the number of rows in the table (top to bottom).
cols: Indicates the number of columns in the table (left to right).
rend: Global attribute that specifies the table's rendering; can also be defined at the row and cell levels.
Example <table>
<cell role="etym">1. OE, ON /a:/:</cell>
<cell role="forms"><oo> ~ <o> ~ (<a>) <note>The spellings in each category are listed in descending order of frequency with specially rare spellings in parentheses.</note>
See also Plimpton 133 sample; Plimpton 030 sample; TEI Guidelines 22.1 Tables.
<tagsDecl> Detailed information about the tagging applied to an XML document.
See also TEI Guidelines 5.3.4 The Tagging Declaration.
<tagUsage> Information about a specific element's usage within a text.
See also <tagsDecl>; TEI Guidelines 5.3.4 The Tagging Declaration.
<taxonomy> Defines a typology used to classify texts either implicitly, by means of a bibliographic citation, or explicitly by a structured taxonomy.
See also <classDecl>; TEI Guidelines 5.3.6 The Classification Declaration.
<TEI.2> Top-level tag containing a single TEI-conformant document that comprises a TEI header and a text.
See also <teiHeader>; <text>; TEI Guidelines 3 Structure of the TEI Document Type Definition; 23.1 Varieties of Composite Text.
<teiHeader> Descriptive and declarative information that make up a file's "electronic title page."
Selected Attributes type: Indicates the type of document to which the header is attached; sample values are text and corpus.
creator: Identifies the header's creator by name or initials.
date.created: Specifies when the header was first created, in a standard form, usually yyyy-mm-dd.
date.updated: Specifies when the current version of the header was created, in a standard form, usually yyyy-mm-dd.
See also Appendix; TEI Guidelines 5.1.1 The TEI Header and Its Components.
<term> Contains a single-word, multi-word or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term. Can be used with gloss to indicate the word or phrase glossed.
Example See <ref>
See also <list>; <gloss>; TEI Guidelines 6.3.4 Terms, Glosses, and Cited Words.
<text> Single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite.
See also <group>; TEI Guidelines 7 Default Text Structure; 23.1 Varieties of Composite Text.
<textClass> Groups information which describes the nature or topic of a text in terms of a standard classification scheme, thesaurus, etc.
See also <profileDesc>; TEI Guidelines 5.4.3 The Text Classification.
<title> In bibliographic citations in header, contains a work's title.
Example <title>The Prose Brut: The development of a Middle English chronicle</title>
See also TEI Guidelines Authors, Titles, and Editors; 5.2.1 The Title Statement; 5.2.5 The Series Statement.
<titlePage> Title page of a text found in the front or back matter.
See also Title page sample; TEI Guidelines 7.5 Title Pages.
<titlePart> Subsection or division of a work's title as indicated on a title page.
Selected Attributes type: Classifies this part's role; suggested values include main, sub (subtitle), alt (alternative), desc (descriptive paraphrase).
See also <titlePage>; TEI Guidelines 7.5 Title Pages.
<titleStmt> Groups information about the title of a work and those responsible for its intellectual content.
See also <title>; UCB 152 sample, <titleStmt>; TEI Guidelines 5.2.1 The Title Statement.
<trailer> Closing title or footer appearing at the end of a division or text.
Example See <seg>
See also Plimpton 099 sample; <expan>; TEI Guidelines 7.2 Elements Common to All Divisions.
<unclear> Word, phrase, or passage which cannot be transcribed with certainty due to illegibility.
Selected Attributes reason: Indicates why the material is difficult to transcribe.
hand: Specifies an agent if the difficulty can be ascribed to an identifiable hand; the value must be one defined in <handList>.
Example <unclear reason="rubbed">cu<expan>m</expan></unclear> [Plimpton 030, verso]
See also TEI Guidelines 18.2.3 Damage, Illegibility, and Supplied Text; 6.5.3 Additions, Deletions, and Omissions; 18.2.4 Use of the Gap, Del, Damage, Unclear and Supplied Tags in Combination; 18.2.1 Document Hands.
<w> In philological transcriptions, marks a unit which is to be treated as a word, but which might not be recognized as such by software relying solely on white-space. Note that phrase-level elements like <add> and <corr> cannot be used in conjunction with <w>, which limits consistency of its use.
Example <lb/> ... <w>Bru-
<lb/>taigne</w> [UCB 152, f. 3v line 11]
See also TEI Guidelines 15.1 Linguistic Segment Categories; 11.3.1 Segmentation.
<xptr/> An empty tag. Extended pointer: points to another location in the current document or an external one.
See also <ptr/>; <xref>; TEI Guidelines 14.2 Extended Pointers.
<xref> Extended reference: points to another location in the current document or in an external one using extended pointer notation, possibly modified by additional text.
See also <xptr/>; <ref>; TEI Guidelines 14.2 Extended Pointers.


Mackenzie, David. A Manual of Manuscript Transcription for the Dictionary of the Old Spanish Language, 5th ed. revised and expanded by Ray Harris-Northall. Madison: [Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies], 1997. vii, 53 pp., plus 47 full-page examples with transcriptions and 1 table.

The Text Encoding Initiative Guidelines:

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