P5 Fascicule


colophon contains the text of any colophon attached to a particular manuscript item: that is, a statement, usually found at the end of a manuscript, that provides information regarding the date, place, agency, or reason for production of the manuscript.
Class tei.msItemPart
element colophon { tei.global.attributes, macro.phraseSeq }
Global attributes and those inherited from : tei.msItemPart
 <colophon>Ricardus Franciscus Scripsit Anno Domini 1447.</colophon>
 <colophon>Explicit expliceat/scriptor ludere eat.</colophon>
 <colophon>Explicit venenum viciorum domini illius, qui comparavit Anno domini Millessimo Trecentesimo nonagesimo primo, Sabbato in festo sancte Marthe virginis gloriose.  Laus tibi criste quia finitur libellus iste.</colophon>
See further 1.6.1 The <msItem> and <msItemStruct> elements
Module msdescription