P5 Fascicule


dimensions contains any kind of dimensional specification.
Class tei.measured tei.data
element dimensions
   ## () indicates which aspect of the object is being measured. 
   attribute type { datatype.Key }?,
   ( height?, width?, depth? )+
(In addition to global attributes and those inherited from : tei.measured: tei.data)
type indicates which aspect of the object is being measured.
Datatype: datatype.Key
Sample values include:
leaves dimensions relate to one or more leaves (e.g. a single leaf, a gathering, or a separately bound part)
ruled dimensions relate to the area of a leaf which has been ruled in preparation for writing.
pricked dimensions relate to the area of a leaf which has been pricked out in preparation for ruling (used where this differs significantly from the ruled area, or where the ruling is not measurable).
written dimensions relate to the area of a leaf which has been written, with the height measured from the top of the minims on the top line of writing, to the bottom of the minims on the bottom line of writing.
miniatures dimensions relate to the miniatures within the manuscript
binding dimensions relate to the binding in which the codex or manuscript is contained
box dimensions relate to the box or other container in which the manuscript is stored.
 <dimensions type="leaves">
  <height scope="range">157-160</height>
 <dimensions type="ruled">
  <height scope="most">90</height>
  <width scope="most">48</width>
 <dimensions units="in">
See further 1.3.3 Dimensions
Module msdescription