layoutDesc | collects the set of layout descriptions applicable to a manuscript. | |
Declaration | element layoutDesc {, ( tei.paragraph+ | layout+ ) } |
Attributes |
Example | <layoutDesc> <p>Most pages have between 25 and 32 long lines ruled in lead.</p> </layoutDesc> |
Example | <layoutDesc> <layout columns="2" ruledLines="42"> <p> <locus from="f12r" to="f15v"/> 2 columns of 42 lines pricked and ruled in ink, with central rule between the columns.</p> </layout> <layout columns="3"> <p> <locus from="f16"/>Prickings for three columns are visible.</p> </layout> </layoutDesc> |
See further | 1.7.2 Writing, decoration, and other notations | |
Module | msdescription |