P5 Fascicule


msItem describes an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part.
Class tei.msItemPart
element msItem
   ## () identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this
   ## item
   attribute class { datatype.uriList }?,
   ## () indicates whether the item being described 
   ## is defective, i.e. incomplete.
   attribute defective { datatype.UBoolean }?,
   ( locus?, ( tei.paragraph+ | tei.msItemPart+ ) )
(In addition to global attributes and those inherited from : tei.msItemPart)
class identifies the text types or classifications applicable to this item
Datatype: datatype.uriList
Values: One or more codes, each of which is used as the identifier for a text classification element supplied in the TEI Header <textClass> element.
defective indicates whether the item being described is defective, i.e. incomplete.
Datatype: datatype.UBoolean
Default: false
Values: true, false, unknown, or unspecified
  <locus>ff. 1r-24v</locus>
  <title>Agrip af Noregs konunga s&ouml;gum</title>
  <incipit>regi oc h<expan>ann</expan> setiho
   <gap reason="illegible" extent="7"/>sc 
   heim se<expan>m</expan> &thorn;io</incipit>
  <explicit>h<expan>on</expan> hev<expan>er</expan>
   <expan>oc</expan>&thorn;a buit hesta .ij. aNan vi&thorn; 
   f&eacute; enh<expan>on</expan>o<expan>m</expan> aNan til
  <textLang langKey="#ONI">Old Norse/Icelandic</textLang>
See further 1.6.1 The <msItem> and <msItemStruct> elements
Module msdescription