P5 Fascicule


origPlace contains any form of place name, used to identify the place of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part.
Class tei.phrase
element origPlace
   ## indicates whether the attribution in question is definite,
   ## 	feasible, or has been assigned by the cataloguer.
   attribute placeAttrib { text }?,
   ## indicates the nature of the evidence supporting the reliability or
   ##   accuracy of the attribution.
   attribute evidence { text }?,
(In addition to global attributes and those inherited from : tei.phrase)
placeAttrib indicates whether the attribution in question is definite, feasible, or has been assigned by the cataloguer.
Status: Optional
Datatype: text
Legal values are:
dated the item is explicitly placed.
datable it is possible to place the item explicitly.
unknown the attribute has been made by the cataloguer on other grounds.

evidence indicates the nature of the evidence supporting the reliability or accuracy of the attribution.
Status: Optional
Datatype: text
Sample values include:
internal there is internal evidence to support the attribution.
external there is internal evidence to support the attribution.
attributed the attribution has been made by the cataloguer or scholar.

See further 1.3.1 Origination
Module msdescription