Report on XML mark-up of biographical and prosopographical data



The aim of this report is to compare and evaluate a number of different schemes for marking-up biographical and prosopographical data and compare these schemes with the mechanisms currently avaialable in TEI P5, in keeping with the aims of the TEI Personography Activity ( ). The schemes dealt with in this report are EAC (Encoded Archival Context), the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model, MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema), METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard), epiDoc (Epigraphic Documents), HEML (The Historical Mark-up and Linking Project), NOMEN, the GENTECH Data Modelling Project's XML implementation gdxml, GEDCOM XML, the HR XML Consortium's PersonName schema, and xNAL (OASIS TC's Name and Address Standard).

The objectives of the TEI Personography Activity are:
  • to investigate in a systematic way other existing XML schemes used to handle data about people; extract a list of features they encode, and compare that feature set with the set currently supported by TEI P5. This would aim to produce both some kind of ‘cross-walk’ of existing schemata for representing data about people and also some sample data sets for testing and evaluation purposes.
  • to review existing TEI customizations (e.g. Epidoc and the other classical archaeology work) which deal with people and work with their authors to identify features they have found it necessary to add to the existing TEI features.
  • to review the existing TEI elements used to represent data about people, specifically those provided by the corpus and names and dates modules; review their coverage with regard to the feature sets identified in the first step and determine whether or not they should be presented as a distinct module.
  • and, where there is a significant gap between the scope of other encoding schemes which cover historical data (e.g. HEML) and the current features provided by the TEI, to make recommendations on how the TEI scheme should relate to them.

In this report, lists of features from EAC, MODS, METS, METS, NOMEN, gdxml, GEDCOM XML and xNL are collected and fitted into ISAAR(CPF)2's standards schema (International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families ; cf. section 4 below). This schema has been chosen as it provides a ready-made matrix covering many relevant aspects of biographical data: names, dates and places of existence, nationality, occupation/sphere of activity, relationships, other significant information and archivist's notes. Fitting the various features of the different systems into such a template facilitates a comparison and evaluation of the different ways of treating biographical data.

The list of features is not exhaustive, however, as collecting data and understanding the underlying concepts of such a large number of different systems would require more time than was at our disposal. References to authorities or sources and/or archivist's notes, for example, which play an important part in several of the genealogical systems, have been neglected in favour of the other aspects mentioned above.

Due to broken links, password requirements and the nature of some of the data available — drafts and email discussion — it was difficult to find much information on EpiDoc's elements for people and authors. As a result EpiDoc has not been investigated in any depth and is is described only briefly in this report.

The comparision of data and in particular the identification of gaps in the current TEI scheme have suggested a number of subjects for discussion, listed at the end of each of the sections.

EAC was designed in accordance with ISAAR(CPF)2, and therefore plays the prominent role in this report. Not all the systems are organised in the same linear way as ISAAR(CPF)2, however, and it has therefore been difficult to present within that structure the mark-up schemes of, for example, HEML and GEDCOM XML, both of which make use of multiple records combined with each other through a system of links, and further description has been neceassry in order to indicate the differences.

It has at times also been difficult to find sufficient information on some of the systems; the explanations of some of the genealogical models were especially complicated. There was also a request from the TEI group to include CIDOC in the investigation, a task which proved rather difficult, as the sources do not present any material in XML. The system is been illustrated in Table 2 below, however, and there is an attempt to compare CIDOC's concepts of persons and events with that of the other systems.


Archival and Library Systems

EAC (Encoded Archival Context)

EAC, developed by Daniel Pitti (Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, University of Virginia), is a metadata standard which has been designed to encode descriptions of persons, corporate bodies and families. The intellectual model is intended to comply with that of ISAAR(CPF), and the data are ‘designed for use in federated database applications and collaborative research across a broad range of domains, including prosographic research and genealogical studies’.

Sources [Note: all sources accessed 24.01.2006]

CIDOC (The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model)

The International Committee for Documentation of the International Council of Museums (ICOM-CIDOC) together with the CIDOC Documentation Standards Working Group (DSWG) have over many years ‘engaged in the creation of a general data model for museums, with a particular focus on information interchange’ (ICOM: Who we are). This work has led to the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model, which ‘provides definitions and a formal structure for describing the implicit and explicit concepts and relationships used in cultural heritage documentation’ ( ).

The model is structured around two sets of values, classes (E [previously known as entities]) and properties (P); the classes and subclasses are set within a systematic hierarchy defined by a specialisation principle. The relation superclass/subclass is a semantic one, building on hyponymy; superclass is the superordinate and subclass is the hyponym. Thus, every person is a physical object, but a physical object (a biological object that can be moved, Crofts et al. 2005: iv) does not have to be a person.

Superclass Subclass/Superclass Subclass
E20 Biological object E19 Physical Object E21 Person
E77 Persistent Item E39 Actor E21 Person
E74 Group

Depending on the combination of the domain — in a few instances the range — and property, a person can either be classified as a ‘persistent item’, an ‘actor’ (this term should be interpreted as the act of a person or a group in a specific event) or a ‘person’.

The domains ‘birth’ and ‘death/end of existence’ (E64 ‘end of existence’ implies a natural death, whereas E69 ‘death’ + E7 ‘activity’ means that the person was killed) have the range E21 ‘person’, the domain E81 ‘transformation’ (incl. mummification) have the range E77 ‘persistent item’; a ‘person’ at an ‘event’ (E5) can be classified as both a ‘persistent item’ or an ‘actor’ depending on the role: ‘persistent item’ designates passive presence, whereas ‘actor’ implies active presence. The domains E8 ‘acquisition’, E10 ‘transfer of custody’, E18 ‘physical thing’ and E78 ‘collection’ also have an ‘actor’, and finally, an E74 ‘group’ has an ‘actor’ as a former or current member. If ‘actor’ is the ‘domain’, it has the ranges E53 ‘place’, E30 ‘right’, E82 ‘actor appellation’ and an E51 ‘contact point’/E45 ‘address’ (in this instance E45 is interpreted as E51).

Domain Property id and name Range
E67 Birth P96 by mother (gave birth) E21 Person
E67 Birth P97 from father (was father for) E21 Person
E67 Birth P98 brought into life (was born) E21 Person
E64 End of Existence (natural death) P100 was death of (died in) E21 Person
E69 Death + E7 Activity (killing) P100 was death of (died in) E21 Person
E81 Transformation (incl. mummification) P123 resulted in (resulted from) E77 Persistent Item
E5 Event P12 occurred in the presence of (was present at) E77 Persistent Item
E5 Event P11 had participant (participated in) E39 Actor
E7 Activity P14 carried out by (performed) E39 Actor
E8 Acquisition P22 transferred title to (acquired title through) E39 Actor
E8 Acquisition P23 transferred title from (surrendered title through) E39 Actor
E10 Transfer of Custody P28 custody surrendered by (surrendered custody through) E39 Actor
E10 Transfer of Custody P29 custody received by (received custody through) E39 Actor
E18 Physical Thing P49 has former or current keeper (is former or current keeper of) E39 Actor
E18 Physical Thing P50 has current keeper (is current keeper of) E39 Actor
E18 Physical Thing P51 has former or current owner (is former or current owner of) E39 Actor
E18 Physical Thing P52 has current owner (is current owner of) E39 Actor
E39 Actor P74 has current or former residence (is current or former residence of) E 53 Place
E39 Actor P75 possesses (is possessed by) E30 Right
E39 Actor P131 is identified by (identifies) E82 Actor Appellation
E39 Actor P76 has contact point (provides access to) E51 Contact Point/ E45 Address
E72 Legal Object P105 right held by (has right on) E39 Actor
E74 Group P107 has current or former member (is current or former member of) E39 Actor
E78 Collection P109 has current or former curator (is current or former curator of) E39 Actor

MODS (Metadata Object Description Schema)

On its website MODS is presented the following way: ‘The Library of Congress's Network Development and MARC Standards Office, with interested experts, has developed a schema for a bibliographic element set that may be used for a variety of purposes, and particularly for library applications. As an XML schema, the "Metadata Object Description Schema" (MODS) is intended to be able to carry selected data from existing MARC 21 records as well as to enable the creation of original resource description records.’

As indicated above, the main aim of the description is bibliographical, rather than biographical, data, and the features used for biographical data are therefore of a relatively basic kind.


METS (Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard)

According to its website METS is ‘a standard for encoding descriptive, administrative, and structural metadata regarding objects within a digital library’. METS was developed as an initiative of the Digital Library Federation and maintained in the Network Development and MARC Standards Office of the Library of Congress. The main goal is the description of metadata; personal descriptions are ancillary to the other elements, and, as in MODS, the tagging system for people (restricted to the archiver and the author/creator) in METS is fairly basic.

Historical Projects

epiDoc (Epigraphic Documents)

The project epiDoc presents itself as ‘a growing, global collaboration of humanists and information technologists whose joint aim is the creation of flexible but rigorous standards and tools for the digital encoding and interchange of epigraphic documents’. Looking in the epiDoc Guidelines ( ) however, only the basic TEI element <persName> with the attributes @reg and @key is given to register persons and link them to a database/authority list.

HEML (The Historical Event Mark-up and Linking Project)

The goal of the HEML project, presented by Bruce Robertson ( ), is to offer ‘an exhaustive chronological chart detailing every event the texts' editors thought worthy of inclusion’. As the name indicates, the concentration is mainly on historical events. An ‘event’ comprises:

  • a label to name the event
  • one or more keywords that group conceptually similar events
  • a location at which the event took place
  • a ‘chronology’ of the event, describing the time in or at which it event took place
  • a list of persons or groups of persons who participate in the event
  • a list of the evidence for the event, either in physical form (such as printed books or 16mm film) or as a web resource

HEML uses an ‘XML Schema for historical events for use in stand-alone documents and with elements embedded in XHTML’, as well as ‘a sample set of XSLT style sheets and Java code that transform data encoded [...] into useful representations’. These include lists of historical events with links to their sources, timelines and maps (both generated in Scalable Vector Graphics) and ‘means of joining and combining distributed documents [...] producing a non-centralized repository of historical event markup’.

Descriptions of persons are both uniquely identified within a separate document and also documented as participants in an event. This linkage is expressed with a design pattern using @uri and @uriRef attributes. ‘With the exception of the <Event> element itself, every element that takes a uri attribute has a corresponding empty element with a single attribute, uriRef. The latter's name is derived by adding ‘Ref’ to the former's name.’



The NOMEN project is based on a thesis project by Antonio M. Calvo, MARC to XML: an Enhanced Name Authority Record, presented to the Faculty of the School of Library and Information Science, San Jose State University, California, in 2001. With EAD as the original starting point, NOMEN has both simplified and elaborated EAD by concentrating solely on the tagging of names and by making available ‘a record structure for encoding the authorized name, variant names and biographical details of a person or a group being associated with informational items as subjects and creators’ (Calvo, 2001: 187).

Sample record
<Nomen type="personal"> <RecordNumber>002</RecordNumber> <Authorized> <Family>Rudolph</Family> <Title>Archduke of Austria</Title> </Authorized> <Variant number="one"> <vFamily>Rainer</vFamily> <vGiven>Rudolph</vGiven> <vAdditional> <vAdd1>Johann</vAdd1> <vAdd2>Joseph</vAdd2> </vAdditional> </Variant> <Variant number="two"> <vFamily>Rudolph</vFamily> <vTitle>Cardinal</vTitle> </Variant> <Variant number="three"> <vFamily>Rudolf</vFamily> <vTitle>Archduke of Austria</vTitle> </Variant> <Variant number="four"> <vFamily>Rudolph</vFamily> <vTitle>Erzherzog von Österreich</vTitle> </Variant> <Descriptio> <Inceptio> <Year>1788</Year> <Month>January</Month> <Day>8</Day> <Locatio> <Republic>Italy</Republic> <City>Florence</City> </Locatio> </Inceptio> <Conclusio> <dcYear>1831</dcYear> <dcMonth>July</dcMonth> <dcDay>23</dcDay> <dcLocatio> <dcRepublic>Austria</dcRepublic> <dcCity>Baden</dcCity> </dcLocatio> </Conclusio> <Regnum number="one">Priest</Regnum> <Regnum number="two">Composer</Regnum> <Source> <Titilus>Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart</Titilus> <Subtitle>Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik</Subtitle> </Source> </Descriptio> <Affiliatio relationship="teacher"> <aNomen>Ludwig van Beethoven</aNomen> <aiLocatio> <aiCity>Vienna</aiCity> </aiLocatio> </Affiliatio> </Nomen>


The website Cover Pages mention GedML: Genealogical Data in XML, GEDCOM XML (Genealogical Data Communication), XGenML, gdmxml, Genealogical Information Markup Language (GeniML™), GENTECH Genealogical Data Model, Genealogical Data Models in the Unified Modelling Language (GDMUML), GenXML, the GRAMPS Project and FamilyML. Due to time restrictions, many broken links and the lack of well structured presentations for a number of these systems, we will concentrate on GEDCOM XML, developed by the Family and Church History Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and gdmxml, the XML version of GENTECH, the National Genealogical Society's Genealogical Data Model, which seem to be the two most widely used systems.


Cover pages ( ) describes the GENTECH Data Modelling Project as ‘an extension of the work done by GENTECH members on the Lexicon Project, an attempt to define genealogical data for the purpose of facilitating data exchange among genealogists’. Apparently, the model is built around three basic statement types: relationship statements, event statements and characteristics statements, to which the persons are linked. gdmxml is Hans Fugal's XML implementation of the Genealogical Data Model. The documentation presented by Hans Fugal has no tag library, however, and the descriptions of the various elements given here are therefore based on his own family record ( ) and qualified guesses.


Genealogical Information Markup Language (GeniML™)

Cover pages presents GeniML™ as a XML vocabulary for recording and exchanging genealogical data developed by Jerry Fitzpatrick of Software Renovation Corporation. In his power point presentation The GeniML™ Data Model (Link from™.aspx Fitzpatrick characterise GeniML™ as a product of one person (him) that affirms many aspects of the GENTECH model; however, he has endeavoured to make his model simpler than GENTECH's. Unfortunately, the whole model is not explained in the presentation (‘it contains far more detail than can be presented here’), and it has not been possible to find either a DTD or any documentation for GeniML™. (Fitzpatrick's own family record JamesFitzpatrick.ged.xml, found in GEDCOM XML toGeniML™ 1.0 Conversion Utility, uses GEDCOM 5.0's mark-up language.)

According to the information in the presentation, Fitzpatrick's model mainly differs from GENTECH's in its way of managing the sources of biographical information and in certainty assessment (two elements of a high importance in genealogical data systems), but also by applying a different point of view of the concepts characteristics (e.g. residence, citizenship and hair colour) and events (e.g. birth, death, graduation and immigration). He prefers to interpret characteristics as static states and events as dynamic transitions, ‘a change from one state to another’.


GEDCOM XML (GEnealogical Data COMmunication)

GEDCOM, the genealogical data model of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, is ‘designed to provide a flexible uniform format for exchanging computerized genealogical data’; a new version, using XML, ‘promises to replace the GEDCOM XML data format’. There are many versions with different names of this XML version, the names XGenML, GedML, GedXML as well as GenXML flourish; this description is based on the newest ‘beta’ version, called GEDCOM XML, version 6.0.

The system of GEDCOM XML consists of a variety of independent records (family records, individual records, event records, LDS ordinance records, contact records, source records, repository records, and group records), which, through a linkage system, can be combined with each other. As mentioned before, this needs to be taken into account when comparing GEDCOM with more linear systems such as TEI P5, EAC and NOMEN.


Names for business purposes

HR XML Consortium: The PersonName schema

In connection with the Human Resources business, the HR-XML Consortium Cross-Process Objects Workgroup has developed a common HR vocabulary for the Consortium and schemas for common objects used in HR work (Recruiting and Staffing, Benefits Enrolment, Payroll etc.). One of the central objects defined by the workgroup and approved by the consortium is the PersonName schema, which has been designed to fit with the various components of individuals names and to encompass the variation of names according to e.g. ethnicity, country or purpose (professional or legal). According to the HR-XML Consortium's Person Name Recommendation, the ‘PersonName schema attempts to represent names for a broad array of cultures and purposes so that business processes can pass names reliably and completely, and in a format that can be efficiently processed.’


OASIS TC Name and Address Standard (xNAL) through eXtensible Customer Information Language (xCIL)

According to the Cover Pages this standard was produced by the OASIS Customer Information Quality Technical Committee with the objective ‘to develop a global standard for managing name and address data regardless of country of origin, to simplify things from [the] maintainability point of view’. The development of xNal is based on CIQ (Customer Information Quality) standards and comprises two components, xNL (eXtensible Name Language), a name standard, and xAL (eXtensible Address Language), an address standard. The system evaluated here is that of xNL and not that of xAL.

Sample record
<xNL> <NameDetails PartyType="Person"> <PersonName> <Title>Mr</Title> <FirstName Type="GivenName">Ram</FirstName> <MiddleName>Laxhman</MiddleName> <MiddleName Type="Initial">B</MiddleName> <LastName NameType="SurName">Kumar</LastName> <Alias>Ram</Alias> <FormerName> <NameLine>Ramkumar</NameLine> </FormerName> </PersonName> <DependencyName PartyType="Person" DependencyType="C/O"> <PersonName> <Title>Mr</Title> <FirstName Type="Official" NameType="GivenName">Venkat</FirstName> <FirstName Type="Unofficial" NameType="GivenName">Venki</FirstName> <LastName>Krishnan</LastName> </PersonName> </DependencyName> </NameDetails> </xNL>

TEI P5 elements compared with other systems

This account is based on the comparative schemas from Appendix 1, supplied with features from TEI P5. As mentioned in the introduction, the over-all structure and intellectual content of the model is based on ISSAR(CPF), 2nd edition.


In TEI P5, information about the person's sex, role and age can be given as attributes on the first wrapper element for the person described:

<person xml:id="" sex="0|1|2|9" role="" age="">

The attribute @xml:id seems to be contained in most systems' wrapper element for the individual; the other attributes, sex, age and role — if they are registered — are dealt with in separate elements.

Four of the other systems (EAC, GEDCOM XML, GENTECH XML and HR-XML) have a separate element named <sex> or <gender> (GEDCOM XML). In gdxml all personal characteristics, including sex, are registered as characteristics, cf. Appendix 1. Table 3 shows how these systems register a person's sex/gender:

Figure 3. SEX/GENDER
<person sex="0|1|2|9"> <sex value="m|f|u"> <Gender> Male|Female </Gender> <Gender> M|F|U </Gender> <characteristic-part characteristic-part-type-ref=""> <name> </name> </characteristic-part> <characteristic-part-type id=""> <name> </name> </characteristic-part-type>

A means for indicating a person's role are only found in half the systems. In HEML, GEDCOM XML and gdmxml the role of a person seems to be registered as part of the event in which the person is a participant. As in TEI P5, METS @role is independent of the description of an event. MODS, however, has a special element for <role> with a subelement <roleTerm> .

Figure 4. ROLE
TEI P5 METS MODS HEML (event) GEDCOM XML (event record) Gdmxml (event)
<person role=""> <agent role=""> <role> <roleTerm type="text|code|[etc.]"> e.g. creator <description ID="" type="personal" authority="" xlink="" xml:lang="" script="" transliteration=""> AND / OR <description> <participants xmlns=""> <PersonWithRole> <PersonRef uriRef=""/> <Participant> <Link> <Role> <Living> Y|N <Age> <Religion> </Participant> <event-type-role id="">

The optional value age is only found in TEI P5 and GEDCOM XML. For the latter, the age is registered in connection with an event; i.e. the age of a participant at the time of the event.

Figure 5. AGE
TEI P5 OASIS (xCIL) GEDCOM XML (event record)
<person age=""> <AgeDetails> <AgeYears> <AgeMonth> <AgeDays> </ AgeDetails> OR <AgeRange> <Participant> <Link> <Role> <Living> Y|N <Age> <Religion> </Participant>

Points for discussion All other systems working with the categories sex, role and age have separate elements for these, and it can be discussed whether TEI wants to split this information up into separate elements or to retain them as attributes on <person> . @age is obviously left over from the time when <person> was only used for participants in a language interaction, and its relevance in other contexts may be questioned, given that age is clearly not static, like gender (although here too there are obvious exceptions). It is also important to note the a person's role can vary considerably according to the circumstances. It seems reasonable therefore to argue for adding some sort of event-list, e.g. as <eventList> <event> , or <life> <lifeEvent> , to which such information could be tied.

The authorised form of a name (ISAAR(CPF)2: 5.1.2)

To deal the authorised form of a name TEI P5 has <persName> , which can either simply contain a name or a number of specialised sub-elements:
<persName xml:lang=""> <forename type="first|middle|given|abbrev|unused|[etc.]" full="yes|abb|init" sort="1|2|3|[etc.]"> <surname type="maiden|married|linked|combine|[etc.]" sort="1|2|3|[etc.]"> <addName type="nickname|epithet|alias|honorific"> <roleName type="office|military|[etc.]"> </persName>
Here, first and middle names are tagged as <forename> with the values first and middle for the attribute @type. <surname> , <forename> as well as <addName> are defined by their type, thus parallel forms of the name occur within the same <persName> element. Where it is necessary to give the name in different languages, a new <persName> element can be added, with the appropriate @xml:lang attribute:
<persName xml:lang="isl">Árni Magnússon</persName> <persName xml:lang="lat">Arnas Magnæus</persName> <persName xml:lang="dan">Arne Magnusson</persName>

As the authorised name of a person is the core of every personal description, all the schemes discussed here have elements for this. Comparing these is complicated by the fact that the different systems operate with different taxonomies or approaches as to which level a name should be grouped and categorised.

<persName type=""> <agent role=""> <person idref=""> <Authorized> <name> <pershead authorized=""> <PersonName Type=""> <NameLine> <FormattedName type="presentation|legal| sortOrder">
<forename type="first|middle|given|abbrev|unused|[etc.]" full="init" sort="1|2|3|[etc.]"> <name> <NameSet> <Name xml:lang=""> <NameElement ordinal="1|2|3|[etc.]"> </NameSet> <name type="personal"> <namePart type="family|given"> OR <displayForm> <characteristic> <characteristic-part characteristic-part-type-ref="given_names"> <name> </characteristic-part> </characteristic> <IndivName Type="alias|nickname|aka|married|maiden" method="" xml:lang=""> <NamePart Type="given name|prefix|suffix|surname prefix|surname|title" Level="1|2|3|4"> <Given> <part type="forename|middlename|surname|[etc.]"> <existdate> <usedate> <FirstName Type="GivenName|OldName|Official|UnOfficial|Initial|[etc.]"> <MiddleName Type=""> <GivenName> <PreferredGivenName> <MiddleName> OR <IdValue="FirstName|[etc.]">
<nameLink> <LastNamePrefix> <FamilyName prefix="de|von|da|[etc.]"> OR <IdValue="">
<surname type="maiden|married|linked|combine|[etc.]" sort="1|2|3|[etc.]"> <Family> [in the NOMEN list the order is reversed, so that the family name is written before the given name] <LastName type="OldName|Official|UnOfficial|Initials|[etc.]" NameType="LastName|SurName|MaidenName|Patronymic|Matronymic"> <OtherName> <FamilyName primary=true|false|undefined> OR <IdValue="">
<addName type="nickname|epithet|alias|honorific"> <namePart type="termsOfAddress"> <Title> <nameadd type="e.g. title|abbr|initial"> <existdate> <usedate> <Alias> OR <KnownAs> <Title Type="Sex|Honorary|Profession">
<roleName type="office|military|nobility|[etc.]"> <Title> <Additional> <Add1> <Add2> <Add3> <Title Type="Sex|Honorary|Profession"> <PrecedingTitle> <Suffix> <Affix type="aristocraticTitle|formOfAddress|generation|qualification|academicGrade|aristocraticPrefix|familyNamePrefix|familyNameSuffix"> <Affix type="aristocraticTitle|formOfAddress|generation|qualification|academicGrade|aristocraticPrefix|familyNamePrefix|familyNameSuffix"> OR <IdValue="">
<genName full="abb"> </persName> <GenerationIdentifier Type="Family Title">
OR <initials>

The simplest system is that of METS, which does not have any division of names into subelements. In HEML, all subelements of a name are repetitive name elements: <NameElement ordinal="1|2|3|[etc.]"> . The MODS design is a little more elaborate, as it also has the element <namePart> on which there is a @type attribute with the possible values date, family, given and termsOfAddress, to categorise more precisely the various parts of a name. The value termsOfAddress is used for additional names, titles etc., and date indicates dates of birth and death of the person. In gmxml ( ) the name is part of a characteristic of a person, and the name elements are defined in @charateristics-part-type-ref.

NOMEN and EAC distinguish between authorised names and other names; in NOMEN it is done by the element <Authorized> , whereas in EAC an @authorized attribute is available on <pershead> . Unlike the other systems, HR-XML operates with formatted names, which are names written exactly as they would appear on a purchase order, an envelope, etc. (presentation), as in ordered lists (sortOrder) and on legal documents (legal); in HR-XML a person's initials are also marked separately from the name. To treat the initials as a single unit seems logical — in these cases where all the name consists of initials — and could be integrated in TEI's name tagging as an alternative to the division of initials on forename and surname-tags.

Where TEI P5 has <forename type="first|middle"> the NOMEN system does not make the division, as it only has the element <Given> ; EAC works with a <part> for all types of names, except for additional names, with the type identified by the attribute @type. Both xNL and HR-XML, on the other hand, work with a division of the forenames this into <FirstName> and <MiddleName> (xNL) and <GivenName> <PreferredGivenName> and <MiddleName> (HR-XML); the division of <GivenName> and <PreferredGivenName> seems to correspond with TEI P5's tagging <forename type="unused"> and <forename> , and GEDCOM XML's division between level 3 and level 4 in <NamePart Type="" Level=""> . GEDCOM XML has a division of names into <IndivName> and <NamePart> , the part of the name categorized by the @Type — seemingly with an overlap — and the <NamePart> -names are divided into four levels, 1 = surname, 2 = maiden name and 3 = given name (4 can be added for the most important name).

All the systems have an element for surname, but xNL is the only system working formally with additional surnames distinguishing between <LastName> and <OtherName> (the maiden name can also be included in <OtherName> . As an example The xNL Standard Description Document use the name of a man normally known as Yousuf Khan but with the patronymic names of his father and grand father he is called Yousuf Khan al Hatab al Sayad (Hatab is Yousouf's father's name and Sayad is Yousuf's grandfather's name) al Hatab al Sayad is then his <OtherName> .

xNL also works with values OldName, Official and UnOfficial, the first, apart from being a value to e.g. <FirstName> is found in the element <FormerName> with the attributes @ValidFrom and @ValidTo. OldName/ <FormerName> could be an equivalent to TEI P5's <forename type="unused"> , however, more elaborated. Note also that for all name-parts EAC has the optional subelements <existdate> and <usedate> to indicate the dates of the validity of the names.

xNL's division between an official and unofficial name seems to be the equivalent to the tagging of normal names and nicknames in the other systems. Nevertheless, the more unspecific values Official and UnOfficial are not limited to a division between the nickname and the more official names, but are applicable to other forms of official and unofficial representation of names; furthermore, the <Alias> -tag can also be used for registering nicknames. HR-XML works with a system, corresponding to TEI P5's @sort, in which the primary surname is distinguished from other surnames, if any.

TEI P5's <nameLink> corresponds easily to xNL's <LastNamePrefix> and HR-XML's <FamilyName prefix="de|von|da|[etc.]"> , GEDCOM XML's <NamePart Type="surname prefix"> and EAC's <part type="prefix"> , and perhaps also in gdmxml's @characteristic-part-type-ref; the only difference is that in HR-XML @prefix is an attribute. Double-barrelled names do not seem to be categorised separately in any systems other than TEI P5.

TEI P5's <addName> covers a wide range of additional names, determined by the value of @type;

  • METS and MODS and HEML have no equivalents
  • Gdmxml's attribute @characteristic-part-type-ref in <characteristic-part-type> seemingly covers all sorts of values for a name.
  • xNL has <Alias> and <Title> ; a nickname can be listed both as an <Alias> or by using the value UnOfficial in <FirstName> .
  • NOMEN also has both <Title> and <Additional> , the latter separated into smaller components <Add1> <Add2> and <Add3> ; however, the <Additional> <add> elements look as if they cover a larger range of names than TEI P5's <addName> .
  • HR-XML does not an equivalent category, but some of <addName> 's values can be found in the elements <formatted name> and <affix> , and, according to the manual (p. 8), nicknames are tagged by <PreferredGivenName> .
  • EAC's <nameadd> covers both <addName> and TEI P5's <roleName> and <genName> ; the validity of the name is marked with either <existdate> or <usedate> .
  • GEDCOM XML only have <NamePart Type=""> to catalogue additional names.

<roleName> with its various values corresponds to xNL's <Title> , <PrecedingTitle> , for outdated titles, and <Suffix> , and to HR-XML's <Affix> ; xNL has <title type="sex"> , a further division which is not found elsewhere. Uniquely, xNL also has a <GeneralSuffix> which is used to indicate that the person is pensioned or deceased.

<genName> corresponds with xNL's <GenerationIdentifier> and HR-XML's <Affix> , as can be seen from table 2 above; because of all the various options for the attribute @type <Affix> covers both TEI P5's <roleName> and <genName> .

Points for discussion: Compared to other systems, TEI P5 encompasses many details of a person's name, but it can be discussed whether TEI also should:

  • have a mechanism for distinguishing between an authorised name and other names, as in EAC and NOMEN
  • use a separate element for middle name or maintain the system where the division between middle and first names are indicated by the @type.
  • add dates to the names, either parallel to EAC's <existdate> and <usedate> , or with attributes similar to @ValidFrom and @ValidTo
  • add equivalents to EAC's values translations and transliterations, the latter for names from other writing systems.
  • deal with initials as a separate single unit.

Parallel Forms of a Name (ISAAR(CPF)2: 5.1.3-5.1.5)

In most of the schemes, parallel forms of a name, if they occur, are dealt with by repeating the name element and changing the language, as in the TEI example shown above, and also in HEML, where the various forms of the name are wrapped in a <NameSet> element; see table 7 below.

<pershead authorized=""> <Variant number="one|two|three|four|five">
<persName xml:lang="eng"> <persName xml:lang="lat"> etc. <part type="" translations="" translaitterations=""> <nameadd type=""> etc. OR <persgrp> <NameSet> <Name xml:lang="la"> <NameElement ordinal=""> </Name> <Name xml:lang="ja"> <NameElement ordinal=""> </Name> </NameSet> <IndivNameVariationTranslationType="" Method=""> <vFamily> <vGiven> etc. <FormerName Type="FullName|[etc.]" NameDetailsRefKey="" ValidFrom="" ValidTo=""> <NameLine> <PrecedingTitle> Etc. </FormerName> <KnownAs Type=""> <NameLine> <PrecedingTitle> etc. </KnownAs>

In EAD and NOMEN, parallel names are marked formally, in EAD by @authorized in <pershead> , although an element <persgrp> (Personal Name Heading Group) exists ‘to associate parallel personal names in various languages or script forms’. (Encoded Archival Context Tag Library, <persgrp> ) Translations and transliterations of names are marked by @translations and @transliterations in <part> . As seen above, NOMEN also marks the distinction between the authorised name and the variant name but has no translation system.

GEDCOM XML has the element <IndivNameVariation> , and parallel to EAC's @translations and @transliterations, GEDCOM XML has the attributes @TranslationType and @Method for names in other alphabets. The names, however, exists parallel to each other in the same personal name content model. In xNL <FormerName> and <KnownAs> are available as subelements of <PersonName> .

Dates of existence

All systems, with the exception of xNL and HR-XML (both of which record systems of names for business purposes) have means of indicating the dates of a person's existence, but there are different ways of approaching the matter.

  • The first approach is to record the known dates of a person's existence as a part of the person's name, as in MODS, where date is available along with family, given and termsOfAddress as a possible value of the @type attribute on <namePart> .
  • The second is to interpret birth and/or death as ‘events’. This is the case for the genealogists, GEDCOM and gdmxml (in Hans Fugal's family gdxml file he has not noted birth or death of the persons involved, but inferring from the internal logic of the system these dates must be connected to an ‘event’ designated by the attribute; in the DTD, the element <date> exists as a sub-element for characteristics, event and group) and, arguably, HEML (and has also been suggested for TEI, see below).
  • The third option is to record the date and place of birth and death as separate from other ‘events’, as in TEI P5, EAC, NOMEN and HR-XML. CIDOC also seems to belong to this group, but with a distinction not known elsewhere, as CIDOC distinguishes between a birth by mother, a birth by father and a more impersonal birth. Furthermore, the system distinguishes between the natural death of a person and death by other causes, such as murder (note that the persons here are not viewed as actors or persistent items); see table 9 below.
E67 Birth P96 by mother (gave birth to) E21 Person
E67 Birth P97 from father (was father to) E21 Person
E67 Birth P98 brought into life (was born) E21 Person
E64 End of Existence (natural death) P100 was death of (died in) E21 Person
E69 Death + E7 Activity (killing) P100 was death of (died in) E21 Person
INDIVIDUAL REC OR D <DeathStatus> dead|stillborn|infant|child
<existdesc> <existdate type="life|floruit|circa|before|after" calendar="gregorian|julian|[etc.]" era="ce|bce" scope="begin|end|active|begin-end" normal=" YYYYMMDD/ YYYYMMDD"> <altdate>
<birth date="YYYYMMDD" calendar="Gregorian|Julian|[etc.]" value=""> OR <birth notBefore="" notAfter="" calendar=""> EVENT REC OR D <eventRec Id="" Type="birth " VitalType="birth "> <Participant> <Link> <Role> <Living> Y|N <Age> </Participant> <Date Calendar="Gregorian|Julian|Hebrew|French|Roman|unknown" Time=""> ABT/CAL/EST/AFT/BEF/BET/FROM/TO (ABT = About, meaning the date is not exact (ABT 12 JUN 1842, ABT 1812); CAL = Calculated mathematically, for example, from an event date and age; EST = Estimated based on an algorithm using some other event date; AFT = Event happened after the given date; BEF = Event happened before the given date; BET = Event happened some time between date 1 and date 2. (BET 12 MAR 1836 AND 06 MAY 1836); FROM = Indicates the beginning of a happening or state; TO = Indicates the ending of a happening or state) DD MMM YYYY </Date> <Descriptio> <Inceptio> <diYear> <diMonth> <diDay> <Chronology> <Year> </Year> </Chronology> <Chronology> <Comment> <DateRange> <StartingDate> <Date calendar="Buddhist|Chinese|Gregorian|Hebrew|Islamic|Japanese" era="AD|BC|AH|[etc.]"> </Date> </StartingDate> <EndingDate> <Date calendar=""> </EndingDate> </DateRange> </Chronology>
<district type="arondissement|[etc.]"> <settlement type="farm|manor|castle|village|city"> <region type="parish|county|compass|geog|[etc.]"> <country> <bloc> <place placetype="geog|juris[dictional]" type="e.g. birthplace"> <PlacePart Type="Postal code|Town|County|State|Country" level="5|4|3|2|1> <PlaceVariation TranslationType="" Method=""> <Note> <diLocatio> <diRepublic> <diCity> <diStreet> <diStreetNumber> <diPostalCode>
<death date="YYYYMMDD"> OR <death notBefore="" notAfter=""> <eventRec Id="" Type="death " VitalType="death"> <Participant> <Link> <Role> <Living> Y|N <Age> </Participant> <Date Calendar="" Time=""> <Conclusio> <dcYear> <dcMonth> <dcDay>
<placeName> <district> <settlement> <region> <country> <bloc> <place placetype="geog|juri" type=""> <Place> <PlacePart Type="Postal code|Town|County|State|Country" level="5|4|3|2|1> <PlaceVariation TranslationType="" Method=""> <note> <dcLocatio> <dcRepublic> <dcCity> <dcStreet> <dcStreetNumber> <dcPostalCode>

As seen above, GEDCOM XML singles itself out from the other systems by operating with two rather existential categories for the person involved: <DeathStatus> with the content dead, stillborn, infant and child, as well as with an element for the participants of an event called <living> , which, not surprisingly, has the two options Y (yes) or N (no). By using the elements <participant> and <role> it is also possible, as in CIDOC, to distinguish between a person's mother and father and between death by natural causes and murder.


EAC has only the single element <existdate> , which is applicable to more than human beings and comprises both life and flourit dates; the latter (flourit) does not exist in other systems. The attribute calendar is common to TEI P5 and HEML; nevertheless, the era (‘ce’ for Christian era and ‘bce’ for before Christian era) are only found in EAC and HEML (HEML also has both @calendar and @era on <Date> , the latter for eras other than the Christian. In EAC, an alternative to the attribute calendar is <altdate> , which is used to tag dates from calendars other than the Gregorian one.

In TEI P5 the elements <birth> and <death> have the attributes @date or @notBefore and @notAfter. In HEML this division between a point in time and a span of time is made by two different tagging systems, the former using <Chronology> and <Year> (whether the elements <Month> and <Day> exist is not made explicit in the data), the latter inserting <Date> in the wrappers <StartingDate> and <EndingDate> , respectively. In the other systems this dating has been divided into several elements; cf. e.g. NOMEN's <Descriptio> <Inceptio> <diYear> <diMonth> <diDay> etc. and <Description> <Conclusio> <dcYear> etc. In NOMEN the <diYear> etc. can occur more than once, which is, like @notBefore and @notAfter, used to indicate that the date is uncertain.

Points for discussion
  • At the moment there is no satisfactory means in TEI to indicate a person's flourit dates, i.e. the dates between which a person is known to have been active, in cases where the dates of birth and death are unknown. It can also happen that the only information about a person's existence is that the name is recorded in one or more sources, and it would be useful to be able to distinguish between cases where a person is mentioned or recorded in a document written by sometone else and where he or she has actually written or signed the document in question.
  • It has been suggested that there should be an element for ‘life events’, including but in no way limited to birth and death, something like the following:
    <life> <lifeEvent type="birth" date="1777-07-04">Born on the 4th of July 1777</lifeEvent> <lifeEvent type="baptism" date="1777-07-04">Baptised on the 7th of July 1777</lifeEvent> <lifeEvent type="marriage" date="1800-10-10">Married on the 10th of October 1800</lifeEvent> <lifeEvent type="death" date="1800-10-12">Died on the 12th of October 1800<lifeEvent> </life>
  • It would be useful to be able to include information on persons, places and circumstances relevant to a person's birth, death or other ‘life events’ (e.g. died during the 79 AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius).

History/Event (ISAAR(CPF)2: 5.2.2. History)

TEI P5 has an <event> element, but it is used in transcriptions of speech to mark ‘any phenomenon or occurrence, not necessarily vocalized or communicative, for example incidental noises or other events affecting communication’ (Sperberg-McQueen, C.M. and Lou Burnard (eds.): TEI P5: Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange, Oxford — Providence — Charlottesville — Nancy 2005 ) and so there is at present no means of combining persons and historical events within the <person> element. There is, however, the option of recording a person's residual history with the use of place and date elements, as has been done for persons mentioned in descriptions of manuscripts in the Arnamagnæan collection, cf. below in the next section, Places.

As seen in the table below, EAC and HEML, as well as the genealogical systems GEDCOM XML and gmlxml, all have means for record a person's history. There is, however, a qualitative difference between EAC and mglxml and the two other systems, as the events of both HEML and GEDCOM XML are documented in separate event records.

<chronlist> <chronitem> <date> </date> <event> ( <corpname> / <persname> / <title> etc.) </event> <place> </chronitem> <chronitem> <date> </date> <eventgrp> <event> <event> <place> </eventgrp> </chronitem> <Events xmlns=""> <Event uri=""> <EventLabelSet> <Label xml:lang=""> </Label> </EventLabelSet> <Chronology> <Year> </Year> </Chronology> OR <Chronology> <Comment> <DateRange> <StartingDate> <Date calendar="Buddhist|Chinese|Gregorian|Hebrew|Islamic|Japanese" era="AD|BC|AH|[etc.]"> </Date> </StartingDate> <EndingDate> <Date calendar=""> </EndingDate> </DateRange> </Chronology> <LocationRef uriRef=""/> <Participants xmlns=""> <PersonWithRole> <PersonRef uriRef=""/> <RoleLabelSetRef uriRef=""/> </PersonWithRole> [further Persons or PersonWithRoles can be added here] </Participants> <References> </Event> <Classification xmlns=""> < KeywordClassificationSet> <KeywordClassificationSetRef uriRef=""/> <KeywordClassificationSetRef uriRef=""/> </KeywordClassificationSet> </Classification> <eventRec Id="" Type="[e.g. baptism, bar mitzva, birth, blessing, burial, confirmation, cremation, death, divorce, graduation, marriage]" VitalType="birth|death|marriage"> <Participant> <Link> <Role> <Living> Y|N <Age> <Religion> </Participant> <Date> <Place> <PlacePart type="city|country|state"> <Note> </eventRec> <event id="" event-type-ref="" place-ref=""> <name> <date> </event> <event-type id=""> <name> <event-type-role id=""> <name> </event-type-role> [ <group id="" group-type-ref="" place-ref=""> <name> <date> <criteria> </group> <group-type id=""> <name> </name> <group-type-role id=""> <name> </group-type-role> </group-type> ] <persona id=""> <name> </persona> <persona id=""> <name> </persona>

To describe a person's history, EAC works with something called <bioghist> , which contains ‘text within Paragraphs <p> and/or a chronology list <chronlist> that matches dates and date ranges with associated events’ (Robertson 2001-2005 ). To these events persons <persname> corporal names <corpname> , <titles> etc. can be added. An event group element <eventgrp> also exists for bundling multiple <event> s assiociated with a single <date> ; <chronitem> can also be repeated ‘for each set of associated date, place name, and event or group of events’.

In the XML Schema for Heml, version 2003-09-17 ( an ‘event’ is defined as ‘what is known about an historical event. It comprises, in order, Labels, Date, Location, Participants and References elements’ (my italics). The label contains ‘a description of the historical event in a brief headline-style entry suitable for inclusion in a table or printing on a map.’ The participants as well as the locations are linked to the records of the personal names and locations by the attribute @uriRef. As the HEML descriptions aim at being multi-lingual and multi-calendrical, the label should be rendered in various languages and put inside the wrapper element <EventLabelSet> (‘Heml elements whose names ending in ‘Set’ contain multiple instances of an element which describe the same thing, each in a different language’ (Robertson 2001-2005)). The bundling of events in HEML is not defined by their date, but by their conceptual similarity. This is done by the element <Classification> and with the reference elements <KeywordClassificationSetRef uriRef=""/> referring to the events, cf. table 10 above.

GEDCOM XML does not work with groupings of events, as the other two systems do. As in HEML, a participant in an event can contain a link to a record containing information on the person, if such information exists. In addition the <Participant> 's age is recorded, and whether he or she was dead or alive at the time of the event ( <Living> Y|N </Living> ). GEDCOM XML is also the only system working with a set of given values to an event, by means of which, for example, the sponsoring religion of an event can be recorded.

gmlxml also has an <event> element, with attributes @id, @event-type-ref and @place-ref to indicate type and place (these references are defined in <event-type id=""> and <name> ). The participants are first treated according to their role ( <event-type-role id=""> ), then as part of a group ( <group id="" group-type-ref="" place-ref=""> , the values here are also defined elsewhere in e.g. <group-type id=""> <name> and <group-type-role id=""> <name> ) and only then as individuals ( <persona id=""> <name> ).

Table 11 compares the aspects of elements for each system:

Figure 11. EVENTS
type of event free Free given, mostly religious events and ‘rites of passage’ free
Grouping of events
event date
event chronology
sponsoring religion
groups of participants
role(s) of participant(s)
participant(s) was/were dead or living at time of the event
corporate names

Points for discussion This section has been concerned with an aspect of personal description not found in TEI P5, the focus on events in a person's life, which raises the questions whether the TEI wants to be able to treat such events as a part of the personography (as in EAC) or as an individual event record in which participants are linked to personography files (as in HEML and GEDCOM XML). If choosing the first option, it has been suggested that a <life> element containing one or more <lifeEvent> elements could be added to the personal description. However, the design of EAC with a grouping of events according to the date could also be transferred to TEI (the grouping of events according to their conceptual content seems more appropriate for records in which the event is the pivotal point).

Places/Location (ISAAR(CFP)2: 5.2.3: Places)

The <location> element is described in the Encoded Archival Context Tag Library as ‘An element used to contain information on the place [...] where the entity was based, lived or resided or had some other connection.’ Only half the systems, TEI P5, EAC, GEDCOM XML, HEML and glmxml, have an element in keeping with this definition; NOMEN only deals with places in connection with the person's birth or death.

Figure 12. PLACES
<residence> <placeName> <locations> ( <head> <list> <chronlist> <location> ) <location> <PersInfo Type="residence"> <Information> <place id="">
<dateRange calendar="" exact="" from="" to=""> <date calendar="" era="" scope="begin|end|active|begin-end"> <Date Calendar=""> <existence-date> </existence-date>
<district type="e.g. arondissement"> <place placetype="geog|juris" type=""> <Place> <PlacePart Type="Postal code|Town|County|State|Country" level="5|4|3|2|1"> <place-part place-part-type-ref="city|state|county|country|[etc.]"> <name> </place-part> <heml:LocationDefinitions> <Location xmlns="" uri=""> <LocationLabelSet> <Label xml:lang=""> </Label> <Label xml:lang=""> </Label> </LocationLabelSet> <geo:Point> <geo:lat> <geo:long> </geo:Point> </Location> </heml:LocationDefinitions>
<settlement type="farm|manor|castle|village|city">
<region type="parish|county|compass|geog|[etc.]">

Table 13 illustrates the different ways of treating geographical data. Text in brackets is used when a term is only partly equivalent.

Figure 13. PLACE 2
Elements/Systems TEI P5 EAC GEDCOM XML HEML NOMEN (only <dilocatio> and <dclocatio> )
street number (in address)
postal code
district geographicalareas
settlement (e.g. farm, manor, village, city) geographicalareas (town) (city)
region (e.g. parish, county, geographical units) Jurisdiction / geographical areas (county, state)
country geographical areas
bloc geographical areas
latitude & longitude

EAC divides the notion of places into geographical and jurisdictional areas; this division seems to be most relevant in connection with places in the United States, however. Something corresponding to HEML's elements for latitude and longitude might be added to the TEI, but as these seem to be used when displaying the locations on a map, an aspect not found in TEI, they are perhaps not relevant.

GEDCOM XML and NOMEN both have special elements for postal code, and NOMEN even for the street name and street number. TEI P5 and EAC both distinguish between <PlaceName> / <location> on one hand and <address> on the other. Here, the tagging of street names, street numbers and postal codes are only connected with the <address> (TEI is the only one of these systems which has an element <postCode> and <street> ; however, both EAC and TEI P5 have the option address line <addressline> (EAC) and <addrLine> ), while <placeName> / <location> treats geographical data on a more macro-oriented level.

Legal status

As the definition is a very broad one (cf. The EAC Tag Library), ‘legal status’ has here been interpreted as all information endorsed by a legal (institutional or governmental) authority, including such things as nationality and marriage. Only EAC has elements for a person's legal status; TEI P5 has a <nationality> element, which has its counterpart in GEDCOM XML's <PersInfo type="nationality"> . In addition, GEDCOM XML has elements for a person's marriage(s) (encompassing ‘information about and number of marriages’ (GEDCOM XML Specification, Release 6.0.: 45); further details on a person's marriages are found in the Family Record), property and social security number.

<nationality> <legalstatus> Legal Status <date> <descnote> <place> <PersInfo Type="marriage|nationality|property|SSN"> <Information> <Date> <Place> <PlacePart Type="Postal code|Town|County|State|Country" level="5|4|3|2|1">

Functions, Occupations and Activities

EAC has a category called Functions, occupations and activities adopted from ISAAR(CPF)2's category 5.2.5. All other systems, apart from gdmxml and HR-XML (on which more later), only have elements for a person's occupation, which can be considered a subelement to Functions etc., cf. table 15. In EAC and GEDCOM XML, relevant date(s) and place(s) are connected with this element, a feature lacking in all other systems.

<occupation> <funactdesc> [function or activity description] <funactrels> <funactrel> <date> <descnote> <place> <funact> [function, profession or activity performed by the person] <regnum number="one|two|three"> [occupation] example: <Employee> <NewHireInformation/> <PersonName> <GivenName> <FamilyName> etc. </PersonName> <OfficeLocation/> <WorkSchedule/> </Employee> OR <EmployeeName> <GivenName> etc. </EmployeeName> In Individual Record <PersInfo Type="occupation"> <Information> <Date> <Place> <characteristic-part characteristic-part-type-ref="e.g. occupation"> <name> </characteristic-part> </characteristic> <characteristic-part-type id="occupation"> <name> [name of occupation] </name>

In gdmxml, there are no restriction on values, as long as they are interpreted as personal characteristics (cf. also next section); and in HR-XML the names can be restricted to match the context (Bartktus et al (eds.): Person Name 1.2. Recommendations 2001-Oct-11, p. 22) the <PersonName> wrapper element can then be changed to e.g. <EmployeeName> , <TaxFiler> or <SuperVisor> . Furthermore, <PersonName> can be wrapped inside another element, e.g. <Employee> with details as <OfficeLocation> and <WorkSchedule> added to the personal information.

Personal characteristics

EAC has an element called <character> for ‘distinguishing characteristics of a person, such as sex, hair color, height, and so on’. In the genealogical data bases, this element, though more broadly defined, theoretically plays an important role in the personal characterisation and overlaps some of the other elements described here.


In the GENTECH Genealogical Data Model, ‘characteristics’ are defined as ‘any data that distinguishes one person from another, such as an occupation, hair color, religion, name, and so forth’ (p. 49), and in glmxml the elements <characteristic> and <characteristic part> with its @characteristic-part-type can be employed to fit in with this broad definition, allowing the registration of everything from names to occupation to colour of hair — in Fitzpatrick's terms (The GeniML™ Data Model) the static elements a personal description. GENTECH's terminology thus overlaps ISAAR(CPF)2's categories for names: 5.1.12-5.1.5 (in the identification area), 5.2.5. Functions, Occupations and Activities (in the description area).


The equivalent of this in GEDCOM XML is the term called ‘Personal Information’, <PersInfo> , an element which does not include normal personal names or the person's sex. However, the possible values of @type are ‘[physical] attribute’, ‘cast’, ‘children’, i.e. information about and number of children, ‘education’, ‘marriage’, ‘military’, ‘nationality’, ‘occupation’, ‘property’, ‘religion’, ‘residence’, ‘SSN’ (social security number), and ‘title’.

Apart from covering data categorised as ‘Functions, Occupations and Activities’ (ISAAR(CPF)2: 5.2.5.), GEDCOM XML's <PersInfo> also cover the categories ‘residence’ (ISAAR(CPF)2: Places 5.2.3.; both in the description area) and ‘legal status’ (ISAAR(CPF)2: Legal Status 5.3.4. The values ‘military’ and ‘title’ also cover ISAAR(CPF)2's identity area (on titles connected with names), although only a small part of it.

Table 16 shows the elements for characteristics in EAC and the two genealogical systems.

<character> <sex> </character> <descentry type=""> <value> ( <date> <place> <descnote> <sourceref> ). <PersInfo Type="attribute|cast|children|education|marriage|military|nationality|occupation|property|religion|residence|SSN|title"> <Information> <Date> <Place> <PlacePart Type="Postal code|Town|County|State|Country" level="5|4|3|2|1"> <characteristic> <characteristic-part characteristic-part-type-ref="given_names|surname|occupation|[etc.]"> <name> </name> </characteristic-part> </characteristic>

General Context/Environment (ISAAR(CPF)2: 5.2.8. General context)

The EAC element <env> (‘environment’) is defined as ‘Information on the social, cultural, economic, and political context in which the person operated.’ (The EAC Tag Library <env> ) As with ‘Legal Status’, this is a broad definition, and it has no equivalents in the other systems.

Descriptive Entry and Other Context Data (ISAAR(CPF)2: 5.2.9. ‘Other significant information’

The EAC element <ocd> (‘Other Context Data’) and its child <descentry> (‘Descriptive Entry’) are containers for data not fitting in elsewhere. ‘Other context data’ is described as intended: ‘For textually complex information about the described entity that is not easily incorporated into one of the other named elements within <condesc> , i.e. Context Description, a container element for e.g. <eacrels> . When converting authority records to an EAC compliant format, the <ocd> element helps to minimize conversion difficulties by designating as "OCD" information that does not fit easily into one of EAC's more distinct categories. The element should be used with restraint and only after carefully considering the consequences that unspecified content designation poses for searching, retrieving, and displaying information in a networked environment.’ A ‘descriptive entry’, related to character description, is defined thus: ‘ <descentry> provides a means to extend the available descriptive categories. Its meaning will be dependent of the context in which it occurs, and the specifications entered in the TYPE attribute.’

For EAC elements, cf. Appendix 1.

Points for discussion The former six categories Legal Status, Functions, Occupations and Activities, Characteristics and Environment, Other Context Data and Description Entry have no counterparts in TEI.

It can therefore be discussed:
  • whether TEI should implement broad categories such as Legal Status and Functions, Occupations and Activities or retain a description on a more detailed level and add new elements which, in semantic terms, are co-hyponyms to these categories; for Legal Status these would imply e.g. <property> and <marriage> , with the option of registering the <date> and the <placeName> connected with these (note that marriage could also be interpreted as an ‘event’), for Functions, Occupations and Activities these new elements could be e.g. <functions> and <activities> .
  • whether the category characteristics should be transferred to TEI, although not as broadly defined as in the genealogy system. The most obvious solution would be to choose physical characteristics, but the scope of the element could be expanded a little further.
  • the three elements Environment, Other Context Data and Description Entry are unique to EAC. <environment> seems to be a useful element and might be adopted by TEI; it is less certain that TEI would want to adopt the two latter categories, however.
  • whether there are other elements of personal description, such as <religion> (found also in OASIS xCIL) which should be added.
  • whether the elements <firstLang> and <langKnown> need to be rethought, as the current system is not sufficient for the recording of bilingual or trilingual persons.
  • whether <education> could be divided into smaller entities, e.g. something called <educationInfo> which register the place(s) and dates of education, and a specification of level and type (as, for example, in a CV).


In ISAAR(CPF)2 there are two ways of defining relationships: with 5.2.7 Internal structures/Genealogy, a category restricted to descriptions of corporate bodies and families, and within the Relationships Area 5.3. with a specification of Name/identifier of related corporate bodies, persons or families 5.3.1, the Category of relationship 5.3.2., the Description of relationship 5.3.3., and the Dates of relationship 5.3.4.

The systems investigated which operate with relationships are TEI P5, EAC, NOMEN, GEDCOM XML, gdmxml, and — to some extent — xNL. In table 17 all these are treated, apart from gdmxml, which cannot be easily compared with the other systems and is therefore described separately. The table below is classified according to ISAAR(CPF)2's categories, as described above.

RELATIONSHIPS AREA <affiliation> <persGrp role="" sex="" age="" size=""> <eacrels> <head> <descnote> <eacrel reltype="superior|subordinate|earlier|later|parent|child|associative|identity" syskey=""> [EAC Relation contains the description of a relation with another corporate body, person or family. Superior, subordinate: any hierarchical relation; earlier, later: any temporal relations, such as predecessor, successor; parent, child: a biological or adoptive relation, associative: any other relationship, identity: for linking different eac instances describing the same entity (used esp. for linking to external systems or when it otherwise is not possible to remove the duplicate)] <AssocIndiv> <Link> <Affiliatio relationship="employer|institutio|organization|corporatio|associate|patron|teacher|student">
Name/identifier of the related corporate bodies, persons or families <corpname> , <persname> OR <famname> <NameDetails> <DependencyName PartyType="person|club|organisation|[etc.]" DependencyType="C/O|father of|[etc.]"> <personName> etc. </DependencyName> </personName> </nameDetails> <Association> <aNomen>
Category of relationship <particLinks relation type="" desc="" active="" passive="" mutual=""/> cf. RELATIONSHIPS AREA <Association> cf. RELATIONSHIPS AREA
Description of relationship CF. 5.3.2. <descnote> <Note> <Citation> </AssocIndiv>
Dates of the relationship <date> <aiInceptio> <aiCity> <aiRepublic> etc. <acConclusio> <acYear> <acMonth> <acDay> <acLocatio> <acRepublic>
In TEI P5 a person's relationship to other persons is described using <particLinks> , which ‘describes the relationships or social links existing between participants in a linguistic interaction’. A relationship is defined as ‘any kind of describable link between specified participants’, from a social to personal relationships, but also something less precise, as communities of knowledge or practice, defined by the researcher. Relationships can be classified as either a ‘personal group’ <personGrp> , which ‘describes a group of individuals treated as a single person for analytic purposes’, or within the personal description, with
<particLinks> <relation type="personal|social|other" name="parent|spouse|employer etc" active="" passive="" mutual="false|true"/> <!-- additional <relation> elements --> </partcLinks>
There is also the <affiliation> element, which is intended to contain ‘an informal description of a person's present or past affiliation with some organization, for example an employer or sponsor’.

In xNL, when two names are treated together they are linked in something called a <JointPersonName> . <DependencyName> , a sub element of <PersonName> , can be used in those cases when a dependency relationship is present. The type of relationship is identified by the attribute @PartyType, and the category of the relationship by the attribute @DependencyType.

In GEDCOM XML, lineage relations are dealt with in the Family Record, which will not be treated here. The identity of any other associated is created by the element <AssocIndiv> and a <Link> to the person's Individual Record. The way in which the associated individuals are connected is marked by <Association> , the association linked to the referencing individual. Description and dates can be added in <Note> .

In NOMEN, the name of the related and the category of the relation — personal as well as social — is expressed in the @relationship of <Affiliatio> .

gdmxml works with the broad category group. According to the documentation (Fugal 2002: gdmxml - an XML schema for the GENTECH Genealogical Data Model and fugl.xml), the elements of the group are only internally linked, and not as in GEDCOM XML, linked to independent biographies. The type of the group is determined by its @id and by the <name> . As in NOMEN the relation can be located, if needed, by the attribute @place-ref. The persons in the group are given some roles, by the @id, in <group-type-role> , and the individual persons are referred to with a <persona> -tag.

Points for discussion: As in gdmxml, relationships in TEI P5 are restricted to those inside a locally defined group, <particLinks> . An alternative would be a relation description consisting of open <relation> tags within a <relationDesc> wrapper element:
<relationDesc> <relation type="personal" desc="parent|spouse|[etc.]" active="" passive="" mutual="false|true"></relation> </relationDesc>

Appendix 1: Comparative schema

ISAAR section ISAAR name
5.1.1 type of entity <person xml:id="" sex="0|1|2|9" age="" role=""> <identity> ( <legalid> </legalid> ) <metsHdr> AND <mdWrap> <Nomen> <RecordNumber> Individual Record <IndividualRec Id=""> <ExternalID Type="RIN|RFN" Id=""> <xNL> <PersonName>
5.1.2 authorized form of name <name type="person" xml:lang=""> OR <persName xml:lang=""> <forename type=""> <nameLink> <surname type=""> <addName type=""> <roleName> <genName> <pershead authorized=""> <part type="surname|[etc.]"> <abbr> <expan abbr=""> metsHdr: <agent role="archivist|creator|custodian|disseminator|editor|ipowner|other" otherrole="" type="individual"> <name type=""> <note> mdWrap: <dc:creator> <name type="personal"> <namePart type="date|family|given|termsOfAddress"> OR <displayForm> <Authorized> <Family> </Family> <Given> </Given> <Title> </Title> <Additional> <Add1> </Add1> <Add2> </Add2> </Additional> <Source> <Work> <Titilus> </Titilus> <Subtitle> </Subtitle> </Work> </Source> </Authorized> <heml:PersonDefinitions> <Person xmlns="" uri=""> <NameSet> <Name xml:lang=""> <NameElement ordinal="1|2|3"> </Name> <Name xml:lang=""> <NameElement ordinal="1|2|3"> </Name> </NameSet> </Person> [more persons can be added] </heml:PersonDefinitions> <IndivName Type="alias|nickname|aka|married|maiden" method="" xml:lang=""> <NamePart Type="given name|prefix|suffix|surname prefix|surname|title" level="1|2|3|4"> <characteristics> <characteristic-part characteristic-part-type-ref=""> <name> </characteristic-part> <characteristic-part-type id=""> <name> </characteristic-part-type> </characteristics> <NameDetails CustomerType="Person"> <NameLine> OR <PersonName> <Title Type="Sex|Honorary|Profession"> <PrecedingTitle type=""> <FirstName Type="GivenName|OldName|Official|UnOfficial|Initial|[etc.]"> <MiddleName Type=""> <LastNamePrefix> <LastName NameType=""> <FormerName Type=""> <Alias> <GenerationIdentifier Type="Family Title"> <Suffix> <GeneralSuffix> <KnownAs> <FormerName Type="Full Name|[etc.]" NameDetailsKeyRef="" ValidFrom="" ValidTo=""> <OtherName Type="" NameType=""> </NameDetails> <FormattedName type="presentation|legal| sortOrder"> <GivenName> <PreferredGivenName> <MiddleName> <FamilyName primary=true|false|undefined prefix="de|von|da|[etc.]"> <Affix type="aristocraticTitle|formOfAddress|generation|qualification|academicGrade|aristocraticPrefix|familyNamePrefix|familyNameSuffix"> </PersonName> OR <initials> </initials>
5.1.3 Parallel forms of name <persgrp> Personal Name Heading Group (May contain: <descnote> , <descnotes> , <nameadds> , <pershead> , <sourceref> , <sourcerefs> ) <Variant number="one|two|three|four|five"> <vFamily> </vFamily> <vGiven> </vGiven> <vTitle> </vTitle> <vAdd1> </vAdd1> <vAdd2> </vAdd2> etc. </vAdditional> <vSource> <vWork> <vTitilus> </vTitilus> <vSubtitle> </vSubtitle> <vAdditional> </vWork> </vSource> </Variant> <IndNameVariation TranslationType="romanized|phonetic|[etc.]" Method="romanji|kana|[etc.]"> <NamePart Type="given name|prefix|suffix|surname prefix|surname|title" level="1|2|3|4"> </IndNameVariation> </IndivName>
5.1.4 Standardized forms of names according to other rules <name key="" type="person"> <reg> OR <choice> <sic> <name key="" type="person">
5.1.5 Other forms of name <DupIndiv> <Link> <Note>
[Role] <heml:RoleLabelSetDefinitions> <RoleLabelSet xmlns="" uri=""> <Label xml:lang=""> </Label> </RoleLabelSet> [more roleLabelSets can be added here] </heml:RoleLabelSetDefinitions> e.g. <EmployeeName> / <TaxFiler> <GivenName> <FamilyName> etc. </EmployeeName> / </TaxFiler> OR <Employee> <NewHireInformation/> <PersonName> <GivenName> etc. </PersonName> <OfficeLocation/> <WorkSchedule/> </Employee>
5.2.1 Dates of existence <birth date=""> <placeName> <district> <settlement> <distance> <offset> <region> <country> <bloc> <death date=""> <placeName> Etc. <existdesc> <existdate type="life|floruit|circa|before|after" calendar="gregorian|julian|[etc.]" era="ce|bce" scope="begin|end|active|begin-end" normal=""> <place> <place placetype="geog|juris" type="e.g. birthplace"> <name type="date"> <namePart type="date"> <Descriptio> <Inceptio> <Year> <Month> <Day> <Locatio> <Republic> <City> <Street> <StreetNumber> <PostalCode> <diSource> <diTitilus> </diTitilus> <diSubtitle> <Conclusio> <dcYear> <dcMonth> <dcDay> <dcLocatio> <dcRepublic> <dcCity> </dcLocatio> <dcSource> <dcTitilus> <dcSubtitle> Event? Event Record Cf. 5.2.2. Type="birth|death" VitalType="birth|death" Event? <BirthDate> OR <BirthDetails> <BirthDay> </BirthDay> <BirthMonth> </BirthMonth> <BirthYear> </BirthYear> </BirthDetails> <BirthPlace> OR <CountryOfBirth>
5.2.2 History <bioghist> <p> </p> <bioghist> OR <biohist> <chronlist> <chronitem> <date normal=""> </date> <event> </event> </chronitem> <chronitem> <date normal=""> </date> <event> <corpname> / <persname> / <title> etc. </event> </chronitem> <chronitem> <date normal=""> </date> <eventgrp> <event> </event> <event> </event> </eventgrp> </chronitem> </bioghist> EVENT REC OR D <Events xmlns=""> <Event uri=""> <EventLabelSet> <Label xml:lang=""> </Label> <Label xml:lang=""> </Label> <Label xml:lang=""> </Label> </EventLabelSet> <Chronology> <Year calendar="" era=""> Absolute date </Year> </Chronology> <Chronology> <Comment> Date Range </Comment> <DateRange> <StartingDate> <Date calemdar=""> </StartingDate> <EndingDate> <Date calendar="" era=""> </EndingDate> </DateRange> </Chronology> <LocationRef uriRef=""/> <Participants> <PersonWithRole> <PersonRef uriRef=""/> <RoleLabelSetRef uriRef=""/> </PersonWithRole> [more persons with roles can be added here] </Participants> [References]etc. </Event> <Classification xmlns=""> <KeywordClassificationSet> <KewordLabel> ( <KeywordClassificationSetRef uriRef=""/> ) </KeywordClassificationSet> </Classification> EventRecord <EventRec Id="" Type="adoptation|annulment|baptism|bar mitzva|[etc.]" VitalType="birth|death|marriage"> <Participant> <Link> <Role> <Living> Y|N <Age> <Religion> </Participant> <Date Calendar=" Gregorian|Julian|Hebrew|French|Roman|unknown" Time=""> ABT/CAL/EST/AFT/BEF/BET/FROM/TO DD MMM YYYY </Date> <Place> <PlacePart Type="Postal code|Town|County|State|Country" level="5|4|3|2|1"> <Note> </EventRec> EVENT <event id="" event-type-ref="" place-ref=""> <name> <date> </event> <event-type id="marriage|[etc.]"> <name> <event-type-role id="groom|bride|[etc.]"> <name> </event-type-role> <group id="" group-type-ref="" place-ref=""> <name> <date> <criteria> </group> <persona id=""> <name> <group-type id=""> <name> <group-type-role id=""> <name> member </name> </group-type-role> </group-type> [documentation/references] </event>
5.2.3 Places <residence> <placeName> Etc. </residence> <locations> ( <head> <list> <chronlist> <location> etc.) <location> <place placetype="geog|juris" type="e.g. birthplace"> </place> <address> <addressline> <addressline> <date calendar="" era="" scope="begin|end|active|begin-end"> <descnote> </location> OR <place type="e.g. birthplace"> </place> <affiliation> (contains the name of an organization, institution, etc. with which the entity recorded in <name> was associated at the time that the resource was created. It may also contain other elements that are part of the affiliation, such as email address, street address, job title, etc.) <heml:LocationDefinitions> <Location xmlns="" uri=""> <LocationLabelSet> <Label xml:lang=""> </Label> <Label xml:lang=""> </Label> </LocationLabelSet> <geo:Point> <geo:lat> </geo:lat> <geo:long> </geo:long> </geo:Point> [ Additional Location information follows ] </Location> </heml:LocationDefinitions> <PersInfo Type="residence"> <Information> <Date> <Place> <PlacePart Type="Postal code|Town|County|State|Country" level="5|4|3|2|1"> </PersInfo> <place id=""> <existence-date> <place-part place-part-type-ref="city|state|county|country"> <place-part-type id=""> <name> </place-part> </place>
5.2.4 Legal status <nationality> <legalstatus> <date> <descnote> <place> <PersInfo Type=" marriage|nationality|property|SSN"> <Information> <Date> <Place> <PlacePart Type="Postal code|Town|County|State|Country" level="5|4|3|2|1"> <Nationaliy> </Nationality> <MaritalStatus> Single, Married
5.2.5 Functions, occupations and activities <occupation> <funactdesc> <funact> <funactrel> <role> <roleTerm type="text|code|[etc.]"> e.g. creator <description ID="", type="personal" authority="" xlink="" xml:lang="" script="" transliteration=""> AND/ OR <description> <Regnum number="one|two|[etc.]"> <PersInfo Type="|education|military|occupation|religion|title"> <Information> <Date> <Place> <PlacePart Type="Postal code|Town|County|State|Country" level="5|4|3|2|1"> <activity id="" researcher-ref="" TypeCode="administrative-task|search"> <characteristic id="" place-ref="f"> <date> </date> <characteristic-part characteristic-part-type-ref="occupation"> <name> </characteristic-part> </characteristic> <characteristic-part-type id="occupation"> <name> Occupation </name> </characteristic-part-type> <Occupation> OR <OccupationDetails> <Occupation> <Department> <Employer> </OccupationDetails>
[Characteristics] Sex cf. 5.1.1. <character> <sex type="m|f|u"> </sex> <characteristics> <characteristic-part characteristic-part-type-ref=""> <name> </characteristic-part> <characteristic-part-type id=""> <name> </characteristic-part-type> </characteristics> <gender> </gender>
[Descriptive entry] <firstLang> <langKnown> <education> <descentry type=""> Description Entry <value> ( <date> <place> <descnote> <sourceref> ).
5.2.7 Internal structures/Genealogy ONLY FOR FAMILY RECORDS FAMILY REC OR D
5.2.8 General context <socecStatus> <env> environment <PersInfo Type="attribute|cast|children|education|marriage|military|nationality|occupation|property|religion|residence|SSN|title"> <Information> <Date> <Place> <PlacePart Type="Postal code|Town|County|State|Country" level="5|4|3|2|1"> <characteristic id=""> <characteristic-part characteristic-part-type-ref=""> <characteristic-part-type id="">
5.2.9 <ocd> other context description
[Relationship] <affiliation> <persGrp role="" sex="" age="" size=""> <eacrels> <head> <descnote> <eacrel reltype="superior|subordinate|earlier|later|parent|child|associative|identity" syskey=""> [EAC Relation contains the description of a relation with another corporate body, person or family. Superior, subordinate: any hierarchical relation; earlier, later: any temporal relations, such as predecessor, successor; parent, child: a biological or adoptive relation, associative: any other relationship, identity: for linking different eac instances describing the same entity (used esp. for linking to external systems or when it otherwise is not possible to remove the duplicate).] <Affiliatio relationship="employer|institutio|organization|corporatio|associate|patron|teacher|student"> <aNomen>
5.3.1 Name/identifier of the related corporate bodies, persons or families <corpname> , <persname> OR <famname> <AssocIndiv> <Link> Joint Person Name <NameDetails PartyType="Person"> <JointPersonName> <NameLine> </JointPersonName> </NameDetails> OR <NameDetails PartyType="Person"> <JointPersonName JointNameConnector="AND"> <PersonName> <Title> <FirstName> etc. </PersonName> <PersonName> etc. </PersonName> </JointPersonName> </NameDetails> Dependency Name <NameDetails PartyType="person"> <PersonName> etc. </personName> <DependencyName PartyType="person|club|organisation|[etc.]" DependencyType="C/O|father of|[etc.]"> <personName> etc. </personName> </nameDetails> xCIL: <Partner> </Partner> OR <PartnerDetails> <PartnerFirstName> <PartnerMiddleName> <PartnerLastName> <PartnerSex> <PartnerRelationship> </PartnerDetails> <Child Relationship="Daughter|Son|Step-son|Step-daughter|[etc.]"> </Child> OR <ChildInfo> <ChildDetails Relationship=""> <ChildFisrtName> <ChildLastName> </ChildDetails> </ChildInfo>
5.3.2 Category of relationship <particLinks relation type="" desc="" active="" passive="" mutual=""/> Cf. 5.3 <Association> [The way in which associated individuals are connected, such as ‘brother in law’, ‘long time friend’, ‘godfather’ and so on. The association is in terms of the association of the linked individual to the referencing individual. For example in a godfather/godson association, if the reference is in the child's record, the association is ‘godfather’.]
5.3.3 Description of relationship <descnote> <Note> <Citation> </AssocIndiv>
5.3.4 Dates of the relationship <date> , <dateRange> ? <date> <aiInceptio> <aiCity> <aiRepublic> etc. <acConclusio> <acYear> <acMonth> <acDay> <acLocatio> <acRepublic> etc.

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