TEI Stand-Off Markup WG 2002-11-15 Conference Call Notes
Initials Used for People
- SB Syd Bauman
- LB Lou Burnard
- JC Jean Carletta
- CC Chris Catton
- HC Hamish Cunningham
- DD David G. Durand
- JH Jessica Hekman
- NI Nancy M. Ide
- AI Amy Isard
- CL Christophe Laprun
- LR Lloyd Rutledge
- FV Fabio Vitali
Commenced ~15:10 UTC with SB, DD, JH; CC joined later.
Mutliple XPointers on a single refering attribute are allowed, separated by blanks (is why blank must be percent-escaped in an XPointer).
If using an XPointer instead of IDREF you have to use "#" before the 'idref', i.e. "FR" becomes "#FR".
There could easily be tools to do link-checking; would have configuration files to deal with extensions.
Advantages of using XPointers include reduced complexity (no need to explain ID/IDREF, it just works the way HTML does); no indirection for out-of-current-file; simpler ranges; does not have baggage of needing to process entire file in order to use it.
Of course, we'd want people to use URNs, not URLs.
CC & DD seem to agree that RDF may well be way to go when they get the XML syntax stuff sorted out.
Questionss for council include schema. Answers include cross-reference. [?JH...?].
Appendix A:
Wrapped up at ~15:39 UTC.
Many members of this group will be face-to-face in France next week.
Next call would coincide with the American day-after-Thanksgiving ‘holiday’. We will discuss on list whether or not to have call then, and if not whether to have it a week early or a week late.