TEI Stand-Off Markup WG 2003-01-31 Conference Call Notes
Initials Used for People
- SB Syd Bauman
- LB Lou Burnard
- JC Jean Carletta
- CC Chris Catton
- HC Hamish Cunningham
- DD David G. Durand
- JH Jessica Hekman
- NI Nancy M. Ide
- AI Amy Isard
- CL Christophe Laprun
- LR Lloyd Rutledge
- FV Fabio Vitali
Commenced ~15:05 UTC with SB, JH, DD, CC.
Discussion of canonical references. JH has posted a draft of SO W 08, the suggested revision.
Action 1:
Re-read 5.3.5,,
and 32, then
read JH's draft of SOW08
(posted with subject "Canonical references using XPointer"
2003-01-24 11:59-05) and follow-up follow-up
(posted with "Re:" same subject 01-24 14:13-05).
Next call we'll vote on JH's suggested revisions.
DD has not discussed TEI extended v. XPointer issue yet (i.e., TEI SO W 01), waiting for explicit language from FV on that. In name of progress over completeness, will complete with some blanks and turn over soon [DD -- date?].
Thus we'll have CC's, DD's, and JH's up on web shortly.
DD encourages us to read XInclude spec.
Appendix A:
Wrapped up at ~15:36 UTC. Next call Fri 02-14 15:00Z.
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