TEI Stand-Off Markup WG 2003-03-07 Conference Call Notes
Initials Used for People
- SB Syd Bauman
- LB Lou Burnard
- JC Jean Carletta
- CC Chris Catton
- HC Hamish Cunningham
- DD David G. Durand
- JH Jessica Hekman
- NI Nancy M. Ide
- AI Amy Isard
- CL Christophe Laprun
- LR Lloyd Rutledge
- FV Fabio Vitali
Commenced ~14:06 UTC with SB, DD, NI, CC, JC, JH; FV @ 14:10.
TEI SO W 01, Differences Between XPointer and the TEI Extended Pointer Mechanism
Not discussed.
TEI SO W 02, ‘executive summary’
Draft complete; DD would like to post as soon as typos fixed.
DD believes ID/IDREF pretty uncontroversial. Concerned about controversy in SOM section, where he says ‘XInclude’, as FV had some custom tags for same purpose that he claims are better. However, FV does not see objections to XInclude as he prefers a standard that's nearly perfect to a home-grown solution that is perfect. JH & SB would like to know what the differences (i.e., shortcomings of XInclude) are.
TEI SO W 03, re-work of SA
DD will not be done by next week, but will post something [?...?] (SB had suggested we plan to discuss this paper 03-28, but no resolution on this detail).
TEI SO W 04, Notes on Media formats and XPointer
CC reports some intellectual progress, but nothing written. [?...?]
TEI SO W 05, Corpus Applications
JC asks what will be wanted on linguistic stuff; DD answers both examples and suggested ways to apply general tools to specific problems.
TEI SO W 06, Stand-off Markup
FV's draft (plain un-marked-up text with several examples) was posted to list 2003-01-15.
TEI SO W 07, on graphs
CC posted it 2003-01-16
TEI SO W 08, Updates to the Handling of Canonical References
We will discuss next week.
TEI SO W 09, example software
Not discussed. However, FV reports that he now has 2 undergraduate students working on implementations.
#1 working on [?...?].
#2 working on parser and converter of TEI to XPointers as a Java class.
Appendix A:
Wrapped up at ~14:38 UTC. Next call Fri 14 Mar, same time.